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How do you get acheivments on arcanists funorb

How do you get acheivments on arcanists funorb
Arcantists is 1 of my favorite games. I will name how to get the acheivments-win 1 rated game, win 5 rated games, win 20 rated games, get a rating of 2000 by winning 50 or more rated games, get a rating of 5000 by winning 50 or more rated games, win a rated game with a full book of fire, frost, storm, stone, overlight, underdark, nature, and seas. More acheivments are win a rated game with at least 10 minions in your spellbook, deal 250 damage in 1 attack in a rated game, win 2 rated games in a row in 1 session ( don't go to main menu), win 5 games in a row in 1 session, win a team rated game with no one on your team dead, win a 4-6 person rated game. The rest of the acheivments you must find on your own.

nice answer he is right but I'm pretty sure that acievements is members only on arcanists but who am i to say I've only been playing for 10 days
yep you need to be a member sadly for all of them but to become member is cheap so i would become one if i were you