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How do you create my game

How do you create my game
There are many ways to create a video game but the simpliest one is probably to create a game on the Game Cloud:

Video game development is hard, so even you want to program one day, start with this simple tool. It's a browser-based game engine. You type a name for your game and click on "Create a game". The game is a 2D platformer. Under the game on the page, there is a game editor with a grey grid. It represents the world of the game. There are items you can add on the map (blocks of bricks, bombs, parchments and keys). Select the item and click on the map to add it on the world.
- A parchment indicates where you start.
- A block of brick prevents you from going further. You can build walls, platforms and grounds with it.
- A bomb kills you. You must avoid them.
- A key is the item you must find to finish the game. It is the target of the player. You can draw several keys on the game.

The player is a penguin that can move to the right and the left, fall and jump up to 5 blocks. So if you create a wall with 5 blocks of bricks, you can pass over it. If it is higher, the penguin can't go on the other side.

There are several pages to explain how to use the site:

And you can ask your questions here: