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Is something wrong with your mind if you start to find video games and computer games boring

Is something wrong with your mind if you start to find video games and computer games boring
No. Sounds to me like you are growing up and ready to really learn some things that will help you in life. Forget the games and get on with life.

Nothing is wrong with your mind if you find computer games are beginning to bore you, unless other factors are involved which worry you.

It's perfectly normal to enjoy an activity and then simply grow out of it. This could happen because you've found something else that interests you more, or because you are ready to find something else.

It's a sign of good, healthy development - in any age group - to move on from an interest when it no longer has its former attraction for you, in the same way you might enjoy football or certain types of music, and then move on to something else.

You may encounter a slight problem with friends who shared the same interest, but you simply need to explain you have something else you prefer to do. They should understand, provided you make it clear that you're not criticising their interests, that it's just you that's changed.