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What is is Diamond Grading

What is is Diamond Grading
A diamond grading report is a document that is basically a blueprint of your stone. It tells you the 4Cs - color, clarity, cut, and carat. It also will tell you if the diamond has been treated. From my experience (shopping for my engagement ring), it's very important to have a report so that you know you're getting what you paid for, since an untrained person (like me) would not be able to identify these things. The jeweler we got my ring from said GIA is the best type of report because if I ever wanted to trade up, having that report might actually increase the price of the stone, whereas a report from a less reliable place might lower it - they've been around longest and are most established. If you want to know exactly how the 4 Cs are graded check out the GIA website - - which tells you how it's done.