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Where do you get mounts in World of Warcraft

Where do you get mounts in World of Warcraft
There are many mounts in the game, of various levels of accessibility. Once you reach level 20, you will be able to learn the riding skill from a riding trainer. You should get a mail in your mailbox telling you where the closest one is.

See the related link for a list of riding trainers in WoW.

Close to the riding trainer of your race, you will also have a mount seller, who will be able to sell you the mount to ride on appropriate for your race.

You can gain more mounts by reaching Exalted status with other factions, through various raids and achievements, as well as random drops and world events. See the second related link for a list of mounts in WoW - each should also tell you how to get it.

Note that in this list, there are also mounts that you can no longer get - so check that before seeing a mount you'd like and rushing off to get it.