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What is Icecrown in World of Warcraft

What is Icecrown in World of Warcraft
Icecrown is the Northern-most part of the continent of Northrend, named after being a "crown of ice on the world". It is the home base of the Scourge, currently under invasion of the combined forces of Horde, Alliance, Argent Crusade and Ebon Blade.

Until the invasion, Icecrown Glacier was sealed off by a large gate, Angrathar the Wrath Gate, but airships have made access to the glacier possible, as well as scaling the mountains from the Frost Peaks.

The most notable features of Icecrown are the Argent Tournament Grounds in the North-east, and Icecrown Citadel in the South-west. Icecrown Citadel is the heavily fortified stronghold of Arthas, the Lich King. It is guarded by his most powerful minions, and filled to the brim with the dead and reanimated corpses of his enemies.

At the heart of the Icecrown Citadel is the Frozen Throne, the giant spike of ice hurled to this world containing the spirit of Ner'zhul the Shaman before he merged with Arthas Menethil.