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How do you mix the formula in china in Carmen sandiego game

How do you mix the formula in china in Carmen sandiego game
Click on the picture of Warwick Castle at the inn in Great Britain. The Chief will call and tell you to contact an ACME agent in Florence. Go to Italy, enter one of the shops, and click on the woman inside. She'll then contact another agent in China. Go to China and there'll be a piece of paper in the room with the formula-mixing device. Click on the paper and it'll tell you to look in the vase with a phoenix on it. Click on the vase with a bird design in the same room and Carmen will appear. She'll get away, but leave behind a scroll. Click on the formula-mixing device and follow the instructions on the scroll. The riddle is fairly easy, but the answer is: use four of the dragon, two of the snake, six of the rabbit.