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Where do you find your mate on WolfQuest

Where do you find your mate on WolfQuest
To find a mate in WolfQuest, you start a new game in Amethyst Mountain. Go to the map by pressing "M", and the three pink circles on the map are wolf territories.-go to each one. You will need to encounter at least 1 wolf in each territory-driving it away or killing it-even if it is the gender of your mate, and even though you want a mate the opposite sex of yourself. You cannot have a mate with Druld or any other kind of wolf that you see except Dispersal. Make sure you have full health and a carcass nearby before you encounter a wolf, for they can drain a lot of your health. After you have killed or driven away one wolf in each territory, go back to the Amethyst Mountain territory and search for a Dispersal male/female, depending on your gender. The tutorials should explain how to find a wolf in each territory. When you have a dispersal encounter-say something kind like "Hello" or "I like you" or something like that-NEVER try to be boss, or the wolf will reject you as a mate. You will not need full health when having a dispersal encounter with your opposite sex. When you encounter a dispersal, keep saying kind things until the bar at the left hand side of the screen makes it to five hearts, and then you can name your mate. Note: After you get a mate, I recommend you DO NOT fight with another wolf, for it can drain your mate's health as well as your own, and if the wolf kills you, you may have to restart. If you accidentally encounter another wolf, click on the button "I've got to go!" and you will leave the wolf without getting injured. Be sure to save your game extremely often throughout playing.

Previous Answer:The last place you visit will be where you find your first mate. It may not work as easy for everyone, but it was easy for me.