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What items change a wajas breed I know theres one for each breed

What items change a wajas breed I know theres one for each breed
Ominous Skull for Bane
Lollipop for Normal
Rock Waja for African
Frog for Water
Plastic Waja for Plushie
Joker Card for Imp
Hairball for Spitz
Shrinking Powder for Corsie
Bottled Air for Tempest
Burnt Paper for Fire
Celestial Star for Divine
Marble Horse Mold for Earth
Miniature Pyramid for Egyptian
Scaled Feather for Aerial

As you can see there are a lot of these. It is extremely hard to find these items, and if you do find them, they won't be cheap. The easiest to find would be the plastic waja, hairball, frog and rock waja. Even these aren't cheap. The cheapest I've ever found one of these is maybe 20 CWP. Save up!
You may find me on wajas with the user name IrishWolf.