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What is the best strategy to avoid addiction to M.M.O.R.P.G games

What is the best strategy to avoid addiction to M.M.O.R.P.G games
You have to be self-aware of what the developers are doing that make the game addicting in the first place. A common strategy to keep players hooked is somewhat based on a stick-and-carrot philosophy, where the player has to do various tasks in order to receive rewards, usually in the form of exp, gold, or gear. Then, they do this over and over again until they have good enough gear and skills to do other quests. The carrot comes when the player reaches the level cap. Or, that is what one would think. In games like WOW, there is a never-ending stream of new gear to get, and quests to do, so you can never win. If you can see through these tricks, then it becomes much easier to avoid addiction.