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Star Wars – The Force Unleashed 2: How to Get Amplified Achievement/Trophy

In Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 for the PS3, Xbox 360, there is an achievement called Amplified that a lot of people seem to be having trouble with, because the details are a little unclear.

This achievement/trophy requires you to kill 10 enemies with the lightning towers. There are two lightning towers in the game, and both are located in Kamino the second time you go there. You’ll see a tower with giant coils with some electricity arcing around them.

Lure a group of Stormtroopers near the tower, then jump up and hit the coils with your force lightning. It will cause the tower to overload, and lighting will arc out to the enemies close by. It won’t kill them in one shot so you’ll have to do it multiple times to get kills.

This doesn’t have to be done all in one shot. If you can’t get 10 the first try, just jump off the edge to die and do it again.