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Is there minesweeper for Macs

Is there minesweeper for Macs
Seagoing Minesweeper for Mac on the Mac App Store

- Predefined difficulty levels (beginner, intermediate, expert, custom).
- Custom game with any density and field size (limited by your screen only).
- Resize window to change field size of the custom game.
- Inspector panel with live game statistics (3BV, IOE, RQP, IOS, mines per cell ratio, click counters).
- Save/load game with statistics and recorded gameplay as well in extremely small-sized file.
- Autosave
- Timer to thousands of a second.
- All clicking techniques available including chording and double-clicking.
- First click has no mine.
- Control+left click to simulate right click.
- Command-R shortcut to restart game or right-click at the end of the game.
- Mark suspected mines.
- Best games are recorded in a high score table.
- Playback any game: play/pause/stop/navigate.
- Double-click on a record in the high score table to view and playback game.
- Create your own themes (grid cell images; window background as color, image, quartz composition; text) or use preset ones.
- Animation effects.
- Sound effects.
- Export game to movie.