How do you get through the team aqua hideout
How do you get through the team aqua hideout
OK it took me two tries to get this but once you get to the room with 4 sets of teleporter's it really easy... once you get in the hideout go right then up and up the stairs, then go to the teleporter to the left. You will come to another room with water next to you and a telporter just over the other side of it below you just barely in the picture. Walk along the water all the way around to that teleporter that you just saw earlier and step in it. You'll come to a room with 3 teleporters in front of u , go in the right one, then the middle one, then the left one, then the far left one (NOT THE MIDDLE ONE!). The masterball is one of those four pokeballs in that next room. You cant use an escape rope to get out so just do all the steps in reverse to get out and then you have the masterball. Hope it helped... (use it on rayquaza, kyogre and groudon can be caught easier then rayquaza with regular pokeballs and ultra balls)