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How do you get a dragon in dragonfable

How do you get a dragon in dragonfable
Ok, first talk to twilly and go to the dragon egg saga where you have to do quests. Go to Robina the hood in Surewood forest (keep going right in falconreach until you see 2 signs saying Falconreach bay and surewood forest) Ummmm...... Falconreach bay is just a minigame place but you have to buy the angler armor for 1000 gold. Anyway so ya got to robina now see the little cut scene of the sneevil with the dragon box gets caught in a trap. Now you have to do the 2 quests for robina (actually its three quests but the 3rd quest has nothing to do with the dragon egg) Ok so do the three quests and beat them. (in the 2nd quest there's a secret healing area in a sparkling bush and I suggest you get Tomix(in ravenloss) and artix (in doomwood) so you can beat the quests easily (especially with artix's holy takes up 10 mana) then, after you beat the 2 quests, click on the black dragon box button then click yay!!! But then Drakath shows up with an alien dude and ya gotta battle him. (rip off ya already beat him) then there's another cut scene and you all find out that the box is empty (by the way, robina says to HELP her with her quests and your DOING THEM FOR HER!!!!) so you did all her quests for nothing (rip off!!!) now you have to exit surewood and go to the sign that says: that a' way. talk to valencia and do 2 quests. (if you have artix, holy won't really help in the first dragon egg quest) then you have to go to a maze to get to the vultragon who stole your egg. then, after you beat the vultragon, valencia tells you to talk to twilly. twilly says to go north to the paladins castle and go through the portal. then click on warlics place. talk to warlic and click on dragon egg quests. do all of them. oh, there's a healing area next to warlic so you can heal any time. then you have to beat the doom kitten. then click the egg. talk to twilly again and customize your egg. sorry, you can only customize it ONCE. then watch the cut scene on the egg hatching. now you have a dragon!!! talk to lady celestia in sunbreeze grove to grow, feed, customize, train, and elementize. (most of these things costs a dron amulet) that's how you get a dragon!!!!!!! I have an account too!!!! I'm a mage lvl 8, my dragon is green and It's the element of darkness.

You suck, I'm level 31 and have a DA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!