The Sims 3: Late Night Guide

The Sims 3: Late Night Walkthrough

The Sims 3: Late Night Unofficial Guide by CM Boots-Faubert for


Each new expansion to The Sims 3 enriches the overall game play, restoring well-liked elements from The Sims 2 series, while adding new and different features and elements that serve to expand both the challenges and the game world, and that is as it should be.  While old-hands at the games and fans of the series will certainly recognize many of the elements from this expansion from the similar expansion in The Sims 2, there is enough new and changed content so as to make this a definite improvement both on the previous version and to the current series.

Having played these games from the very beginning and the original Sims series, the assignment to write the guides -- this guide and the SuperCheats guides for World Adventures and Ambitions -- was a very welcome assignment indeed, allowing me to discover new elements to the games and rediscover well-liked game play aspects that underscore why this series numbers among the most popular PC games in the modern era, and not just with sim gamers!

As you embark upon this new expansion to the series you will find that in addition to a new career and a new focus on fame and celebrity, some of the non-traditional professions and skills have been enhanced -- in particular the music career, with the addition of three more instruments that restores that profession to the level that it attained at the end of The Sims 2 series.  There is the new skill of Mixilogy, a fantastically fascinating new city of Bridgeport, and plenty of emotional and relationship opportunities, difficulties, and drama for your Sims to encounter -- particularly with the expanded presence of the Vampires in the game.

As you play deeper into this expansion and continue to explore the elements of the game that were added with the previous expansions try to remember that you do not have to do everything on one Sim!  That is why the household system exists, so that you can divide the fun among your Sim family and Sim friends.

This guide covers all of the contents of Late Night in detail -- for information about the previous expansions please see their respective guides on in the Guide Section.  In coming months I will be adding guides for the rest of the games in the series, so if they are not present just yet please be patient, as they are in the works!

So, welcome to the Unofficial SuperCheats Guide to The Sims 3: Late Night -- and enjoy!




Notable Additions and Notes

If you are new to the series and plan to play all of it, there is every likelihood that you will pick up one of the special compilations and the expansions that are not included in it.  If you do that, or if you pick the games up as individual titles, it is important that you remember to install them in the order that they were released, mostly because of the patching system that is in place.  If you install them out of order it can (and often does) break small segments of the game, and cause bits of it to function in unusual ways.

So just to be helpful this is the order I will be writing the guides in, and it is also the order that you should be installing and patching the games in (and you should be sure to fully patch each game BEFORE you install the next):

(1) The Sims 3 base game
(2) The Sims 3: World Adventures
(3) The Sims 3: Ambitions
(4) The Sims 3: Late Nights
(5) The Sims 3: Generations
(6) The Sims 3: Pets
(7) The Sims 3: Showtime
(8) The Sims 3: Supernatural
(9) The Sims 3: Seasons

Now in addition to that there are some other factoids that you should be aware of.  When most gamers begin to play the game they will eventually join Sim fan sites at which a number of game unofficial add-ons (both free and paid) are available, including what are called "Nude Skins" as well as utility add-ons that allow you to automate some stuff and add more control over other things.  Perhaps the most popular item that most gamers will install is the anti-censorship patch/app.

What this does is remove the blur that appears whenever your Sims do something that modesty is attached to -- take a bath or shower, use the toilet, that sort of thing -- and there is really nothing wrong with that if you want to remove that censorship blur, but if you do there is something you need to be aware of.  The blur is implemented in the game as a particle effect -- and the small app that you install that removes it basically turns off particle effects to accomplish its purpose.  With me so far?

Opportunities include everything from special events to chores!

Unfortunately there are some other objects in the game that ONLY appear as particle effects -- among them certain bugs -- including beetles -- which means that if you go looking for bugs with the anti-censorship patch in place, you will not be finding them.  That being the case, and if you do decide to install that app, you need to remember to remove it when you are doing bug collecting and, when you are playing one of the games that has a mission or challenge that specifically requires you to find bugs (World Travels has one) you will need to remember to remove it. 

You can put it back later, no worries, but if you are out trying to complete a challenge or mission and you cannot find the object that is required, there is a good chance that it is a particle effect and this is why you cannot find it!

The Late Night expansion includes a focus on the vampire type of Sim -- and naturally it looks to the lore of the vampire that is popular in fiction, so your vampire has special needs as far as feeding is concerned, and that includes their choice of drinks...  No worries here mates, there are food options in the game for your vampire Sims...  With respect to that type of Sim, it is fair to say that they are the ultimate clubber Sim considering that they live in the night as it were.

You do not have to play as a vampire to really enjoy the many opportunities for nighttime recreation that this new expansion offers - from dancing and partying to simply taking in a side of the Sim world that you likely only experienced before from your bed, the Night Life includes discovering and developing your Mixology Skills (Bartending), and the content in this expansion touches upon just about every other aspect of the game, from careers (both traditional and not), the support skills like gardening, art and even fishing, and a wide selection of new objects and recreational activities (darts and arcade gaming are two prominent ones).


Practical Starting Strategies

The focus of Late Night is divided between nighttime recreation, entertainment, and leisure activities, and a surprise -- but light -- supernatural element to the expansion that provides a bit of zesty flavor to this otherwise predictable expansion.  I say "predictable" simply because with this being the third major revision of the well-established series, gamers who are familiar with the original series content and the second revision should already have a pretty solid notion about what is outstanding in the third series of base game expansions (not factoring in the new stuff of course).  But hey, it is all good, really!

It is fair to describe this expansion as being primarily focused upon evening entertainment, but in keeping with the series traditions there are also some additional adventures, some additions to the collecting, mystery, self-improvement, and crafting contents, as well as all new content to be sure.  Oddly enough the focus upon liesure activities presents the same basic set of issues that the first expansion -- World Adventures -- did, and that is the content encourages the player to focus away from the usually disciplined play style that is required to make a success of your Sims pushing players toward a much less responsible style of play due to choices like not getting enough sleep and over-indulging in the various fun-side aspects of the game...

In the end the only Sims who will truly reap the benefits of this new expansion are Sims who are independently wealthy having inherited their wealth and thus, also the free time in which to spend it.  For working stiff Sims the contents of Late Night will be taken as luxuries, over a longer period of time, and even then it is unlikely that the average working Sim will have the opportunity to enjoy every aspect of the expansion.

The ideal situation is, of course, an independently wealthy Sim who can live the life that they want to live, but that is really only possible in a handful of ways -- legitimately by your Sim being the 4th or 5th generation and has inherited their wealth (which requires quite a bit of play time but is not impossible) -- and illegitimately you could cheat...  But there is another way, a sort of Bohemian-meets-slacker alternative lifestyle that is perfectly suited to this particular expansion -- and that is the artistic route!

Developing Painting is a fast track to income

That can include -- thanks to the Ambitions expansion -- the lucrative benefits from the skills of architecture, artistry (painting and sculptures), collecting, fishing, gardening, ghost busting, hacking, musical entertainment, photography, styling, and writing just to name a few -- but essentially any activity that allows your Sim to make money outside of the normal career grind, allowing them the freedom to set their own working hours, and earn (or not earn) as it appeals to them. 

There is a downside to that path, of course, and that is the fact that income is not predictable -- your Sim starts out earning only modest amounts for their work, but on the other hand if you have just created the Sim and moved them into a starter house, their overhead costs are low enough so that you can not only survive while building up their support and non-traditional skills, but maybe even get a little ahead as well...  And it is even easier when you create a household of two or more adult Sims -- whether that is a couple or simply roommates -- who can divide up the basic chores.

As a general rule we use the group of two in a household, and they compliment each other skill-wise -- for example one focuses upon learning to cook, while the other focuses upon learning to maintain and repair the household items.  When goals are offered care should be taken to pick goals you will naturally work towards or that make sense for your Sim to be working towards based upon their chosen career and lifetime goal -- because banking Lifetime Happiness Points is an important element of gaining better progress later, since you can purchase special abilities which reduce costs and overhead for a variety of areas in the game as well as many other useful skill-altering abilities!

When creating your Sim's alternative careers, it is a good idea to have them do different things -- an Artist and a Musician in the same house is complimentary but more important does not require duplication of kit.   It is also a good idea to give them more than one potential money-making skill, for instance an Artist can also be a Photographer, a Musician also Writer...

While one of the pair covers the daily grind, makes meals, pays bills, fixes what needs fixing, the other focuses solely upon their primary skill, the idea being to get it mastered as quickly as you can because that is the fastest route to reliable income.  After the first has mastered theirs, they switch roles and the second half of the pair masters their primary skill, then you do the same for the secondary, and with all four skills mastered, your money problems are now over, and you can focus upon improving their home, traveling, and having adventures!

Leveling Skills using Books is the fastest method to do it

-- Secondary Focuses --

In addition to your focus upon completing leveling their primary and secondary creative skills, you will also want to try to complete as many of the goals and challenges, and the opportunities, that your Sim receives, in order to build a nest egg of Lifetime Reward Points, so that you can obtain a few of the special abilities that can only be had in that way.  Ideally you want to focus upon accepting only the sort of goals and challenges that further the lifestyle and ability set you have already chosen for each of your Sims -- that way you are not constantly doing things that do not contribute to your over-all goals.

Some of the goals and objectives that you will receive are only slightly related to your primary strategy, but because they improve your Sim overall, they are still worth developing because they not only improve your Sim but also present opportunities for you to multi-task on the sort of activities that you have to do anyway.

For example buying and placing a Chess Board and a couple of chairs in your home is a small investment in acquiring the intelligence skills, which while this is not obvious actually has an impact on how fast your Sims can acquire some of the other skills in the game!  When using the Chess Board NEVER simply practice -- always have one of your Sims play with the other, since that gives THREE gains -- Logic, Fun, and Social -- rather than just Logic -- and in fact that is the main reason why you would choose the Chess Board over the Logic Books for acquiring the skill!

Some of the skills are important for both Sims to learn -- cooking is one -- while you can easily get away with having a dedicated repairing Sim.     

-- Skill and Reward Overlapping --

At some point in the development of your Sim-Unit (whether that is a family or just roommates, or something more) there will come a point at which skills and rewards overlap.  Your Sims cannot exist together without each taking an interest in the interests of the others -- so you should naturally expect that at some point, even in a household in which the responsibilities and abilities are clearly divided along logical lines, that your Sims will begin exploring the areas of specialty of each other.

-- A Health Skills Viewpoint --

It may not appear obvious at first but the time and effort that your Sims spend in development of their skills is almost like time placed in the bank, as it not only pays dividends in their day-to-day life, but it also plays into any future jobs and careers that they may start and work within.  The following skills can be acquired and leveled in the game through the use of the related action, through reading books about them, or through attending classes on the specific skill.  In addition to those three core learning elements you can also have a Sim who has mastered some of the skills train and instruct newbie Sims in that skill!

The following skills can be acquired in the game and are represented on the Skills menu for each of your Sims:

-- Athletic: Leveled through various exercise activities including weight lifting and jogging.
-- Bass: Leveled by playing the Bass in a variety of manners and settings.
-- Charisma: Leveled by practicing Speech and using the skill in conversations with other Sims.
-- Cooking: Leveled by cooking, reading cooking books, and watching the Cooking Channel on TV.
-- Drums:  Leveled by playing the Drums in a variety of manners and settings.
-- Fishing: Leveled by fishing, reading fishing books, and researching baits.
-- Guitar Leveled by playing the Guitar in a variety of manners and settings.
-- Handiness: Leveled by repairing and tinkering with devices in the home.
-- Logic: Leveled by playing Chess, reading, and solving math problems online.
-- Painting: Leveled by painting.
-- Piano:  Leveled by playing the Piano in a variety of manners and settings.
-- Writing: Leveled by practicing the craft and by writing books.

As a general rule each new skill starts out at Level 0, and upon reaching and unlocking Level 1 is added to the Skills Menu on each of your Sims individually.  Each skill is upgradable to Level 10, which is the "Mastery" Level, and each of the Levels between 1 and 10 have different benefits and/or abilities associated with them.  Many of the Skills in the game apply directly to the different careers and professions, and leveling them is required in order to gain ranks in your job.

In addition to earning quick money Painting leads to Fame

Bearing in mind that each career/profession/job has a predictable and unchanging set of Skill requirements associated with it, the player can easily predict which skills will be more important to them, and work on them prior to beginning the career or profession so as to obtain a headstart.  Since skill levels in the game do not degrade through lack of use, any efforts that are made by your Sims in the acquisition of Skills is generally considered to be a positive effort.

Skills and Sim Fame and Celebrity: Certain of the Skills in the game have been co-opted into the Fame and Celebrity system in two distinct ways: establishing Fame and leveling Fame and Celebrity.  The most notable of these are the artistic skills, which includes Painting, Sculpting, Writing, and Cooking, all of which at the higher levels serve as a springboard to establishing that all-important first Star/Level of Celebrity and Fame.

Once your Sim has started the trek towards Celebrity most of the secondary skills can be used through random opportunities to increase their Fame Level -- for example cooking a particular dish and delivering it to a famous Sim is one example, as is using a secondary skill for a specified amount of time, a good example being the Athletic Skill, which has a random opportunity in which your Sim can gain Fame points by exercising for a total of four hours.

In view of the well-documented difficulties that arise when your Sim has reached Fame/Celebrity Level four of the five levels, being able to make use of your mastered skills to improve your Sims Fame Levels is something of a Godsend, especially when the only alternative appears to be developing and maintaining friendships, which are adversely impacted by the death of famous Sims and those around them.  Never underestimate the value of a well developed and mastered skill!

Check out the junkyard for items you can salvage, repair and sell!

-- The Game Play Model for this Guide --

It is an established tradition when writing the guide for a new expansion in the series that I always start out with a brand new family in order to ensure that all of the low-level play aspects are absorbed in the guide play-through process.  It is OK if you are a long-time Simmer and already have a well-heeled family to play with, since this all applies to you either way, but if you are just starting out or if this is your introduction to the series, by using this approach it guarantees maximum applicability of style, tips, and tricks, and how cool is that?  

The household that was created for World Adventures was made up of yuppie adventurers Tomos SuperCheats and his girlfriend Katya, while the family for Ambitions consisted of Markus SuperCheats, his sister and girlfriend/wife.  This time around for Late Night the family that was created is another distant pair of cousins -- Kyle and Marie SuperCheats of the ancient and honorable Highland clan of the SuperCheats -- note that while Kyle and Marie are not married and they are technically related they are in fact fourth cousins twice removed, so if something should happen well, they are not breaking either the law or customs of the Sims!

Fishing can be lucrative if you have the patience

As is usually the case with a new expansion, Late Night introduced a new town to the games -- an old industrial enclave called Bridgeport -- but for this play-through I decided to stay with Twinbrooks from Ambitions simply because I liked the ambiance more...  YMMV and there really are no "wrong" choices, so go with what you like!

For this guide Kyle began as an artist/painter (this was a purely Bohemian household with no plans for traditional employment or early procreation at first) while Marie began as an artist/sculptor.  Their support duties were equally split, with Kyle concentrating upon cooking while Marie did maintenance and repairing, and both pursued the logic skill.  They each focused upon their primary "jobs" but, at some point past mastery of those, they both showed prolonged and determined interest in pursuing the "jobs" of the other!  That trend has been observed in other family/group units in the other expansions, so it is not unusual to the game.

The wisdom of beginning with a couple in the same house, each of whom is pursuing a non-traditional source of income/profession should be obvious on the face of it as a sound strategy, and you will likely find that beginning your first play-through of the game in that fashion will allow you to enjoy it to its maximum potential!  Feel free to join me in this Bohemian existence mates!


Celebrity, Stars, and Being Famous

One of the main features that was added to the game with the Late Night expansion is Sim fame and  celebrity status -- which are tracked by a set of five stars that appear above your Sim's name when you mouse over their icon on the lower left side of the screen.  Increasing your Sim's fame and thus gaining celebrity status is very important if you want them to be able to get into the hot nightclub, meet and chat with celebrities (and even become their friends), and enjoy all of the privileges that come with being a VIP in your Sim's world.

Fame is now a very important element in the game -- it takes at least one star just to be able to get into the average hangout and entertainment locations in town, and a lot more than one if you want your Sim to be able to walk into any venue -- but fortunately the process of acquiring fame for your Sims is within your grasp...  While it can be a bit annoying to be mobbed by adoring fans when you are trying to do mundane tasks like shop for books or groceries or go out to eat, there is a plus side to fame in that your Sim may get a 20 positive 'Got Recognized' moodlet whenever it happens, and that gives them a 20 boost to their mood that lasts a full 8 hours! The higher your Sim's celebrity star level, the more likely this is to happen.

The higher your Sim's fame the more likely that it will have positive side-effects -- bringing more business to an Artist Sim, and getting your Sim's significant "celebrity" discounts on things that they buy at shops in town.   With fame and celebrity also comes swag and free gifts that are randomly sent to your Sim by their adoring fans and that appears in the Family Inventory (so you will want to check that every now and then), and the true celebrity Sims will be sent some pretty exclusive and desirable gifts, and how cool is that?

There are certain steps that you can take to help your Sims on the path to celebrity, starting with the Charisma Trait and Star Quality -- and leveling the Charisma Skill is also a good idea, and once your Sim acquires their first Star a new page is added to the Simology menu called the Celebrity Journal (you can either hit the "L" key on your keyboard or click its icon on that menu), and you will find useful stats and information there.  In addition to showing you how many Stars your Sim has, it has a progress bar to the next level and stats that include the number of Celebrities your Sim already knows, how many discounts they have received, how many freebies, how much their fame has saved them, and the number of bars they have visited.  In the Lindsey Lohan school of celebrity it also shows you how many times your Sim disgraced themselves in public, how many times they were falsely accused of something, and it also keeps track of how many autographs they have signed.

The Paparazzi are everywhere, so get used to the annoyance

-- Obtaining that Crucial First Star --

There are a number of ways to obtain your first Star -- perhaps the easiest is to simply meet a celebrity and then have your Sim impress them so that a little of their fame rubs off...  It does not even have to be a major celeb either, so it is a good idea (if that is how you plan to do it) for your Sim to visit hot spots or potential hot spots, go clubbing, and otherwise hang out where the rich and famous do -- even if you have to bribe the doorman to get in!

Once you do meet a celeb you will need to impress them by telling them something that is true and impressive about your Sim...  You can try bluffing but that can backfire on you.  Name dropping the names of other celeb's can work, as can bragging about your wealth (if you have it).

Another way to get your first star if you are an artisan (Painter or Sculptor) is to sell one of your creations to a celeb via an opportunity event -- if they are impressed with your art they will talk about it and that will gain you that first critical star!

Once your Sim has their first Star they will have more celebrity opportunities offered to them, and doing them will raise their fame level... You can also continue meeting and impressing celeb's but to be honest, being an artist of either type (or a musician) can be the fast ticket to fame, and you may find that to be the better track to take...

-- Befriending Celebrities --

Once your Sim does become friends with a celebrity that can be an easy way to level up their own fame -- buy increasing their friendship level -- just ask Kevin Federline, he can tell you all about that. 

Throwing parties can help you to meet additional celeb's if you have invited the one or ones you already know, since they can sometimes attract others by being there, and of course being in a band doesn't suck as a method for attracting that sort of attention.

With the Ambitions expansion installed your Architect and Stylist Sims can meet and befriend celebrities as part of their daily grind, and if your Sim is particularly gifted at mixing drinks and tending bar (Mixology) that can make your parties much more successful.  Your Sims who are pursuing the Film Career track will find that they have increased opportunities to meet celebrities as well, which is something to think about.

-- Opportunities --

Once you have that first Star and with each additional one you are going to find that more and more opportunities will appear that will allow you to build your fame -- you should ALWAYS accept and complete those as they really are an effective tool for fame building, and as a bonus many include an extra reward in addition to Fame Points.

Being famous means spending more quality time alone with family

-- The Currency of Fame --

As mentioned earlier, your Fame is what gets you into exclusive venues -- the following list will make that a bit more clear to you.  These are listed from lowest fame to highest with respect to who is likely to be there, and you should check the newspaper frequently to see if any of the spots are suddenly more popular...

Dive Bars -- from 11:00 AM to 3:00 AM
Some will have entry requirements, some will not, and none are very likely spots to see the mega famous or any vampires...  If they do have entry requirements you can usually get in by paying a small bribe, and when they do have entry requirements there is a chance you will meet a low-level celeb there!

Dance Clubs -- from 5:00 PM to 4:00 AM
These always have a cover fee, and may or may not have a celebrity present -- it is a crap shoot -- but on the other hand your Sim can go dancing and have a good time, so hey, win-win!  If your Sim only has one or two Stars they will have to bribe their way into these, but once they get three Stars they should just be able to walk in.

Lounges -- from 2:00 PM to 2:00 AM
A likely spot to meet the famous and undead, these are also pretty hard to get into under Fame Level 3 -- but you can try.  Sometimes getting in is easier than other times -- and the general rule is that the easier it is to get in, the less likely there is a celebrity present, which is food for thought...


Bridgeport - the New Sim City

Traditionally each expansion comes with a new town, and in the case of Late Night, that town is called Bridgeport, and unlike all of the previous towns we have been provided to play in, it is closer to the big city than anything else, and that means it comes with all of the problems that are commonly associated with that environment -- land is scarce, people live in apartments in high-rise towers, and public transportation is generally the preferred method for getting around -- which means riding the subway.

If your Sim bought a scooter or bicycle in one of the other countries that is a boon to them since they don't have to have space to park that, it just goes into their inventory... 

The Sims who live in the city are a lot different from those you knew in the more country-like towns of the previous expansions and base game -- there are in fact some rather entertaining characters to be found if you happen to be a Sim watcher...  Just saying.

It seems that the Sims who live in Bridgeport like to party.  Or rather Par-tay!  There are plenty of venues to get your groove on in, and plenty of celebrities -- and vampires -- if you learn where to look. In addition to the new fashion looks you will notice that the Create-A-Sim app now includes some new and interesting body types -- of which you will see plenty in the city --  and some other aspects of the game enhancements will be evident on the party scene, from Mixology skills to new musical instruments and the ability to form bands in which to play them.

A whole new environment for your Sims to live, work, and play

Late Night includes a lot of new and interactive objects -- including hot tubs, neon lights, fancy art and way more than we can (or should) fully cover here...  But some of the items are too irresistible not to cover briefly, and they include:

-- Elevators (Lifts) that are fully functional and necessary!

-- New musical Instruments (Each with their own skill to develop) including:
- Drum Set
- Bass Guitar
- Piano
-- New Sim-playable games including:
- Darts (via the Dartboard Item)
- Shuffleboard

-- The Bubble Bar
-- Hot Tubs (three unique models)

-- A Vampire-inspired Bed
-- A Vampire Altar

Living the highrise life replaces town and country

-- The Hidden Impact of Fame --

As we have already mentioned, Fame plays a major role in the game, but in addition to the actions and effects that are directly associated with it, it also has some hidden additions or content that was added as the result of Fame being part of the game, and these include:

- The Film Career Track
- Part-Time Teen Celebrity Track (exclusively for the children of famous Sims)
- The Bouncer NPC
- The Butler NPC
- The Paparazzi NPC
- The Mixology Skill
- The "Band" Grouping
- New Instruments (as mentioned above) for the band members to play
- A new "Gig" action to provide your band with venues in which to play and gain fame
- The establishment of the Vampire as the epitome of celebrity

With all of that we can never say that Fame is overrated again, since it gives us so much stuff, actions, and things to do in The Sims 3!


The WooHoo Wish

One of the oddities in The Sims series has been its reproduction process, which interestingly enough has evolved with the games as each new expansion and series was released.  The changes happened in small ways to start, but in major ways as well -- for example originally there was always a chance to get pregnant, but now the game allows your Sims to WooHoo without any possibility of pregnancy, and when you want them to get pregnant, the option to "Try for a Baby" has an increased likelihood of success.

In the older games once you Sim became pregnant it started a timer and, when that clock ran out no matter where they were, the stork delivered a baby which just popped into existence nearby them.  This was a pretty startling experience the first time that it happened -- but that too has evolved to the point that your Sim goes through a standard pregnancy period complete with belly-bump that in addition to providing the opportunity to snap a few pictures of pregnant Mom for the family album, also offered your Sim the opportunity to throw a baby shower!

It seems that WooHoo has come a long way in the history of the game, but never so far as it has with the Late Night expansion...

-- The Emergence of WooHoo as an Art Form --

The new urban jungle provides your Sims with what is generally called a "target-rich environment" when it comes to potential romantic interests, relationship candidates, and just plain old booty-call material -- and in recognition of that and one of the notorious stereotypes associated with big city life the developers have thrust WooHoo to new heights and a new focus with the introduction of a new Lifetime Wish: The Master Romancer.

Hint: Among the odd locations you can find for your Sims to WooHoo in are elevators (Lifts) and certain stairwells...

Admittedly it is still possible to fulfill the requirements for this new wish in all of the old towns -- but the metropolis of Bridgeport does offer advantages and perhaps makes it a bit easier to find and relate to the five different Sims your Sim must WooHoo with, and of course in finding five distinct and different locations for that WooHoo'ing to take place, which is another requirement.

Did you ever wonder how the word for sex in the Sims got to be called "Woohoo" and Woohooing?  There is actually a story behind it, and it starts with the name of one real-world boy who was very famous in his day: Ellsworth "Sonny" Wisecarver Jr.

Love in an elevator, taking you up while going down...

Yes, his real name really was Ellsworth"Sonny" Wisecarver Jr. -- and while his parents and friends called him "Sonny" the news media and pretty much the rest of the world knew him better as both "The Woo Woo Kid" and "The WooHoo Kid (sometimes spelled Woohoo and Woo Hoo."  If you are guessing that he is famous for having sex, well, yes, he was -- but probably not the way that you might be thinking...

You see, Sonny WooHoo Wisecarver became infamous in 1944 for having intimate affairs with several older women -- the facts about which were made public knowledge thanks to a tip-off to the media by a public official.  It was not so much that he had sex with older women -- even in 1944 that sort of thing went on pretty commonly -- no, the uncommon element was that he was just 14-years-old the first time that he became involved with an older woman, who happened to be married and the mother of two children!

News of his behavior sparked a public scandal that was covered extensively and nationwide by newspapers and radio news programs at the time, primarily because of his age but also because after being hauled into court over the illicit affair, taking his punishment, and being warned by the judge not to do it again -- he did it again just a year later!   While the first case received wide coverage on the West Coast, it was his second adventure that brought him to nationwide fame, and it did not help matters for him that his second love was arrested and charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor, whereupon she granted interviews to any reporter who asked and was not discrete about protecting her own or his reputation.

Eventually Sonny was declared an incorrigible delinquent and spent some time in the California Youth Authority penal facility for juveniles before going on to live largely in obscurity save for some interesting anecdotal appearances in history -- for example his story was one of the events at the end of WWII that was thought to have hastened the sexual revolution -- the logic to that connection being simply the fact that the news media covered the event so widely and without coaching their language.

In 1987 a film that was loosely based upon the events was made called "In the Mood," in which Wisecarver appeared in a small role as a mailman. The movie starred Patrick Dempsey, who played the role of Sonny Wisecarver, and helped to restore the colorful image of that post-war scandal into the minds and imagination of modern America -- including some video game developers in California.  So in addition to helping spark the sexual revolution, providing entertaining (if shocking) stories for people to read in the newspaper, and providing Patrick Dempsey with a role in a movie, Sonny also helped to give a game an inoffensive euphemism for the deed!  And how cool is that?


Bands on the Run?

Adding bands to the option for grouping and relationships in The Sims 3 was pure genius -- but when you consider that they pretty much added all of the instruments to the game (Drums, Piano, and Bass Guitar -- and there is an exclusive Electric Guitar that can only be obtained as a gift to your celebrity Sim as well as the classical guitar and the acoustic guitar from the previous games in the series) to complete the required kit for a band, it was almost a no-brainer really...  The question on most Simmer's minds is a simple one: how do we form a band?!

The first step is to have your Sim gain basic mastery of one of the musical instruments (either Guitar, Bass, Drums, or Piano) -- as once they have one level of any of them they unlock the action "Ask to Form a Band" as a conversational option with other Sims.  The presumption is that this option will only be available on Sims who also have a musical level -- with the maximum number of Sims that you can add to your Band being three (for a total of four members including your Sim).  Ah but that is not the limit on playing music together!

In addition to forming a formal band with which your Sim can play, it is also possible to form impromptu "Jam Sessions" with as many as eight Sims!  The social interactions that are generated by this are interesting to watch, but bear in mind that to form a band that plays paying gigs the magic number is four.

In addition to allowing your Sim to found his or her own band, there is a new Lifetime Wish called One Sim Band that rewards your Sim for mastering all four instruments, a goal that is worth pursuing even if you chose a different wish entirely.

Your band’s style of music is only limited by their skill level it seems, and through practice and as they perform their way into a famous and followed band, your Sim can choose to play music that suits each environment and venue! 

The band is a social unit in the game, and as the "manager" your Sim not only picks the members but can also kick them out of the band, replacing them, but bear in mind that there will be consequences to that action as well as consequences for treating your band mates badly, especially if they have already established relationships, adding yet another balancing act to the game relationships.

Thanks to the four instruments and the band profession you can gig!

-- The Self-Employed Band --

The goal is to fully master your instrument and play gigs to earn money as a band.  To fully master your instrument you will need to have your Sim learn all of the compositions/songs in the game, and to do that you will need to buy them from the Book Store and have your Sim learn them (reading them).  It is not clear if learning songs in the vacation destinations helps but it is not required.

After your Sim earns $25000 in band income they will be awarded a Master Composition -- which is why it is important to register as self-employed as quickly as you are able.

Useful Traits: Artistic / Charismatic / Friendly / Virtuoso

The following list is the Levels, the Name for that Level, and the amount of income from band gigs that is required to unlock the specific Level:

Level 01: Attic Act
Level 02: Garage Band / $825
Level 03: Subway Trawler / $975
Level 04: Dive Bar Opening Act / $2130
Level 05: Dive Bar Headliner / $4050
Level 06: Touring Player / $6560
Level 07: Local Legend / $9675
Level 08: Headlining Act / $13125
Level 09: Culture Defining Band / $23400
Level 10: Legendary Musician / $35435

-- Observations on Creating a Band --

The developers on the team that makes The Sims series likes to restore as many of the skills, abilities, hobbies, and activities from the previous generations of the core game and expansions as they can, so it was not really a surprise that additional instruments were restored to the series -- and the use of those instruments as an integral element in the non-traditional profession of music band is again not really that big of a surprise...  But even though a band once formed obtains the same benefits that the other non-traditional professions receive, it is another of the activities in the game that while fun and even interesting, and that includes its own set of challenges and opportunities, is nonetheless not one that is particularly profitable or likely to provide a living wage.

Having said that, and pointing out the obvious caveat that you will find the process of maintaining and training your "band" so much easier when it is made up of members of one household (think Von Trapp family) as that provides you with direct control over each Sim.


The Mixology Skill

The introduction of Mixilogy as a secondary skill in the Late Night expansion was an inevitable move on the part of the development team not simply because it made sense, but because a means for delivering a more convenient mood management system for moodlets was clearly both desired and required for the game.  The reasoning behind that has to do with the impact that moodlets have on game play -- and in particular the hidden impact that they have in ways that are not always obvious to the players.

Passive improvements to skill gain and specific actions (including interrelations between Sims outside of the household) have always been influenced by elements like luck, though the application of moodlets and their influence to both the negative and positive consequences are not a clear element of game play for most simmers -- though the effect that they have can easily be seen when gamers are trying to acquire new skill levels or attain specific accomplishments.   Previous to the Late Night expansion the process of managing moodlets was largely a product of reacting to negative moodlets by either finding a way to counteract them, or more often, simply not attempting to complete specific actions while a Sim is under the influence of the negative effect of the moodlet.

The introduction of Mixology and the convenience that it brings to the game has changed all of that, offering Simmers a level of expanded control over the lives of their Sims that they have never had before -- so while this skill is not necessarily one that should be chosen as a non-traditional profession or occupation, it is nonetheless one of the supporting skills that should seriously be considered for early inclusion in the inventory of household skills as you create your primary social unit in the game.  Ideally the skill should be learned by one of the supporting Sims -- the stay-at-home Sim type whose daily responsibilities include cleaning the home, repairing the appliances in it, and in general providing the support system that the more active members of the household require. 

Adding this skill to the toolkit for your support Sim(s) is certainly not an effort that the serious Simmer will ever regret, but as you contemplate that it should also be emphasized that combining this skill with related skills will ensure a much more effective use and benefit to your household -- so when choosing the Sim that will offer this service to your household it would be an idea to also have that Sim be your designated Gardner Sim as well for reasons that will soon become apparent.

There is not a lot of money in bartending but there is good moodlets

-- Reflections Upon Mixology --

One of the oddest aspects of The Sims game series is that they tend to use names that although clearly representing the thing that they represent, also can be considered neutral...  One example of that is Nectar, which though it is clearly wine, and is a beverage that children cannot drink, is nonetheless called Nectar and not wine...  Another example is Mixology -- which is clearly Bartending -- but again, not called that.  This pattern is generally recognized as a nod to the fact that while adults are a primary audience for the game, a significant number of children also play (in spite of the ratings that the game has received from the different regional game rating organizations, it is not uncommon to find children as young as 7 or 8 playing the games).  

Presenting the adult-oriented skills as morally-neutral alternatives makes a certain sense in that respect, and it is agreeable as well to find that the potentially negative value for those adult-oriented skills and activities is morphed into actions that can be easily dismissed as harmless with respect to their use by younger gamers.  Considering the overall significance of these sub-skills to successful and strategic game play, finding ways to remove the potential for adult objections to their exposure to younger gamers is a necessary evil that is easily tolerated.

