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How do you fight the tyrant on the heliport in Resident Evil directors cut

How do you fight the tyrant on the heliport in Resident Evil directors cut
Well, here's my suggestion on what I've done to defeat the Tyrant. First of all, you definitely need the Magnum. The Magnum will work wonders. Second, when it's time to actually get ready to verse Tyrant the second time, you need to set the Flare off first. Then, Tyrant shows up and you will have to defeat him. If you don't feel like shooting the Tyrant with your Magnum bullets, then just run around and wait until about the 1 minute 30 second mark and Brad will throw you the Rocket Launcher in order to finish the Tyrant off. Believe me when I say that you shouldn't do this unless you seriously have to. Another way to fight the Tyrant is to get the good ending with whichever character you picked. For Jill, you need to make sure that you wait for Barry to come back after you defeat the snake. After that, when you arrive in the underground area, you will find Barry again. Have him follow you but don't let him lead the way. For Chris, it's a bit trickier. In order to get the good ending with Chris, you must meet Rebecca in the Armor key door where Richard is. Make sure that you get the serum for Richard even though it is quite pointless. Also make sure that you allow Rebecca to come with you. Later on in the game after you get the Helmet Key, you may hear Rebecca scream in the first Helmet Key door that you find in the mansion. If she does, immediately go save her. She will be located in the door right next to the first door that you enter in the long corridor. When your at the guardhouse, make sure that you open the pad-numbered door for Rebecca. Have her save you from Plant 42 and continue to allow Rebecca to come with you.