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Where can you get loads of cash on elder scrolls of oblivion 4

Where can you get loads of cash on elder scrolls of oblivion 4
First, Join the Thieves Guild,
Second, Go to Skingrad,
Third, Find a man named Glarther,
Fourth, Do the quest he asks you to do,
Fifth, tell him that all the people he asks are spying on him,
Sixth, tell the guard that asks you, his true thoughts,
Seventh, refuse to give those people, ummm..... a shorter life,
Eighth, show the note he gives you to the guards,
Ninth, Watch the guards kill him,
Tenth, take his keys and his gold from his body,
Eleventh, Ransack his house,
Twelth, sell his stuff to the fence in the thieves guild,
Thirteenth, enjoy his wealth.

Directions on joining the thieves guild, steal something, then be thrown in jail, do this multiple times, until finally someone from the guild contacts you in prison, she will give you the directions.