-- Acquiring the Mixology Skill --

While Mixology follows the well-established pattern that exists in the game for acquiring sub-skills, it also happens to be a perfect example by which the use of training books is far more economic in terms of money and time than the traditional method of development over time.  In particular having early access to the skill for your household dictates that the more convenient book-based approach is preferable to the alternative, but it should be noted that this alternate method for acquiring mastery of the skill is not without its drawbacks, and in particular the expense of acquiring the books is a noted example, though this is partly mitigated by the fact that unlike recipe books, which are destroyed in their use, the Mixology manual scan be re-used by later generations, as once purchased they become a permanent element in the household library when stored within the bookshelf.

There are three books that can be purchased from the Bookstore in town and used to obtain mastery of the skill, and these are:

-- Mixology Volume 1: It's all in the Pour ($50)

-- Mixology Volume 2: Shaken or Stirred?  That is the question? ($500)

-- Mixology Volume 3: Strategic Drink Mixing for Professionals ($750)

This new skill is learned by either attending a class at a restaurant, or making drinks at a/your bar, and the drinks that you make -- which are naturally similar to Nectar in that they cannot be consumed by children or teens -- offer various moodlet bonuses (which is as noted the fundamental purpose of this addition), some of which are very special.  The regular drinks will not have much effect, but work well at parties;  the special class of Mood drinks on the other hand are a very powerful tool for managing the progress of your Sim and their development...

As with most of the other non-traditional professions, there are a number of challenges and opportunities that are attached to Mixology, and any Sim serious about the skill/profession will want to complete as many as they can... 

The trick to success in Mixology is to practice it at home extensively until you have raised your Sim's expertise with each specific drink to the point that they are not likely to make a bad version of it when it counts -- meaning when they are making and serving the drinks to a celebrity.  One bad experience and one bad drink from your Sim can potentially kill their career! 

Another aspect of the skill is the ability to devise and name your own drink recipes...  It has been suggested that when you devise a winning combination that has positive effects you can gain extra Fame by naming it after the first celebrity that you serve it to.  It is never wasted effort to raise your quality with a new recipe before you try it out in public.

-- Abilities by Level --
Level 1 Your Sim can mix Drinks with other Sims.
Level 2 Your Sim can start moonlighting.
Level 3 Your Sim can make Party Drinks.
Level 4 Your Sim can make Skill Booster Drinks.
Level 5 Your Sim can make Romantic Drinks.
Level 6 Your Sim can create Unique Drinks.
Level 7 Your Sim can make Energy Drinks.
Level 8 Your Sim can make Sorrow Annihilator Drinks.
Level 9 Your Sim can make Crazy Mood Drinks.

Your Sim can moonlight as a Mixologist in clubs and bars, and they can also stack the deck in their favor by growing the fruit that they use in their drink recipes so that they always have the highest quality ingredients.   Rarer and higher quality ingredients (think Life Fruit) almost always obtain better results...

-- Drinks and their Moodlet Effects --

Note that it is speculated that a minimum of 55 Drink Recipes is required for complete mastery of the Mixology skillset, though the rare and reward recipes are not included in that assessment.  It should be noted that many of the drinks on the list below are specific to location, so Simmers who choose to have their Sims live in a town other than the City of Bridgeport may find the acquisition of these drinks to be more problematic than may seem reasonable.  One alternative to outright failure in that respect is to either temporarily separate the Sim who is leveling the Mixology track and have them temporarily live in Bridgeport on their own until they have acquired the full repertoire of drinks and then move them back to their home town and re-integrate them into their alpha household; or move the entire alpha household to the city temporarily in order to accomplish this.

Alternatively you can simply start out the Sim who will be mastering Mixology as a solo household in the City and, once the level of mastery that is desired has been reached, have them move to the town of your choice and begin to build a household by recruiting locals into your Sim's social group through the practical application of romance skills.

Beverage Name -- Beverage Class (Special Notes / Moodlet) -- Beverage Ingredients
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Alien Brain -- Skill Booster
Aristocratic Gimlet -- Party
Bad Cheerleader -- Romantic
Bad Referee -- Regular
Band Slam -- Energy
Barnacle Breeze -- Regular
Big Mistake -- Crazy
Black Mood -- Regular
Carribbey Cooler -- Regular
Cherry Casanova -- Romantic
Dark Energies -- Energy
Deathflower Drop -- Crazy
Deep Despair -- Regular
Ectoplasmic Residue -- Regular
Falling Forever -- Romantic
Fan Fizz -- Regular
Feng Shui Fountain -- Regular
Flaming Flotsam -- Party
Flaming Waylon -- Party
Glow Goo -- Energy
Hemoglobin Shooter -- Party (Vampire Beverage)
Hogan’s Deep Friend Juice -- Energy
Kneecapper -- Regular
Kozui Kooler -- Regular
Kthxbye -- Crazy
Kyoto My Heart -- Romantic
Llama Head -- Party
Melted Snowman -- Sorrow Annihilator
Morcubus Molotov -- Regular
Neon Breeze -- Party
Party Popper -- Party
Pink Bunny -- Regular
Plasma Punch -- Regular
Pomegranate Passion -- Romantic
Purple Gnome -- Regular
Red Water -- Regular
Rockin' Roller -- Party
Sakura Shoji Sweetness -- Party
Sanguine Slush -- Romantic
Sapphire Samurai -- Regular
Shillelagh -- Energy
Simoleon Sunrise -- Sorrow Annihilator
Simsmopolitan -- Regular
Spine Reticulator -- Regular
Spotlight Polish -- Party
Starry Sea -- Regular
Stomach Churner -- Regular
Sweet Hijinks -- Energy
Tombstone Topper -- Regular
Tropical Twister -- Energy
Vera’s Glass of Sass -- Energy
Winning Streak -- Sorrow Annihilator
WooHoo on the Beach -- Romantic
Zen Zinger -- Energy

You begin a skill raw but progress quickly and look less stupid... 

-- Mixology Skills and their Statistics --

The use of the Mixology Skill is tracked by the game regardless of whether it is employed as a hobby or as an alternative profession, with the following elements being statistically tracked by the game:

-- Cumulative Income Earned from the Mixology Skill
-- Cumulative Number of Sims Served
-- Drinks Made
-- Great Drinks Made
-- Terrible Drinks Made
-- Unique Drinks Created

-- Mixology Challenges --

As with all of the other non-traditional professions, the Mixologist has a number of challenges that they will be presented with.  These are:

Cool Creator: Available after your Sim has created 25 unique drink recipes.  Improved quality in the drinks that they make.

Master of Mood: Available after your Sim makes 200 Mood Drinks; drink moodlets last 50% longer and have a 25% plus-moodlet bonus.

Master Mixologist: Available after your Sim serves 60 drinks to Sims while Moonlighting in a bar/club; allows your Sim to earn better tips.

Poseidon: Available after your Sim makes 500 mixed drinks in total; your Sim can no longer make a foul drink.

Professor of Drinks:  Available after your Sim learns 42 drinks from bars and clubs; your Sim can serve special custom drinks.

-- Observations on Mixology --

Unlike the other non-traditional skills or professions that have been added by the current and previous expansions this skill was clearly not intended to be used as an alternative career.  While it is possible to make money doing it, it seems unlikely to be a source for a sustainable level of income, though I suppose that it could easily qualify as an income-producing hobby...  No, the point of Mixology appears to be evenly split between encouraging and promoting social interaction, supporting social gathering, and to a larger extent, serving as a boosting activity for increasing celebrity status and fame.

Of course anyone who saw and remembers the Tom Cruise movie Cocktails might wish that they could become a poem-slinging master bartender (I know I do), which would be a very cool alternative means for making a living if there was money in it, but for Mixology even if you decide not to base your Sim sin the new city of Bridgeport it is still a very useful skill in that it allows, as stated above, the ability to lubricate your group social activities, and it serves as a very convenient means for mixing and consuming beverages that potentially add positive moodlets, which can hardly be considered a worthless skill or outcome.

When your Sim reaches the point at which they have obtained enough wealth that you can safely begin to expand and redesign their starter home, it would be an idea to build in a dedicated space for their Mixology station (a home bar) and assuming that your Sim is not living in an apartment in the city, it would also be a good time to set aside a bit of their yard and turn it into their official gardening area, and start thinking about developing their gardening skills.

Using the Collection Helper to find rare seeds for Mixology ingredients.

With respect to that the obvious choice (since they are not playing at Gardening as a profession) is to head into town and purchase the three books on Gardening there which permits your Sim to master that skill by reading these alone.  Once they have done that, in my experience the fruit you can purchase from the grocery store and plant in your garden is a good place to start the process of refining and growing through the generations of plants -- using high-quality fertilizers -- towards the ultimate goal of developing a high-quality generation of each of the fruits you choose to grow.  Why?  Excellent question!

As noted above one of the core ingredients for the beverages that your Sim creates using their Mixology skills is fresh fruit.  The higher quality of the fruit the better as far as results are concerned, and of course the rarer the fruit is the better depending upon the formula.  And there are the formula or recipes that your Sim invents to take into consideration.  Basically your efforts should be divided in three ways: building into your Sim's life a designated garden spot in which you have provided as many benefits to the process as possible, from sprinklers on a timer that will water your garden before, during, and briefly after the growth cycle each morning, the related (but not required for Mixology) additional kit, such as the wine making machine and perhaps a storage box or fridge nearby for keeping your fruit properly stored, and finally a collection of seeds to use and specifically "found" seeds of the mysterious variety since those are more likely to produce the desired special fruits and plants.

Bearing in mind that any Sim that is interested in Mixology is also a Sim that you should consider having master the wine making (Nectar) skill, Gardening, and Cooking, and perhaps Fishing since that is both a source for fertilizer and for cooking resources.  The idea of rounding out their skills in that respect really is a good one, and it also adds to their potential income as it provides a number of non-traditional methods for earning money both by selling the fresh produce you do not need, the fish you cannot use, and of course the wine you make.


The Film Career Track

While the addition of the Ambitions expansion added more complex career tracks that the player can actually participate in which differs from the traditional "Rabbit Hold" style of career from the base game (Rabbit Hole means an activity that your Sim basically disappears from the game to complete, fo instance with the base careers your Sim would go to work, and their presence in the game turned into the icon on the screen that depicts the progress of their work timer).

The Film Career is a Rabbit Hole career in which your Sims are able to obtain special job opportunities in town while they are "on the clock," allowing them to complete special activities and progress in the carer until it reaches the two branching directions following the completion of Level 5.

It should come as no surprise that regardless of the branch that you pursue, the Film Career track is highly dependent upon and related to the new Fame and Celebrity System that was added to the game with this expansion.  Your Sims who join this career track will ultimately end up earning a lot of fame and making famous friends, having the opportunity to complete both the general fame/celebrity opportunities as well as special opportunities that are specific to the career track.

-- Related Lifetime Wishes --

If you are tailor-making a Sim for this Career Path you may want to consider the following Lifetime Wishes as suitable for them:

-- Distinguished Director -- 30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points --  Reach Level 10 Mastery in the Film Career, Directing Branch.

-- Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous -- 40,000 Lifetime Happiness Points -- Have $100,000 Simoleons in your household funds and reach Level 5 in Celebrity Status.

