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How do you get a glich

How do you get a glich
Well acorrding to some things I've read one real glich and one fake. The fake glich is one that was said to be Aproved by the European Pokemon somthin. Itwas said that you go to the Pokemon Leage, talk to someone, then you FLY to Lavenderige Town and you talk to Mr. Fuji and he's supposed to give you the Mystic Ticket. It may not be fake because I have only tested Pokemon Fire Red. The "real one" is said to have Mew appere in Misty's Gym. I have not yet had this happen in Pokemon Fire Red so it might not be true. There is one other possible glich for the risk takers [Which I am not]. This last one sounds kind of crazy, but release every Pokemon you have EXEPT YOUR STARTER! Next, you trade your starter for a Magicarp. Then, talk to Profeser Oak and he's suppost to give you EVERY SINGLE POKEMON [That incudes Mew, Ho-oh, Lugia and Celibi] EXEPT MAGICARP!!!!!!!!! Please keep me updated on the last glich I told you about [I only ask you to tell me if it works or not for the last two I mentioned]. My page is Yo123456789730.