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What is the longest running video game series

What is the longest running video game series
Mario, it started with the first Nintendo then is now on the wii and the ds and has never been sold to another company.

Definatly not Mario. The first mario game came out in 1985 wich means that the mario series has been around for 27 years now. Mario first appeared in the first Donkey Kong video game (1981) where he was called Jumpman. That means that Donkey Kong have been around for 31 years which is 4 more years than Mario has been around. But, the first Pac-Man video game came out 1980 which means that it has been around for 32 years which is 1 year more than Donkey Kong. So my guess would be that Pac-Man is the longest running video game series, although I'm not completely sure.