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What are some Fantagecom Cheats

What are some Fantagecom Cheats
1. Go to Top models
2. Click the sign
3. Once you are close to going in, click your house
4. You are in!

1. Go to Star Cafe
2. Click the bottom of the World Map
3. Click the top of the girl with the coffee
4. You are at the top!

1. Go to Creature Arena
2. Press "Tab" 10 times
3. Go to Top Models
4. Click the guy you click to start a Fashion Show
5. Press Tab 2 times
6. Go downtown
7. Press Enter
8. Click the top of the archway to Uptown
9. Press Tab
10. You are on top!

1. Load someone's house
2. Click the top of the play screen
3. Wait until it stops loading
4. You are on the wall!