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Can you tell me animal crossing lets go to the city hair combinations

Can you tell me animal crossing lets go to the city hair combinations
The colours are ;
Mysterious -- Dark Brown
Fresh -- Blue
Attractive -- Green
Radiant -- White
Fiery -- Orange
Safe -- Light Brown
Lighthearted -- Blonde
Flirty -- Pink
I only know the boys combinations, I'm not that good at describing them, and the brackets'll tell you what I think of those style. You don't have to agree XD;
Cute -- Totally -- No way -- A flat-ish kind of do with a spiky down fringe. (X)
Cute -- totally -- I could care less -- a weird flat, square fringed do. (X)
Cute -- Not at all -- you bet -- Flat, with side bangs. (Cool)
Cute -- not at all -- not so much -- flicky stuff at the side (ok)
Grown-up -- big bro -- give -- spickey on top and back (ok)
Grownup --big bro -- receive -- skin head (X)
Grownup --business -- risk it- a flicked up fringe (okish)
Grownup --business -- run away -- spikey at back (ok)
Crazy -- not at all -- totally -- spikey (cool)
Crazy --not at all -- no, just comes -- flat and side brushed (X)
Crazy --sure -- rock star -- pointed (ok)
Crazy --sure -- movie star -- parted in middle (X)

Yeah you should probably try them out yourself to get a clearer image of what they look like...
Hope I helped a little though.