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Where are the locations of Knucklerot and Luzran in World of Warcraft

Where are the locations of Knucklerot and Luzran in World of Warcraft is an excellent resource for finding locations of mobs for quests. Also is an addon site that has QuestHelper and Carbonite and other quest associated addons that are perfectly legal to use in WoW.

Luzran travels up an down the Scar. He follows a path from the Bleeding Ziggurat, down to the Scar then follows the scar to the South to the gates of Deatholme and the reverses course.

Knucklerot follows a track from Goldenmist village to the South East, swings around Sanctium of the Moon then proceeds west toward toward windrinner Village, then picks up the road out of Windrunnerand follows it up to Howling Ziggurat then he reverses course and folows his previous path back to Goldenmist Village.