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What is a good theme song for your character

What is a good theme song for your character
This isn't an answer, just some information on the character and my question. I am wanting to find a theme song for my character. The song has to have lyrics, and not be a slow and boring song. Also, it must match my character's history. His history is below.

He was born in Duskhaven to middle class parents. A year after he was born, his sister was born. After coming of age he attended school, but was picked on by other kids and so he became a loner. He did well in school and also excelled in tailoring.

When he became a teenager, he started to practice Holy magic in the hopes of becoming a priest. He also practiced Tailoring and became a master at it. When he turned 18, he finally opened a shop in the Market District of Gilneas City.

4 years after he opened the shop, the attack started. He was turned into a Worgen during the attack. Afterwards, he moved to Goldshire where he reopened business. Eventually he had a house built. When his house was finished he was called upon by a friend to assist him in a cave.

Draven went, but found a necromancer there. There was a green mist behind them all that attracted Draven, so he went to it. When he got there, he was put into a dream where he was killed. After choosing to remain the darkness. He had already given up priestry before this, so that wasn't a problem. Although, a Death REvanent was put him him and he was forced to be evil. He followed his friend with a ship that turned out to belong to necromancers of a different group. He then joined them.

Although he is evil, he was having troubles. Draven has the kindest heart out there, yet his life was forced to take a turn for the worst because of one mistake. He started hating himself, and others. Eventually he betrayed his teacher and joined a rival group.

After years of training in that group, he hadn't progressed far. His mistress gave him the chance to become a death knight, and he took it. Now he works as her death knight apprentice.

He went from being a Worgen Tailor, to a Priest, back to a tailor, to a necromancer and then to a death knight. So his life has been pretty screwed up.

(( I hope this helps you all in choosing the right theme song. As I said, the song has to have words in it. I don't want a slow song either. I have been thinking for a while and have nothing so I have decided to ask everyone. ))