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How do you create a clan in Star Wars Battlefront 2PC

How do you create a clan in Star Wars Battlefront 2PC
May I suggest hosting your clan at DJO ( It will get you started on everything you'll need to create a clan. We have over 25 separate clans that run in the Dark Jedi Organization. DJO was founded on September 30, 1997 and has been running ever since.

The Dark Jedi Organization (DJO) is an international gaming community comprised of individual clubs hosted under our domain. However, we are more than simply a club hosting service. Our members are held to a high standard and our clubs have grown to be some of the largest and most respected organizations in online gaming. In addition to being a home for gamers of every play style, our staff provides premier services to our members.
We are currently seeking Clans and members to join a team with DJO or for you to host your clan under the DJO name. Here is just a few of items provided for each clan:

  • A Clan subdomain name: ie:

  • Your very own website!

  • Rank system: that will show each members rank and rank image.

  • Awarding system: As an Officer of your club you will be able to award your members with specialized awards and ribbons.

  • Structure: See what members you have as well as create platoons, and regiments.

  • Bio System: Each member of your clan will have their very own bio page, that will show contact information, awards, ranks, and what clubs they are in. As an added perk as a member you even get a private file storage area.

  • Private Email System

  • Private Forums just for your clan

If you want to join an already established BFII clan I would suggest IGF (Imperial Ground Forces.) IGF is a 150+ member Star Wars Battlefront II and Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy clan. You can find out more about joining here:

If you have any questions, please let me know!

DJO Recruiter
Email: [email protected]
Xfire: allee1