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Will mephiles ever appear in a show like sonic x because sonic x ended in 2006 if there is the final episode of sonic x that was made in 2006 will mephiles be in it since sonic 2006 was made

Will mephiles ever appear in a show like sonic x because sonic x ended in 2006 if there is the final episode of sonic x that was made in 2006 will mephiles be in it since sonic 2006 was made
No, I've seen every episode and none of them show the story line of Sonic the Hedgehog 06
A few reasons why:
1. In Sonic 06, it mainly just showed Sonic characters that will stick to the story, not Sonic X only.
2. Mephiles was defeated after the ending of Sonic 06
3. The last episode (I think) was mainly about Cosmo leaving.
If you were hoping he would, I am sorry; but he won't...

Anyway, didn't Mephiles get sort of destroyed?