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Are there any GAMES that you can chat

Are there any GAMES that you can chat

Name: Club Penguin

Age: 7 and up
Recommended for: 8, 9, 10 & 11's. Usually for people that like to play "pertend", or house. Now a days, CP is more about if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, or what clothes you wear, or the size of your igloo.
Comments: Club Penguin is getting more and more for older kids. Missions are becoming too complicated for little ones, the people are acting more mature, and its waaaayyy better to be a member.
KEY THINGS to be a prep on CP:

Guys: Blonde or Brown spikey hair, hoodies, football (quarterback captain)
and "Talking Like This"

Girls: Blonde side ponytail. Blue cheer outfit, pompoms, white outlined sunglasses, pearl neclace, pink or blue boa. "Talks Like This" (capital in front of every word)

Baby girl: Crown, or bumble bee ears. Any cute outfits, boa, pink shirts, bunny & ballet slippers, anything that looks... well adorable. (: OH ANDD... you must have the cutest voice. For instance, Instead of yeah or yes, its wes. Or otay, meaning okay. Also, you must charm the Mu Mu's! (Moms) These are some AMAZING phrases to reel those girls in, [=

* Giggles And Laughs Like There Is No Tomorrow!
* Big ______ Eyes Light Up Pink Gummy Smile!!
* Chubby Hands And Fingers Add Cuteness To Little Ball Of Fun!
* Looks Up To Mu Mu Like A Fishy Relies On Water
* Gobbles Up Food Like A Vacuum Cleaning Up Dora Snacks
* Pefect Jungle Of Blonde Curls Bounce Along To Steps

AHA, cuteeee RiiGHT? <3mhm.

Baby boy: that's just messed up.

Name: MapleStory.

Age: 13+ or 11+

Recommended For: 11yr olds mainly ;)

No Comment.~

Weell, no bad things come from this(: TONS OF FUN!


KAY WELL. i hope this heelpppsss! <3 i am like the EXPERT on cp. jsjs[;

sooo any questions about it.... ASK IT HUNNiiE! ;PP
kbye. XOXO ahahaha!

look out for me.... ahahhahaahahahahhaa.