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On pet society who is the mystery shop keeper

On pet society who is the mystery shop keeper
I'm not entirely sure, but if you talk to him, he says something about the truth and a about lies.

Some highly suspected candidates are;

The Mayor

Felicty, the Luxury shop owner

The Bank person


Some say it's the mayor because they both like meatballs. That is the TRUTH. and it DECIEVES. it makes people believe it's thhe mayor. i don't think it is.

The shop keepers call the mystery pet "he". i think that is a FALSEHOOD. I think it reprieves that mystery is a boy. But how would the shopkeepers know? They aren't friends with him, as he keeps to himself. I believe that mystery is a girl.

So i don't think its the mayor, and the bank person is a boy.

E.M.I.L.L.I.A is a bit obvious isn't she? She keeps to herself, isn't friends with many people, is deluded that she is a robot. Obvious much? Plus people hear her in her lab. and she would be to busy being a robot. robots don't have secrets.

I think it is Felicty, the luxury shop owner.

But i have nothing to confirm this sorry, just a big hunch:)