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How do you be a Moderator in an MMO Online Game

How do you be a Moderator in an MMO Online Game
1) In most MMO's (Multiplayer Online Game's) require you to be 18 years old and over to have moderator status of any sort.

2) Player (s) become moderators by invited ONLY. Don't ASK to be promoted to mod status, or you won't even be considered as one ever.

3) Respect players around you, and be a helpful player to others. (all in-game terms and conditions APPLY!)

4) Spend a YEAR (or so) on the forums (if the MMO has one) being selfless and helpful to your fellow players. If you show that you are serious about helping other players and don't just want to be a moderator for the perks that can come with it then you MIGHT (read that last work again) get selected to become a forum mod, which (in some cases) comes with moderator status in-game.