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What video games are specifically designed for gay people

What video games are specifically designed for gay people
Sexuality only defines whether or not someone has a sexual interest in people of the opposite gender, same gender, or both genders. It has nothing to do with interest in video games.

If you are interested in video games that feature gay characters, there are a great number of them:

Soul Calibur - Voldo (bisexual)
'''King of Fighters - '''Benimaru Nikaido
Guilty Gear - Bridget
Streets of Rage - Ash
The Sims - any character
Fear Effect - Hana & Rain
Chrono Trigger - Flea/Mayonnaise
D&D Temple of Element Evil - Player's character & Bertram
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1 & 2 - Willow
Enchanted Arms - Makota
The "Cho Aniki" series
Bully - player character
Fable 2 - player character
Mass Effect - lesbian encounter (only if player creates a female player character)

While this may seem like a long list, it is very short when you compare it to any other art medium like film, literature, sculpture, or painting. Plus, for nearly all of these examples, homosexuality is not treated seriously and is always a minor theme. There are no games that deal with homosexuality as a major premise.