-- Master Mixologist -- 40,000 Lifetime Happiness Points -- Reach Level 10 Mastery in the Mixology Skill and own a bar.

-- Master Romancer -- 30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points -- WooHoo in 5 different places with 5 different Sims.

-- One Sim Band -- 45,000 Lifetime Happiness Points -- Reach Level 10 Mastery in Bass, Drums, Guitar and Piano skills.

Working in the Industry means cheap sets...

-- Observations on the Film Career Track --

Serious simmers will easily grasp the interconnecting elements between the new Film career and the Fame/Celebrity system -- if you have not had long experience with the game it will help you to understand that there is in fact a connection between those new skills/events and this career -- and specifically that fame/celebrity is a critical requirement for this career in much the same way that the Logic and Athletic Skills are required for the Law Enforcement track.  As your Sim works to gain levels and works towards promotions in this career track they will have to actively work on improving their fame and celebrity status.

If you are creating a Sim expressly to pursue this career track you will want to create them with at least the "Ambitious" and "Star Quality" Traits -- and you will want to put out the effort that is required to build a large number of celebrity friends, working as quickly as you can to acquire the Lifetime Happiness Points that are required to purchase the Lifetime Wishes "Map to the Stars" (20,000 Points),  "Always on the List" (17,500 Points), "Eye Candy" (5,000 Points), and "Legendary Host" (5,000 Points) at a minimum -- and any others you think will help your Sim (for example if your Sim was not created expressly for this career track you may find that becoming an acclaimed author or artist is a fast track to celebrity and fame and so pick Wishes for those tracks).

No matter what path you choose to develop your Sim you will find that once they reach Level 4 of Fame/Celebrity it gets much harder to acquire additional points in that Skill --  so you will want to obtain the Superstar Actor or Distinguished Director (as applies to the branch you will be taking) and the "Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous" Lifetime Wish as soon as conveniently possible as well -- and the Film Level 4 Perk, which will help make the acquisition of Celebrity Point a little easier.

-- The Base Career Track Level Details --

Level -- Title -- Work Days -- Base Pay -- Required Skills / Conditions
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 -- Background Extra -- M-Tu-W-Th-F -- $126 -- Mood
2 -- Best Boy -- M-Tu-W-Th-F -- $150 -- Mood, Cast Relationship
3 -- Key Grip -- M-Tu-W-Th-F -- $150 -- Mood, Cast Relationship
4 -- Personal Assistant -- M-Tu-W-Th-F -- $260 -- Mood, Cast Relationship, Celebrity
5 -- Production Manager -- M-Tu-W-Th-F -- $310 -- Mood, Cast Relationship, Celebrity

Your Sim can use their Celebrity to endorse restaurants for profits!

-- The Importance of Celebrity --

The emphasis upon celebrity for this career track is such that pursuing every opportunity to increase your Sim's status as a celebrity is pretty much a given.  If you are stuck for how to do this, bear in mind that the opportunities are not the only way to do this -- making firends with other celebs and servicing those relationships is another primary path, but your Sim should also be taking every opportunity to attend social events as well, and in particular organized parties and after-event bashes, as well as hitting the popular nightclubs and bars.  Parties in the penthouse suite of a celebrity is a great place to meet new celebrities and make friends with them -- as are the clubs that have VIP lounges.  

Many of the new and existing non-traditional professions represent additional opportunities for establishing and building fame, including the Artist path (Painter and Sculptor), Author/Writer, and Band Member, and even Chef.  When you make friends with a new celebrity having already established mastery in one of these is of incredible value to you, because it allows you to successfully impress them by talking about your job.  Be careful about lying to them though as that can easily backfire on you, and the damage you do in the process may not be correctable.

Name dropping works well when you are dropping the name of a celeb who is more famous than the one you are talking to and about to name drop to, and of course you should never underestimate the potential brownie points available for simply buying a round of drinks.

Becoming a celebrity is real work and it requires specific and concerted effort on your part and the part of your Sims -- who will have to sacrifice things like sleep and personal interests in order to excel at this fickle pursuit.  Fortunately your spouse and children can help you (they gain an extra boost by being related to a famous Sim but can also be used to network with other famous Sims who they can invite to your home, thus providing your Sim with additional opportunities to network with other celebrities).

As you gain access to the better clubs and VIP lounges you will find that networking gets easier, and doing that will lead to more invitations to hang out at exclusive parties with other celebrities -- but bear in mind at all times that the bane of your existence -- the paparazzi and your adoring fans -- are always lurking in the shadows!  Be prepared to sign autographs cheerfully and never show your ass to the press!   You want to avoid scandals if you can, as they rarely help you...   If your celebrity Sim does get caught doing something bad always remember that you do have the option to either pay off the paparazzi with a bribe or you can head down to City Hall and sue their asses!


The Film Career Track: Actor

Once you complete Level 5 of the career path you are given the choice for which specialized branch of the career you want to choose -- either Actor or Director.  If you choose Actor you will then have the opportunity for the following promotions to master the career track:

Level -- Title -- Work Days -- Base Pay -- Required Skills / Conditions
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
06 -- TV Actor -- M-Tu-W-Th -- $485 -- Mood, Cast Relationship, Charisma, Celebrity
07 -- Featured Actor -- M-Tu-W-Th -- $530 -- Mood, Charisma, Celebrity
08 -- Supporting Actor -- M-Tu-W-Th -- $730 -- Mood, Charisma, Celebrity
09 -- Lead Actor -- M-W-Th -- $915 -- Mood, Charisma, Celebrity
10 -- Superstar Actor -- M-W-Th -- $2250 -- Mood, Charisma, Celebrity

Working in the Industry means cheap sets...

-- Actor Perks --

When your Sim reaches Level 6 as an Actor they will gain a permanent bonus that reduces the entry requirements for clubs by 1 Level, allowing them to more easily enter almost any club, which you will find helps in your ongoing and seemingly never-ending challenge of acquiring more fame...   At Level 7 they will begin using their limo to go to work and travel, and at Level 10 they obtain the Actor's Trailer, which allows your Sim to change clothes and sleep pretty much anywhere it can be placed!

One of the bonus perks that you will have available is the ability to win awards like the Simmy Best Actor award -- accomplishments that naturally add to your ability to acquire fame and celebrity status.
While your Sim does not wear a specific uniform or outfit for each level of their job like other Sim careers, they will often find themselves being given special outfits and costumes that relate to their role in whatever film they are currently making, and they do have the option to wear that via their dresser at home!

You will notice that some Levels require good cast relationships -- to improve those be sure to choose opportunities that improve that, and to share the spotlight with other actors at events to gain their respect and friendship.  Once you have their friendship ringing them up to chat every now and then is also a good idea.  Remember gaining work Levels is also a good method for improving your ability to obtain celebrity status and vide-versa!


The Film Career Track: Director

Once you complete Level 5 of the career path you are given the choice for which specialized branch of the career you want to choose -- either Actor or Director.  If you choose Director you will then have the opportunity for the following promotions to master the career track:

Level -- Title -- Work Days -- Base Pay -- Required Skills / Conditions
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
06 -- Storyboardist -- M-Tu-W-Th -- $465 -- Mood, Writing, Celebrity, Cast Relationships
07 -- 2nd Unit Director -- M-Tu-W-Th -- $610 -- Mood, Writing, Celebrity
08 -- Script Writer -- M-Tu-W-Th -- $795 -- Mood, Writing, Celebrity
09 -- Assistant Director -- M-Tu-W-Th -- $1028 -- Mood, Writing, Celebrity
10 -- Distinguished Director -- M-Tu-W-Th -- $2420 -- Mood, Writing, Celebrity

As a Director you have more at-home time for family

-- Director Perks --

Directors basically obtain the same Level bonus for entry to clubs as do the Actors, and they also ride in their limo to work and travel at Level 7.   Unlike the Actor path though, they get the ability to write screenplays at Level 8, which provides them with an extra opportunity to earn more money. 

When they master the job at Level 10 Directors obtain the "Director's Seat of Power" and they can also win awards like the Best Director Simmy -- with desirable effects like being able to place it in their home just for fits and shiggles.  Personally once you complete the Director's Path it might be worth it to quit and start over so you can do the Actor's path in order to get that spiffy trailer as well!


New Part-time Jobs

The addition of the Ambitions expansion pack added a new type of job to the game, the Part-time Job, which was intended to be used by teenage Sims and retired Sims for earning extra money for the household... The new Part-time Jobs that were added to the game with Late Night are actually intended for teens, and specifically for the teenaged kids of celebrities, who will find these jobs a bit easier to do and, naturally, that they may help them in shaping their adult career as an actor if they decide to go that route.

Lifetime Rewards can achieve nearly instant friendships in chat...

The following Part-Time Jobs have been added by the Late Night expansion for your pleasure:

-- Commercial Actor -- M-Tu-W-Th-F -- 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM -- $30 per Hour -- Mood, School Grades
-- TV Actor -- M-Tu-W-Th-F -- 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM -- $50 per Hour -- Mood, School Grades
-- Teen Star -- M-Tu-W-Th-F -- 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM -- $80 per Hour -- Mood, School Grades

Note that to apply for and be accepted into these Part-time Jobs your teen Sim must already have a single Star of fame -- which is why these are more for the children of the already famous if you see what I mean...


The Moodlet Catalog -- Lessons in Moodlets

One of the most sublime and significant elements in game play in this third revised edition of The Sims game series are moodlets -- which are quite literally one of the most significant elements effecting the daily life of your Sims.  Moodlets are a sort of shorthand visual indication of the combined effects that your Sim's environment and the other life-based influences around them have had or are having upon them, both the good and the bad.  Understanding the different moodlets and how to make use of them, and when to seek to nullify them, is a skills set that marks the truly serious Simmer -- as while the casual gamer can easily and even safely ignore the moodlet system should they choose to, the serious Simmer understands and appreciates the implications and impact that each moodlet has, and prefers to manage them on a day-to-day and moment-to-moment basis.

Moodlets for the purpose of this Catalog and Mini-Guide have been broken out by Class and Effect in part one below, and then listed alphabetically in part two, with the idea being that part one will permit the player to evaluate the use of moodlets strategically, while part two facilitates the ability to look up and evaluate the moodlets that you may find your Sim has acquired...  Ultimately the goal here is for you to become very familiar with these to the point that you understand and learn them as a practical element in regular game play, but as implied previously, this is purely a voluntary action, and it is not specifically required in order to play and enjoy the games.

-- Moodlet Catalog Part I: Moodlets by Class and Effect --

The following is the moodlet system broken out by an arbitary classification of the Class and Effect of the moodlet.  You can utilize this section to seek out and learn how to obtain the moodlets you may find to be beneficial to your Sim using this part of the catalog.

Note: This listing includes ALL of the possible Moodlets spanning ALL of the series including the Base Game plus the expansions and any Moodlets added by Stuff Packs and Adventure or Scenarios.

