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What is the answer for first problem in SSS license in Megaman Battle Network 2

What is the answer for first problem in SSS license in Megaman Battle Network 2
Hmmm I know what you mean. Its really not an answer, they are many. For first problem the green program tells you the first clue, the answer for that clue is go to Marine Harbor, in the coffe shop, where you arrive. Finally you will find the girl waiter, behind her there is a post, the second clue. The second clue´s answer is in Okuden Valley. Go to the ``dam´´ and proced to the guy that cares the bombs of Dave before. Then go all the way to the trees not the ``dam´´ and you will find a guy of the center. He will tell you the third clue, that the answer is in the plane, not netopia. Once you there go where you helped the captains, the cabin. To your right if you are Lan, there is a kinda weird pink wave. Go to there, press A, and the fourth clue will appear. The answer is in Netopia. Go to there and go where you had to fight Knightman, I mean in the deepest part of the Net Castle. You will find a girl of Netopia, wearing the cloth of the airport crew. Unfortuntely I couldn´t find the answer, too difficult. If anyone knows, please improve this answer. You will help the guy who post this question and me.