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In Tactics Ogre Knight of Lodis how do you change your Main Chars element to bane or virtue

In Tactics Ogre Knight of Lodis how do you change your Main Chars element to bane or virtue
Well kind of answering my own question but if you have a better way feal free to share, what I did was put this code (4CCFE228918D3552) in the gameshark which turned my second char (after moving my main to second) to an angel knight and he gained the Virtue element (and the angel knight class) to turn him into the Bane element I just used an Urn of Chaos after.
However unfortunately this disallows class change afterwords so keep that in mind (without putting in more cheats).
PS. This keeps the char face pic and sprite the same so all that changes are the element and the class. (you could also do this with a lich [using book of law to get Virtue] instead with this code [93566C692653E503])