** Artistic and Culturally-Related Moodlets **
Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Abracafabulous -- 20 -- 15 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Acrobat Extraordinaire -- 30 -- 24 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Dis-illusioned -- (-5) -- 12 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Down and Out -- (-5) -- 12 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Drawn In -- 5 -- 1 Hour -- Watching Natural Born Performer.
-- Fired Up -- 20 -- 15 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Flamed Out -- (-10) -- 15 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Flying High -- 10 -- 10 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Golden Voice -- 30 -- 24 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Heard Theater Music -- 10 -- None -- Hearing Theater Music.
-- In Tune -- 10 -- 10 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Intrigued By Great Lecture -- 20 -- 3 hours -- Great Lecture.
-- Mopus-Pocus -- (-10) -- 15 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- On Cloud Nine -- 20 -- 15 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Out of Tune -- (-5) -- 12 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Read a Masterpiece -- 20 -- 24 Hours -- Reading a Masterpiece.
-- Saw Amazing Show -- 15 -- 4 Hours -- Show at SimFest.
-- Saw Amazingly Insightful Film -- 20 -- 16 Hours -- Film Screening.
-- Saw Awful Film -- (-10) -- 8 Hours -- Film Screening.
-- Saw Awful Show -- (-20) -- 4 Hours -- Show at SimFest.
-- Saw Exciting Film -- 15 -- 16 Hours -- Film Screening.
-- Saw Great Concert -- 25 -- 16 Hours -- Concert at Stadium.
-- Saw Great Fireworks Show -- 10 -- 16 Hours -- Fireworks Extravaganza.
-- Saw Great Game -- 20 -- 16 Hours -- Game at Stadium, Opportunity.
-- Saw Great Movie -- 10 -- 16 Hours -- Show at Theater.
-- Saw Great Opera -- 10 -- 4 Hours -- View Opera.
-- Saw Great Play -- 25 -- 16 Hours -- Play at Theater.
-- Saw Great Show -- 10 -- 4 Hours -- Show at Theater.
-- Saw Great Show -- 40 -- 8 Hours -- Show at SimFest.
-- Saw Great Symphony -- 30 -- 16 Hours -- Symphony at Theater.
-- Saw Insufferably Pretentious Film -- (-10) -- 8 Hours -- Film Screening.
-- Saw Legendary Show -- 5 -- 10 Minutes -- Performance on Stage.
-- Saw Touching Film -- 15 -- 16 Hours -- Film Screening.
-- Saw Wonderful Ballet -- 10 -- 4 Hours --  School field trip to Theater / Ballet.
-- Sour Notes -- (-10) -- 15 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Spellbinder -- 10 -- 10 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Walking On Air -- 30 -- 24 Hours -- Performance on Stage.

The new Vampire race can be created in the Character Creator

** Bladder-Related Moodlets **
Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-- Has To Pee -- None -- 2 Hours -- Low Bladder Need
-- Really Has To Pee -- (-30) -- 60 Minutes -- Critically Low Bladder Need

** Body and Condition-Related Moodlets **
Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Bad Landing -- (-20) -- 35 Minutes -- Trampoline.
-- Bitten! (-10) -- 2 Hours -- Small Pet.
-- Completely At Ease -- 20, 40, 75 -- 7 Days -- Day Spa.
-- Dizzy -- (-30) -- 1 Hour -- Harvester Malfunctioning.
-- Drowning -- (-40) -- 40 Minutes -- Swimming.
-- Ensorcelled -- None -- 4 Hours -- Genie Ability.
-- Fatigued -- None -- 8 Hours -- Exercise.
-- Hurt Foot -- (-25) -- 3 Hours -- Pet Rock.
-- Hurt Hand! -- (-25) -- 3 Hours -- Snake Bite, Martial Arts Board, Hidden Door.
-- Hydrophobic -- (-20) -- 3 Hours -- Swimming, Dive Well.
-- Itchy -- (-15) -- 4 Hours -- Science Opportunity.
-- Knocked Out -- (-25) -- 10 Minutes -- Taking Experimental Treatment, Eating Garlic as Vampire.
-- Mugged! -- (-15) -- 4 Hours -- Subway, Playing for Tips.
-- Nice Nails -- 5, 10, 15 -- 2 Days -- Day Spa.
-- Oddly Powerful -- 15 -- 5 Hours -- Science Opportunity.
-- Ouch! My Face! -- (-25) -- 4 Hours -- Snake Bite /Snake Charming.
-- Pumped -- 15 -- 4 Hours -- Exercise.
-- Relaxed -- 25, 50, 75 -- 12 Hours -- Day Spa.
-- Rejuvenated -- 30, 60, 100 -- 24 Hours -- Day Spa.
-- Slipped! -- (-10) -- 10 Minutes -- Water Slide.
-- Smooth Skin -- 10, 20, 30 -- 2 Days -- Day Spa.
-- Snake Bite! -- (-25) -- 45 Minutes -- Snake Bite / Small Pet.
-- Sore -- (-10) -- 6 Hours -- Exercise.

** Career and Profession-Related Moodlets **
Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Anxious To Advance -- (-15) -- Until promotion and/or improved skill -- Lack of Progress.
-- Fired -- (-30) -- 24 Hours -- Losing Job.
-- Likes Work -- 10 -- None -- Working.
-- Missing Appointment -- (-30) -- 2 Hours -- Missing Appointment.
-- Missing Work -- (-30) -- None -- Missing Work.
-- Neighborhood Hero -- 50 -- 4 Days -- Reaching the Top of Profession.
-- Overworked -- (-15) -- 12 Hours -- Working Hard.

Body options include a slider for larger breasts

** Celebrity, Fame, and Performance-Related Moodlets **
Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Born To Do This -- 5 -- 30 Minutes -- Performing.
-- Celebrity -- 30 -- 2 Hours -- Holding Autograph Session, Time Traveling.
-- Chatted with Audience -- 5 -- 10 Minutes -- Performer chatting with Audience.
-- Downtrodden -- (-30) -- 2 Hours -- None -- Rejected.
-- Embarrassed -- 10 Minutes -- Public Failure.
-- Got Recognized (bad) -- (-20) -- 8 Hours     Being Recognized as a Celebrity.
-- Got Recognized (good) -- 20 -- 8 Hours     Being Recognized as a Celebrity.
-- Had Star Tantrum -- 25 -- 5 Hours -- Star Tantrum.
-- In the Limelight -- 10 -- 1 Hour -- Being Noticed by Paparazzi.
-- Melodic Masterpiece -- 20 -- 24 Hours -- Lounge Lizard Magic Gnome.
-- Publicly Disgraced -- (-20) -- 3 Days -- Inappropriate Acts as a Celebrity.
-- Stage Fright -- (-20) -- 8 Hours -- Performing.
-- Star-Struck! -- 10 -- 2 Hours -- Celebrity.

** Children and Teen-Related Moodlets **
Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Admonished -- 15 -- 3 Hours -- Chastise Child Sim
-- Being Ignored -- (-10) -- None -- Being Snubbed
-- Caught After Curfew -- (-15) -- 3 Hours -- Being Lectured
-- Caught Pranking -- (-15) -- 3 Hours -- Prank
-- Denied for Dance -- (-50) -- 4 Hours -- Prom
-- Ditched! -- (-50) -- 4 Hours -- Prom
-- Fantastic Tea Party -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Tea Party
-- Fight the Power -- 15 -- 2 Hours -- Deviant Behavior
-- Got in a Fight -- (-20) -- 4 Hours -- Prom
-- Got in Trouble -- (-5) -- None -- Deviant Behavior
-- Got Put In Time Out -- (-20) -- 1 Hour -- Deviant Behavior
-- Grounded! -- (-30) -- 2 Days -- Deviant Behavior
-- Had a Good Stroll -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Stroller
-- Having a Mood Swing -- None -- 16 Hours -- Teenager
-- Mutant Dino Rampage! -- 20 -- 3 Hours -- Costume Chest
-- Out After Curfew! -- 15 -- None -- Breaking Curfew
-- Prank Backfire! -- (-10) -- 1 Hour -- Prank, Drinking a Potion
-- Pranked! (bad) -- (-10) -- 1 Hour -- Prank
-- Pranked! (good) -- 10 -- 1 Hour -- Prank
-- Privilege Revoked -- (-20) -- 1 Day -- Deviant Behavior
-- Prom King -- 30 -- 12 Hours -- Prom
-- Prom Queen -- 30 -- 12 Hours -- Prom
-- Queen/King for a Day -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Costume Chest
-- Rebel Ride -- 10 -- 2 Hours -- Riding a Motorcycle
-- Sell-Out -- (-15) -- 2 Hours -- Sucking Up
-- Snuck Out! -- None -- Until going home -- Sneaking Out
-- Spoiled -- (-10) -- 16 Hours -- Getting Gifts
-- Successful Prank! -- 15 -- 12 Hours -- Prank
-- Where Are My Gifts? -- (-15) -- 4 Hours -- Desire Gifts

Fashion in the Character Creator starts with Walmart...

** Education and Learning-Related Moodlets **
Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Detention -- (-20) -- 4 hours -- School
-- Educated -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Taking a Class
-- Failing -- (-40) -- 18 Hours -- Bad Grades
-- Honor Student -- 25 -- 24 Hours -- Good Grades
-- I Graduated! -- 10 -- 10 Days -- Graduation
-- Learning Quickly -- None -- None -- Learning Stove
-- Listening To Tabcast -- None -- None -- MultiTab 6000 / Charisma Tabcast
-- Listening To Tabcast -- None -- None -- MultiTab 6000 / Cooking Tabcast
-- Listening To Tabcast -- None -- None -- MultiTab 6000 / Fishing Tabcast
-- Listening To Tabcast -- None -- None -- MultiTab 6000 / Gardening Tabcast
-- Listening To Tabcast -- None -- None -- MultiTab 6000 / Guitar Tabcast
-- Listening To Tabcast -- None -- None -- MultiTab 6000 / Handiness Tabcast
-- Listening To Tabcast -- None -- None -- MultiTab 6000 / Logic Tabcast
-- Listening To Tabcast -- None -- None -- MultiTab 6000 / Nectar Making Tabcast
-- Listening To Tabcast -- None -- None -- MultiTab 6000 / Photography Tabcast
-- Listening To Tabcast -- None -- None -- MultiTab 6000 / Writing Tabcast
-- Power Study-- None -- Until you leave Library -- Library
-- Proud Grandparent -- 10 -- 10 Days -- Graduation
-- Proud Parent -- 10 -- 10 Days -- Graduation
-- Proud Sibling -- 5 -- 10 Days -- Graduation
-- Valedictorian -- 20 -- 10 Days -- Graduation

** Energy, Rest, and Sleep-Related Moodlets **
Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Adrenaline Rush -- 15 -- 3 Hours -- Dangerous Actions or Events.
-- Bad Night's Sleep -- (-15) -- 6 Hours -- Cheap Bed.
-- Buzz Crashed -- (-10) -- 3 Hours -- Caffeine Withdrawal.
-- Buzzed -- 30 -- 3 Hours -- Consuming Caffeinated Beverage.
-- Cuddle Time -- 20 -- 5 Hours -- Stuffed Animal.
-- Dream Came True -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Dreaming.
-- Energized -- 10 to 60 -- 3 Hours -- Electrocution (for SimBots), Electric Tomb Trap (for SimBots), Free Vacation (for all Sims).
-- Exhausted -- (-50) -- Until Sleep -- Critically Low Energy Need.
-- Gently Floating -- 10 -- Hover Bed.
-- Had a Good Dream -- 15 -- 2 Hours -- Good Dream.
-- Had a Nice Nap -- 10 -- 5 Hours -- Napping.
-- Nightmare -- (-15) -- 3 Hours -- Nightmare.
-- Out of Sorts -- (-20) -- 23 Hours -- Grumpy Trait -- Getting up on the wrong side of the bed makes Sims feel grumpy.  A good night's sleep will clear up that bad mood.
-- Rude Awakening -- (-10) -- 1 Hour -- Loud Noise while Sleeping.
-- Sleepy -- None -- 3 Hours -- Low Energy Need.
-- Slept Like a King / Prince -- 40 -- 10 Hours -- Sultan's Tabernacle.
-- Slept Like a Queen / Princess -- 40 -- 10 Hours -- Sultan's Tabernacle.
-- Slept Like a Star -- 20 -- 6 Hours -- Actor Trailer.
-- Snug As a Bug -- 15 -- 2 Hours -- Sleeping Bag.
-- Tired -- (-40) -- 3 Hours -- Very Low Energy Need.
-- Turbo Sleep -- None -- 8 Hours -- Drinking Sleeping Elixir Potion.
-- Well Rested -- 10 to 30 -- 10 Hours -- High Energy Need.

