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How do you play platform racing

How do you play platform racing
Well, the point of the game is to race with your friends and family.

Here are the intrusions:
Move left: use the left arrow key -- move <
Move right: use the right arrow key -- move >
Jump: For normal jump, use the up arrow key, or for a super jump, then hold down for a few seconds and then release -- jump or super jump

What do blocks do?

Basic blocks - Simple, normal blocks you can stand on.
Water block - Water, can swim in.
Mine - Explosive, explode if touched and hurt player unless the player has a crown hat.
Finish block - Marks the ending of the race when bumped.
Item block - There are 2 types of these. The one with the red ? is unlimited, the one with blue ? is 1 item to each player. Space to use. Get item when bumped.
That's the basic blocks, done.

That is all a newbie should know.