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How do you get a SOS toon on toontown

How do you get a SOS toon on toontown
You need to defeat the Sellbot HQ Boss, the VP. Then you will get a SOS toon and laff points occasionally and a bigger level cog suite. You can also get SOS cards by defeting the FieldHouse's. You will find a FieldHouse on the streets just like a ragular cog building, but there are only 2 floors. The first floor is throwing water balloons at the 4 big cogs and finding the doors to the 2nd floor. The 2nd floor is the boss wich is fighing a few cogs like a ragular cog battle cosisting of cogs level 8 and higher.

hint: for the first floor: tuching the ragular cogs takes 8 laff touching the big cogs takes 18 laff. Be Carful! and good luck!