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What is the skill build of Asura in the game DFO

What is the skill build of Asura in the game DFO
Max wave wheel slasher, neutral wave sword, ice wave sword, ghost orb, asura crescent, and wave radiation. put fire wave sword at 10. DO NOT DO deadly enticer.
put your awakening at level 1 or max it. max active EX skills and GQ and agni pentacle. Max WWB.
Passives: Put mind snap at lv5, and max your Awakening Passive. Do the cancles for neutral and wave wheel. dont do the ghost orb cancel. Unless your doing ancients, dont do hit rate.

While being damaging, i don't recommend ghost slash. Dont do kazan or bremen, and have level 1 guard. Do quick rebound. Max your magic critical and max the short sword mastery. Max Murderous Wave.

For equips, i recommend using asura plate sets or intellect magic seal plate armor. For the accesories, try to use ones with evasion, intelligence or magic crit buffs. And for the avas, get intelligence with asura skills on them. Use shot sword until lv 50 and then its optional between katanas and short swords.

omegakiller4-Lv 70 DK.