Fashion in the Character Creator and goes up to Niemens...

** Environment-Related Moodlets **
Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Afraid of the Dark -- (-15) -- None -- Darkness, Science Opportunity.
-- Aroma Energy -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- ExtraordinAIRe-Inator.
-- Beautiful Park -- 15 -- None -- Beautiful Lot.
-- Beautiful Vista -- 15 to 30 --None -- Beautiful Lot.
-- Beautifully Decorated -- 40-- None -- Decorated Room.
-- Can't Stand Art -- (-10) -- 3 Hours -- Viewing Art.
-- Comfy -- 5 to 40 -- Until your Sim stops using the object -- Comfortable Object.
-- Creepy Graveyard -- (-5) -- None -- Graveyard.
-- Decorated -- 10 -- None -- Decorated Room.
-- Dirty Surroundings-- (-15) -- Until room is cleaned -- Dirty Room.
-- Disgusted -- (-5) -- 10 Minutes -- Encountering Smelly Sim, Disgusting Food     Revolting Sights.
-- Enjoying Music -- 10 to 40 -- None -- Stereo, Guitar, Snake Charming, Karaoke.
-- Fascinated -- 10 -- 2 Hours -- Contemplating Surroundings, Time Traveling, Floor Hygineator.
-- Filthy Surroundings -- (-30) -- Until room is cleaned -- Filthy Room.
-- Fit Atmosphere -- None  -- Until your Sim exits the gym -- Gym.
-- Horrified -- (-35) -- 8 Hours -- Mausoleum, Drill Hole, Liquid Horror Potion.
-- Inspired -- 15 -- 4 Hours -- Viewing Art, Time Traveling, Science Opportunity.
-- It's Dark -- (-10) -- None -- Darkness.
-- Love Is In The Air -- 10 -- None -- Incense.
-- Lovely Pool -- 15 -- None -- Beautiful Lot.
-- Mauled By Bear -- (-35) -- 8 hours -- Exploring Catacombs.
-- Meditative Focus -- None -- 4 Hours -- Meditation.
-- Neuronic Synergy -- 10 -- None -- Incense.
-- Nicely Decorated -- 25-- None -- Decorated Room.
-- One with Nature -- 20 -- Until your Sim  goes indoors -- Being Outside.
-- Plagued By Nature -- (-20) -- Until your Sim goes indoors -- Being Outside.
-- Stir Crazy -- (-15) -- 1 Hour -- Not Leaving Home.
-- Totally Mellow -- 10 -- None -- Incense.
-- Unfinished Room -- (-10) -- Until room is finished -- Uncovered Walls or Floors.
-- Vile Surroundings -- (-40) -- Until room is cleaned -- Vile Room.
-- Visceroidal Nausea -- (-25) -- 2 Hours -- Tiberium in Inventory.
-- Zen -- 20 -- None -- Scholar's Garden.

** Fun-Based Moodlets **
Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Annoyed -- (-20) -- 2 Hours -- Blackjack Table or Slot Machine.
-- Attention Frenzy -- 5 -- Varied Time -- Mechanical Bull.
-- Bad Reception -- (-10) -- Duration for watching TV -- Watching a Cheap T.V.
-- Cold Slot Machine -- (-20) -- 4 Hours -- Slot Machine.
-- Conquered the Bull -- 25 -- 4 Hours -- Mechanical Bull.
-- Distracted -- (-10) -- 4 Hours -- Blackjack Table or Slot Machine.
-- Don't Feel Like Dancing! -- (-5) -- 30 Minutes -- DJ Booth.
-- Ego Boost -- 20 -- 2 Hours -- Blackjack Table or Slot Machine.
-- Entertained -- 25 -- Duration Varies / 6 Hours (Maximum) -- High Fun Need.
-- Failed at VR -- (-15) -- 24 Hours -- VR Adventure Goggles.
-- Failed To Groove -- None -- 45 Minutes -- DJ Booth.
-- Feeling Slightly Unlucky -- (-5) -- 3 Hours -- Domino Game / Heckler.
-- Great Adventure -- 20 -- 3 Hours -- Time Travel / VR Adventure Goggles.
-- Having a Blast -- 40 -- Duration Varies / 8 Hours (Maximum) -- Extremely High Fun Need.
-- High Quality Video -- 20 -- Duration for Watching a Video -- Watching an Expensive Video.
-- Hot Slot Machine -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Slot Machine.
-- Losing -- (-10) -- 4 Hours -- Blackjack Table or Slot Machine.
-- Losing Streak -- (-20) -- 4 Hours -- Blackjack Table or Slot Machine.
-- Made It Groove! -- 5 -- 45 Minutes -- Public Failure in the DJ Booth.
-- Poor Quality Video -- (-10) -- Duration for Watching a Video -- Watching a Cheap Video.
-- Pristine Picture -- 15 -- Duration for watching TV -- Watching a Nice T.V.
-- Pwned by the Bull! -- (-20) -- 4 Hours -- Mechanical Bull.
-- Remembering -- None -- 12 Hours -- Watching a Video.
-- Strained -- (-15) -- Duration Varies / 2 Days (Maximum) -- Low Fun Need.
-- Stressed Out -- (-40) -- Until Sim has Fun -- Critically Low Fun Need.
-- Technophobia -- (-10) -- 25 Minutes -- Using Electronics.
-- Thespian -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Act Passing Out.
-- Tile Master -- 30 -- 4 Hours -- Domino Game.
-- Traveled in Time (bad) -- (-25) -- 4 Hours -- Time Travel.
-- Traveled in Time (good) -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Time Travel.
-- Virtually Empowered -- 15 -- 5 Hours -- VR Adventure Goggles.
-- Virtually Nauseous -- (-25) -- 2 hours -- VR Adventure Goggles.
-- Virtually Terrified! -- (-25) -- 3 Hours -- VR Adventure Goggles.
-- Virtually Victorious! -- 25 -- 8 Hours -- VR Adventure Goggles.
-- Went for Joy Ride -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Imagined Driving.
-- Winning -- 10 -- 4 Hours -- Blackjack Table or Slot Machine.
-- Winning Streak -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Blackjack Table or Slot Machine.

Body creation includes body hair...


** Hunger and Appetite Moodlets **
Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Amazing Meal -- 40 -- 8 Hours -- Yummy Food.
-- Better With Bacon-- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Sizzle Baby Pro Deep Fryer and Frost-Bite Pro Ice Cream Machine.
-- Brain Freeze -- (-10) -- 1 Hour -- Ice Cream Truck.
-- Carbed Up! -- 35 -- 3 Hours -- Eating Pemmican.
-- Chocolate Bliss -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Aims Co. Choc-O-Falls Fountain.
-- Chocolate Shame -- (-20) -- 4 Hours -- Aims Co. Choc-O-Falls Fountain.
-- Cocolatey Goodness -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Aims Co. Choc-O-Falls Fountain.
-- Comfort Food -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Sizzle Baby Pro Deep Fryer and Frost-Bite Pro Ice Cream Machine.
-- Deep Fried Goodness -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Sizzle Baby Pro Deep Fryer and Frost-Bite Pro Ice Cream Machine.
-- Divine Meal -- 75 -- 7 Days -- Ambrosia, Restaurant, Time Traveling.
-- Food Poisoning -- (-25) -- 2 Hours -- Food Truck.
-- Foul Food -- (-25) -- 45 Minutes -- Eating Dried Food.
-- Freezer Burn -- (-10) -- 1 Hour -- Ice Cream Truck.
-- Good Meal -- 10 to 20 -- 8 Hours -- Yummy Food.
-- Greasy! -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Food Truck.
-- Great Meal -- 25 to 35 -- 8 Hours -- Yummy Food.
-- Hungry -- None -- 3 Hours -- Low Hunger Need.
-- Impressed by the Chocolate Fountain -- 20 -- 3 Hours - Aims Co. Choc-O-Falls Fountain.
-- Indigestion -- (-20) -- 4 Hours -- Sizzle Baby Pro Deep Fryer and Frost-Bite Pro Ice Cream Machine.
-- Nauseous -- (-25) -- 2 Hours -- Spoiled Food, Pregnancy, Opportunity, Vegetarian Eating Meat, Normal Sim Eating Plasma or Mummy Snacks.
-- Starving -- (-80) -- 24 Hours -- Critically Low Hunger Need.
-- Stuffed -- None -- 3 Hours -- Overeating.
-- Tasteless -- (-5) -- 6 Hours -- Aims Co. Choc-O-Falls Fountain.
-- Tastes Like Fridge -- (-10) -- 2 Hours -- Leftovers from a Cheap Fridge.
-- Uneven Cooking -- (-10) -- 3 Hours -- Eating Food Cooked on a "Cheap" or low quality Stove.
-- Very Hungry-- (-40) -- 24 Hours -- Very Low Hunger Need.
-- Warm Fuzzies -- 15 -- 5 Hours -- Angel Food Cake, Nectar.
-- Wasted Food -- (-5) -- 2 Hours -- Throwing Away Good Food.
-- Yummy Goodness! -- 15 -- 2 Hours -- Ice Cream Truck.

** Hygiene-Related Moodlets **
Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Cold Shower -- (-10) -- 3 Hours -- Cheap / Low Quality Shower.
-- Covered in Nectar -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Socialization.
-- Duck Time -- 15 -- 5 Hours -- Rubber Ducky.
-- Exhilarated -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Skinny Dipping.
-- Exhilarating Shower -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Nice Shower.
-- Garlic Breath -- None -- 3 Hours -- Eating Garlic.
-- Grungy -- (-5) -- 4 Hours -- Low Hygiene Need.
-- Magically Spotless -- 20 -- 30 Minutes -- Genie Ability.
-- Minty Breath -- 5 -- 4 Hours -- Brushing Teeth, Opportunity, Mint Bubble Bar.
-- Smelly -- (-10) -- Until your Sim takes a Shower or a Bath -- Extremely Low Hygiene Need.
-- Squeaky Clean -- 10 -- 7 Hours -- High Hygiene Need.
-- Submarine Adventure -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Playing Imaginary Submarine in a Bathtub.

Fashion in the Character Creator includes all age designs...


** Imaginary Friend-Related Moodlets **
Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Bighearted Friend -- 10 -- 6 Hours -- Doll.
-- Can't Believe My Eyes! -- 10 -- 6 Hours -- Doll.
-- I am a real Sim! -- 10 -- 6 Hours -- Imaginary Friend Turning Real.
-- Imaginary Friend Turned Real! -- 10 -- 6 Hours -- Imaginary Friend Turning Real.
-- Makin' Friends -- 20 -- 5 Hours -- Doll.
-- Power of Imaginary Friend -- 10 -- 6 Hours -- Having an Imaginary Friend.
-- Scrumptious Food -- 10 -- 6 Hours -- Eating.
-- Unimaginable Comfort -- 10 -- 6 Hours -- Sleeping.

