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How do you beat the first quest on wolf quest

How do you beat the first quest on wolf quest
The first quest is made up of two main steps: Conquer the territories, Find your mate

Step 1. Defeat each of the wolves in the other territories.

a) Open your map. Do you see three pink circles?

b) Go to each pink circle and a message will pop up saying: You have entered another wolf's territory...Even though you are looking for a mate of the opposite sex, you must interact with at least one stranger in each territory first.

c) Press V to go into scent mode. You will see many trails of colored dots...representing different scent trails. Follow the yellow trail until you find the other wolf.

d) Run into them to interact. Remember: You want to be boss of each territory... choose your actions carefully.

e) Repeat steps a-e until you have done all the circles.

Step 2. Find a mate

a) Once you've completed step 1, a message will pop up saying: You haven't found a mate yet, but there are a lot of wolves out there still. Keep looking! Your ideal mate would be: About two years old, A dispersal wolf (like yourself, who has left its natal pack to find a mate), a good temperament--- not too aggressive!

b) Go back to each of the pink circles and look for a dispersal wolf of the opposite sex. (Repeat step c under step 1). If the wolf is not a dispersal, or is of the opposite sex, do not approach it!

c) Now, interact!
Choose these actions in this order:
Hello there
Lets play
Lets play...

Keep doing that, and when he/she has THREE hearts, immediately say, "Lets make a pack!" or else his/her hearts will decrease by one. If that happens, say "Lets play!" or "Lets hang out!" again, and that will add another heart. He'll/she'll say, "Lets make a pack!" also. When he/she gets to five or six hearts, He/she becomes your mate!
**Note: DO NOT forget to save afterwards!!!**

Congrats! You've completed the first quest!