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How do you get to the Mystic Ruins in level 2 in the Sonic Chronicles

How do you get to the Mystic Ruins in level 2 in the Sonic Chronicles
Check all four hideouts that the GUN commander told you to find. Two are in central city, and two are in green hill zone. If you can't find the hideouts, go to the GUN office where you met the commander, and the guy there will say the commander is busy. The monitor behind him shows images of where all four hideouts are.

Once you locate all four hideouts, Tails will put together the communicators and track the signal to mystic ruins. Go down to the guy blocking the exit in the bottom right corner. He will say no one is allowed to pass. Go back to Tails' workshop and he will take you to the ruins on the tornado.

If I overexplained it, just find all four hideouts and take it from there.

Good luck ;)