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How do you beat clockwork repairs iin cp

How do you beat clockwork repairs iin cp
WELL I HAVNT DONE IT IN A WHILE BUT TO GET THE GEAR YOU MUST Go T O THE PIZZA PAR LOUR and near the piano There is a sheet pick it up and take it to your inventory then go to the beach pick up the bucket and put it in your inventory go to the forts and get the bucket and click then it will fill up with snow put it then into your inventory then go to the place where they do the plays get inside and click the piano and put the sheet on it you got from the pizza parlor play each note on the sheet on to the piano then the yellow puflfe will come out then go to town and get the sheet from that guy and go to the yellow puffle put the bucket of snow next to it and put the sheet next to it and it will make a gear then put it in your inventory and go to the HQ and put in that machine and press the snow button