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How many chapters are their in sonic chronicles the dark brotherhood

How many chapters are their in sonic chronicles the dark brotherhood
there are 10 chapters in sonic the dark brotherhood but to get past chapter five you have to defeat ix the master of murders but she has 350 hp you wont stand a chance of beating her without pow moves. ix has some fighters before you fight her again you wont stand a chance without pow moves you will not kill them without pow moves before you battle her on angel island i suggest you do quests or fight animals and robots to get you pow moves but if you already have powerful pow moves then you will beat her now i am on chapter 10 the last chapter and i just beat the game today now chapter 10 is HARD! there you have to fight her again ix is really tough there on chapter 10 she has 1600 health i beat her cause i have pow moves really powerful pow moves it was really tough i had to try 10 times to beat her but on the 10th try it was a success i beat her with only pow moves first so if your on chapter 5 with no pow moves i suggest you get some because you cant beat ix without them do what ever you can try to fight murders when you get to angel island there are murders everywhere they will try to block your way to get to ix but on angel island you can run away from the murders but you better know how to flee because you cant do that if you do not know how to flee but now remember when you defeat ix you get shade on your team but when you get past the first 10 chapters more chapters come now i know about these chapters i do not remember the names of the chapters but there is way more after the first 10 chapters there is about 90 chapters after the first 10 chapter so there is 100 chapters in all now i have shade and i am on chapter 100 i have to do that chapter and then i beat the game (i know that this looks like a never ending page of but its not)anyway i am almost done with chapter 100 when i am done i am going to be so excited because when you finish the game you get the whole dark brother hood on your team the dark brotherhood is the murders ix robots the animals and drones and even shade but you get her on chapter six when you beat ix you get ix at the end of chapter 100 you get all the robots when you beat the game you get a lot more characters ( this page still has not ended) and just so you know i spent all day righting this entire page and i am still righting it ill will be sent to bed before i finish this page anyway about the game ix is the final boss and if you defeat her you get the dark brotherhood good luck (this page has ended)