The Best Gaming Podcast Ever: Episode 12

bgpe 12

The Gameranx Triumvirate tried to serve up a “shortcast” this week. If you've been following along at home, you know that it's nearly impossible for anyone at the Best Gaming Podcast Ever to hold back the font of gaming knowledge that washes over you every week. Basically, BGPE 12 wasn't shortened at all – it's an hour long.

But it's a damn fine hour.

Annie points out that Blizzard DOTA is just the hot spunk pumped out of the Outfit from Irvine. Matt readily agrees, exclaiming that he's more than happy to join in on the all-male revue, as he would do anything – and he means anything – for Blizzard to keep pounding out games every 10 years. Yes, things get a little depraved this episode. Gameranx sincerely apologizes to any old ladies out there who regularly listen to 20-somethings talk about the videogames.

The Triumvirate also reaches the conclusion that Yahoo Games Europe's giving Batman: Arkham City a 6/5 means that it's a beyond perfect game that, much like the Ark of the Covenant, any mortal who looks directly at it may whither away and die on the spot like a crime-committing meaty sponge in the hands of Ronnie Coleman.

No giveaway this week, but if you really love us, you'll like us on Facebook and tweet the shit out of this post to help us pay the bills! Tell your friends about us, and Matt says he'll send you a personalized greeting card for the holiday of your choice! Holy shit! That's a deal!

The song this week is Skeleton Key by the masterful Mark Dago. Dude is awesome. Go check him out here!

BPGE crew on Twitter:

Jacob Saylor, Matthew Stewart, Dennis Patrick, Ian Cheong, Annie Dennisdottir Wright.