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How do you get past the wall in chocobo tales

How do you get past the wall in chocobo tales
er. i dont know the answer to that question. i am wondering the same thing. but here's my advice: eat an apple. when your on that big circle thingy in the middle of town, go will see a set of stairs. go down them. you will come to a beach. then go down a hair more. you will see an apple. walk up to it and press a or tap on it with your stylus. it will say "snack on this shiny apple?" select yes. after your done eating, it will say "you have a flash of insight! partake in a few pop up duels." i dont know what to do next, because THE STUPID APPLE WON'T TELL ME WHERE OR WHO!!!!!!!!!! ahem. sorry. your on your own for the rest. ahem.