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Is monster hunter tri for kids and if no why

Is monster hunter tri for kids and if no why
HECK NO!!!! it has blood and violence, and best of all, killing!!!! never buy this for a kid!



I disgree here is a response i wrote on the same question, I think youll find it persuading

"Yes it is fine. The rating is T for violence, animated blood and alcohol reference. You can turn off the blood and the only alcohal reference is after you eat to improve your health if you eat blesed wine and some other thing you walk wobly. The violnce is of course just monster fighting. No profanity like most games. PLUS the only way to get that walking is by being online hunting with people from around the world which I would not recomend for kids under 11 only because is IS open chat and anyone can say anything to anyone like a chat room. OFFLINE it is fine ONLINE 11+. Also if your child is 11 he/she will not have a problem with the very animated blood."