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What does jean-eric want you to find in Valka Castle from endless ocean blue world

What does jean-eric want you to find in Valka Castle from endless ocean blue world
First you have to get into the King's Chamber. Then you have to check out all the places in the room that have the sparkles above them. Next go back over to the bookcase. You have to click on "check out book" and a hidden chamber will open out (the exit door will also close, but don't panic!) Explore the Secret Room and go to the other sparkles above the desk/paino (I don't know which it is). Then you go back out to the King's Chamber. Go to the desk that has the sparkles above it you HAVE TO do the teamwork with Oceania. Once you get the door to open (it may take a couple tries) you can either go to the boat or explore more. Once you go to the boat, GG will be there.