Similar to Nuka Cherries, Nuka Cola Quantum is another type of consumable that you can use and restore +400 Hit Points, +100 Action Points, and +5 rads.
For more help on Fallout 4, read our Bottle Caps Locations, Unique Armor Locations, Workshop Items Locations and Crafting Guide.
The item can be salvaged from various locations across the world. This guide details all the locations where you can hope to find Nuka Cola Quantum:
Neighborhood; Financial District, Bobbi’s Place — the Big Dig
You need to head over to Bobbi’s Place in the Financial District in order to find 2x Nuka Cola Quantum and Nuka Cheery.
North Central Commonwealth, Breakheart Banks
You need to head over to the top floor of the middle shack and find the item on a platform located on the east side.
Neighborhood; Cambridge, Cambridge Polymer Labs
You need to head over to the said area in order to find a Nuka Cola Quantum.
Neighborhood; Charlestown, Charlestown Laundry
Head inside the building using the rooftop access in order to open up a lock and find a Nuka Cola Quantum.
Western Commonwealth, Chestnut Hillock Reservoir
You need to head to the east side and find a skeleton holding a Nuka Cola Quantum in a bathtub.
Lexington and Northwest Commonwealth, Concord Outskirts Ruined House
You need to head inside the ruined building and check the fridge inside to find the item.
Neighborhood; the Fens, Power Noodles — Diamond City
You need to the said area in order to find around 2x Nuka Cola Quantum as well as meet Takahashi.
Neighborhood; the Fens, Cooke Residence — Diamond City
You simply need to head inside Cooke Residence in the Diamond City in order to find a couple of Nuka Cola Quantum, some ammunition, and more.
Lexington and Northwest Commonwealth, Dry Creek Bed
You need to search the rusting barrel in the area to find a Nuka Cola Quantum lying there.
Quincy and Southern Commonwealth, Egret Tours Marina
You need to head near the boat in order to find some Nuka Cola Quantum.
Western Commonwealth, Federal Ration Stockpile
There are a couple of Nuka Cola Quantum items that you can find in this area.
Western Commonwealth, Fort Hagen
You need to head inside the Command Center of Fort Hagen in order to find a Nuka Cola Quantum.
Neighborhood; South Boston, Four Leaf Fishpacking Plant
You need to head inside the plant in order to find some spare Nuka Cola Quantum.
Neighborhood; Cambridge, Fraternal Post 115
You need to head over to the upper level of the said area and find a spare Nuka Cola Quantum there.
Neighborhood; Financial District, Garden Terrace
You need to head over to the exterior roof on the southwest in order to find a Nuka Cola Quantum clutched by a skeleton.
Neighborhood; South Boston, General Atomics Factory
You need to head over to level 1 of the area in order to find a spare Nuka Cola Quantum as well as Nuka Cherry.
Neighborhood; Financial District, Goodneighbor
Aside from additional Bottle Caps, a number of traders, and a Nuka Cola Quantum, there is a Nuka Cherry up for grabs as well.
Quincy and Southern Commonwealth, Gunners Plaza
This area contains a Nuka Cherry, a Nuka Cola Quantum, and some additional Bottle Caps waiting to be picked up.
Neighborhood; Esplanade, HalluciGen, Inc.
You need to head over to the level one of the area in order to find a Nuka Cola Quantum.
Neighborhood; the Fens, Kellogg’s House — Diamond City
You need to head inside Kellogg’s House in order to find 2x Nuka Cherry and 3x Nuka Cola Quantum.
Neighborhood; the Fens, Klean Watur — Sheng Kawolski’s House — Diamond City
Head inside the young lad’s house to start trading with him and also get yourself a Quantum Cola.
Coastal Commonwealth, Mahkra Fishpacking
You need to head over to the said location to find some Bottle Caps, 2x Nuka Cherry on the second floor, and a Nuka Cola Quantum on the first level.
North Central Commonwealth, Medford Memorial Hospital
This area contains a Nuke Cherry as well as Nuke Cola Quantum; make sure to pick them both. In addition to this there are some Bottle Caps as well.
Neighborhood; Theater District, Medical Center Metro
There are a couple of Nuke Cola Quantum on the upper and lower platforms as well as some Bottle Caps.
Lexington and Northwest Commonwealth, Mystic Pines
This area contains a Nuke Cola Quantum in addition to a Nuka Cherry; make sure to pick them both up.
Neighborhood; Financial District, Old Corner Bookstore
There is a Quantum Cola at level 1 and some Bottle Caps up for grabs in this area.
Quincy and Southern Commonwealth, Peabody House
You simply need to head inside the house in order to get yourself a spare Nuka Cola Quantum.
Neighborhood; North End, Pickman Gallery
This area has a couple of Nuka Cola Quantum in the tunnels area in addition to some extra Bottle Caps.
Coastal Commonwealth, Prydwen
This area not only contains a Nuka Cola Quantum, but also houses a couple of traders named Knight-Captain Cade and Proctor Teagan.
Neighborhood; Charlestown, South Alley and Garage
You need to head over to the said area and check the porch near the garage in order to find a Nuke Cola Quantum as well as an armor workbench.
Lexington and Northwest Commonwealth, Starlight Drive In
You need to open up the rear storage in order to find a Nuka Cola Quantum as well as Fusion Core inside. The Nuka Cherry, on the other hand, can be found inside the lower shelf.
Lexington and Northwest Commonwealth, Super Duper Mart
This area has plentiful of Nuka Cola Quantum and Nuka Cherries for you to grab. Don’t miss the opportunity!
Neighborhood; Cambridge, the Institute
This large area has plethora of resourceful items for you to pick up including a number of Bottle Caps scattered around, Nuka Cola Quantum, Nuka Cherry, and Synth Food Vendor and Institute Requisition Vendor.