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How do you get good weapons in World of Warcraft

How do you get good weapons in World of Warcraft
If you're not using a staff or wand, you can get a blacksmith to make you decent weapons (or become a blacksmith yourself). Blacksmiths also sell weapons on the auction house; so do people who pick up excellent weapons they don't need themselves, and want to make money by selling them.

Whilst levelling, quests can give you tolerable weapons as a reward. At the higher levels, dungeons and raids can get you good weapons. You can also get heirloom weapons from the Wintergrasp quartermaster which are bind to account, i.e. you can buy a very good weapon using Wintergrasp honour points or shards that will be useful to your lower level characters. Heirloom weapons are only decent for lower levels however.

I sometimes check out the auction house to see whether someone's found an excellent weapon in a dungeon/raid/wherever and put it up for auction. However, they tend to be ridiculously expensive, so I'll normally wait for one to drop in a dungeon. (Since wands and staves aren't common drops, you'll have a long wait in this case.)

Of course, you could always just pull one out of your guild bank and be shunned by your peers. If you like that kind of thing.