What are some rsps mod commands
What are some rsps mod commands
Normal users:
::Ban (Username)
::Unban (Username)
::Jail (Username)
::xteleto (Username
::Pnpc (NPC ID)
::Ipban (Username)
::Kick (Username)
::xteletome (Username)
::Npc (NPC ID)
Can't remember much, I will add some more as soon as I remember
(I've forgotten how to give people staff while in game)
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Command Definitions:
Normal users:
::Home - Teleports you to the default home for the server.
::Whatsnew - Shows the updates for the server.
::rules - Shows you the server's rules.
::commands - Shows you a list of commands for the server.
::changepassword - Changes your login password.
::Ban (Username) - Bans some one, so their account cant login on
the server.
::Unban (Username) - Un-bans some one, allowing their account to
::Jail (Username) - Teleports some one to jail, and wont let them
out for a while.
::Unjail (Username) - Officially removes some one from jail.
::xteleto (Username - Teleports you to some one.
::Pnpc (NPC ID) - Can make you look like a NPC (Sometimes buggy).
::Ipban (Username) - IP Bans some one, so even a new account wont
let them back on.
::Kick (Username) - Kicks a specific player from the server.
::Bootall - Kicks everyone (Except you) from the server.
::Npcreset - Resets the NPC's, so they will die, and then re-spawn.
::xteletome (Username) - Teleports people to you.
::Npc (NPC ID) - Allows you to spawn an npc.
::Noclip - allows you to walk through walls.