** Magic-Oriented Moodlets **
Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Awake Refreshed -- 15 -- 3 Hours -- Hypnotizer.
-- Cupid's Wrath -- (-50) -- 2 Days -- Malleable Mimic Voodoo Doll.
-- Curiously Compulsive -- 15 -- 3 Hours -- Lord Vladimir's Magic Cauldron.
-- Cursed! -- (-50) -- 12 Hours -- Lady Ravendancer Goth's Book O' Spells.
-- Euphoric -- 40 -- 6 Hours -- Wishing Well.
-- Eternal Joy -- 25 --  None -- Genie Wish.
-- Happy in the Moment -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Wishing Well.
-- Hot Foot -- (-30) -- 3 Days -- Malleable Mimic Voodoo Doll.
-- Hypnotized -- 10 -- 4 Hours (1 Hour when self-hypnotize) -- Hypnotizer.
-- Incoming Aces -- 10 -- As long as lucky coin is in your Sim's inventory -- Wishing Well.
-- Kissed a Frog -- 20 -- 24 Hours -- Wishing Well.
-- Makin' Magic! -- 15 -- 4 Hours -- Lady Ravendancer Goth's Book O' Spells.
-- Miserable -- 25 -- 3 Days -- Genie Wish.
-- Peaceful -- 25 -- 3 Days -- Genie Wish.
-- Poked and Prodded -- (-30) -- 4 Hours -- Malleable Mimic Voodoo Doll.
-- Potent Potables -- 30 -- 3 Hours -- Lord Vladimir's Magic Cauldron.
-- Smitten -- 20 -- 24 Hours -- Malleable Mimic Voodoo Doll.
-- Voodoo Blessing -- 30 -- 2 Days -- Malleable Mimic Voodoo Doll.
-- Voodoo Curse -- (-30) -- 2 Days -- Malleable Mimic Voodoo Doll.
-- Wish Come True -- 50 -- 2 Days -- Leon's Fountain of Youth.

** Nectar/Juice/Mixology-Related Moodlets **
Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Astonishing Aroma -- 5 to 30 -- 8 Hours -- Nectar.
-- Awful Aroma -- (-5 to -30) -- 8 Hours -- Nectar.
-- Bad Nectar -- N/A -- 2 Hours -- Nectar.
-- Banan-ahhhhhhhhh -- 15 -- 2 Hours -- Banana Bubble Bar.
-- Big Spender -- 10 -- 1 Hour -- Ordering Drinks.
-- Bitter Balance -- (-5 to -30) -- 8 Hours -- Nectar.
-- Breathtaking Balance -- 5 to 30 -- 8 Hours -- Nectar.
-- Buzz Crashed -- (-10) -- 3 Hours -- Caffeine Withdrawal.
-- Cerebral Boost -- 15 -- 4 Hours -- Juice.
-- Chocolate Chuckles -- 15 -- 2 Hours -- Chocolate Bubble Bar.
-- Commanding Complexity -- 5 to 30 -- 8 Hours -- Nectar.
-- Crooked Complexity -- (-5 to -30) -- 8 Hours -- Nectar.
-- Fabulous Finish -- 5 to 30 -- 8 Hours -- Nectar.
-- Feeling Good -- 5 -- 1 Hour -- Tipping Juice Server.
-- Foul Finish -- (-5 to -30) -- 8 Hours -- Nectar.
-- Full of Life -- 50 -- 8 Hours -- Nectar.
-- Going Wild! -- 30 -- 5 Hours -- Juice.
-- Good Nectar -- N/A -- 8 Hours -- Nectar.
-- In the Mood -- 25 -- 2 Hours -- Juice.
-- Juice Buddies Forever -- 5 -- 2 Hours -- Ordering Drinks.
-- Juiced -- 5 -- 2 Hours -- Ordering Drinks.
-- Minty Breath -- 5 -- 4 Hours -- Mint Bubble Bar.
-- On a Beach -- 15 -- 2 Hours -- Pineapple Bubble Bar.
-- Social Strawberry -- 15 -- 2 Hours -- Strawberry Bubble Bar.
-- Sugar Rush -- 15 -- 4 Hours -- Juice, Nectar, Cotton Candy Bubble Bar.
-- Warmed -- 25 -- 3 Hours -- Juice.
-- Warm Fuzzies -- 15 -- 5 Hours -- Angel Food Cake, Nectar.
-- Wash Away the Worry -- 10 -- 2 Hours -- Juice.
-- Wide Awake -- 10 -- 5 Hours -- Juice.

Body parts - like legs - can be sculpted... 


** Object-Related Moodlets **
Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Fresh Start -- 15 -- 24 Hours -- Moving.
-- New Car Smell -- 10 -- 2 Hours -- Riding In New Car, Floor Hygienator, Science Opportunity.
-- New Home -- 25 -- 24 Hours -- Moving.
-- New Stuff! -- 20 -- 2 Hours -- New Objects.
-- Stuff Taken -- (-15) -- 24 Hours -- Repossession, Burglary.
-- Superior Equipment -- 30 -- 3 Hours -- Fancy Fridge.
-- Tired From Moving -- (-10) -- 6 Hours -- Moving.

** Pregnancy-Oriented Moodlets **
Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Aching Back -- (-20) -- 4 Hours -- Pregnancy.
-- Baby Is Coming! -- None -- None -- Pregnancy.
-- Crying Baby -- (-15) -- 10 Minutes -- Crying Baby, Repossession.
-- Dislikes Children -- (-10) -- 3 Hours -- Being around Children.
-- Feeling Fertile -- None -- Until Sim Becomes Pregnant -- Genie Wish.
-- It's a Boy -- 80 -- 24 Hours -- New Baby.
-- It's a Girl -- 80 -- 24 Hours -- New Baby.
-- It's Triplets -- 80 -- 24 Hours -- New Babies.
-- It's Twins! -- 80 -- 24 Hours -- New Babies.
-- Nauseous -- (-25) -- 2 Hours -- Pregnancy, Taking Experimental Treatment, Floor Hygienator, Science Opportunity.
-- Negligent -- (-30) -- 2 Days -- Neglecting Children, Repossession.
-- Pregnant -- 20 -- Until Sim Gives Birth -- Pregnancy.

** Romance, Relationship, and Intimacy Moodlets **
Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Bad Date -- (-5) -- 3 Hours -- Date
-- Betrayed -- (-50) -- 24 Hours -- Romantic / Friendship Betrayal
-- Bridal Monster -- (-10) -- 3 Hours -- Disastrous Bachelorette Party
-- Enchanted Love -- 10 -- 2 Days -- Genie Wish
-- Eternally Faithful -- 20 -- N/A -- Pure Reputation
-- Faithful -- 10 -- N/A -- Pure Reputation
-- Father/Mother of the Bride/Groom -- 40 -- 1 Day -- Wedding
-- First Kiss -- 40 -- 1 Day -- Socialization
-- First Romance -- 40 -- 2 Days -- Socialization
-- Great Date -- 15 -- 3 Hours -- Date
-- Great Kiss -- 15 -- 3 Hours -- Socialization
-- Groomzilla -- (-10) -- 3 Hours -- Disastrous Bachelor Party
-- Heart Broken -- (-50) -- 2 Days -- Breaking Up, Death of a Lover
-- Heartwrenching Scene -- (-60) -- 2 Days -- Breaking Up
-- Incredible Time! -- 25 -- 5 Hours -- WooHoo
-- Just Married -- 50 -- 2 Days -- Marriage
-- Meter-High Club -- 15 -- 2 Hours -- WooHooing on Hover Bed
-- Missed the Wedding -- (-30) -- 1 Day -- Wedding
-- My Love! -- 20 -- N/A -- Have a Lover
-- Newly Engaged -- 50 -- 1 Day -- Engagement
-- Parent's Blessing -- 20 -- 3 Days -- Socialization
-- Public WooHoo -- 20 -- 8 Hours -- Public WooHoo
-- Received Flowers -- 20 -- 2 Hours -- Receiving Flowers
-- Rejected by Ex -- (-20) -- 6 Hours -- Socialization
-- Rejected First Kiss -- (-10) -- 6 Hours -- Socialization
-- Rejected Proposal -- (-30) -- 6 Hours -- Engagement Rejection
-- Rolled In The Hay -- 15 -- 2 Hours -- WooHooing in a Haystack
-- Romance Under the Stars -- 15 -- 8 Hours -- Socialization
-- Splinter! -- (-5) -- 1 Hour -- WooHooing in Tree House
-- Stride of Pride -- 60 -- 2 Hours -- Public WooHoo
-- Walk of Shame -- (-25) -- 2 hours -- Being Rejected for a Public Woohoo
-- Wedding Day -- 40 -- 1 Day -- Wedding
-- Witnessed Betrayal -- (-20) -- 6 Hours -- Romantic Betrayal

Going for the cute tushie takes some patience...


** Sim-Specific / Sim-Self-Oriented Moodlets **
Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Attractive -- 10 -- 5 Hours -- Gussying Up.
-- Barely Fulfilled -- 10 -- 10 Days -- Fufilling Few Midlife Crisis Wishes.
-- Celebrated Birthday -- 40 -- 24 Hours -- Eating Birthday Cake.
-- Chilly -- (-15) -- 2 Hours -- Sitting on Ice.
-- Clean Sheets -- 10 -- N/A -- Clean Laundry.
-- Defeated by Washer! -- (-15) -- 1 Hour -- Being Subdued by Washing Machine.
-- Eye Candy -- 10 -- 30 Minutes -- Being Near a Sim with the Eye Candy Lifetime Reward.
-- Feeling Alive! -- 20 -- 1 Hour -- Riding a Motorcycle During Midlife Crisis.
-- Feeling Cheap -- (-20) -- 8 Hours -- Buying Cheap Items.
-- Feeling Lucky -- 5 -- 23 Hours -- Lucky Sims.
-- Feeling Unlucky -- (-5) -- 23 Hours -- Unlucky Sims.
-- Fresh Clothing -- 15 to 19 -- 16 Hours to 2 Days -- Clean Laundry.
-- Fulfilled -- 15 to 40 -- 6 Hours -- Completing a Promised Wish.
-- Got a Good Deal -- 10 -- 8 Hours -- Store, Day Spa.
-- Got Ripped Off! -- (-20) -- 8 Hours -- Consignment Store.
-- Having A Midlife Crisis -- No Mood Effect -- 10 Days -- Transition from Young Adult to Adult.
-- Having A Midlife Crisis -- (-20) -- 10 Days -- Not Fulfilling Midlife Crisis Wishes.
-- I Am Beautiful -- 10 -- 4 hours -- Admiring Self, Opportunity.
-- I Am The Greatest -- 25 -- 8 Hours -- Viewing Art, Drill Hole.
-- Instant Handiness -- No Mood Effect -- 1 Hour -- Drinking Radical Reparum Potion.
-- Made a Good Sale -- 10 -- 4 Hours -- Consignment Store.
-- Ooo... Buuuubbles! -- 30 -- Until your Sim gets out of Hot Tub -- Hot Tub.
-- Pleasantly Fulfilled -- 20 -- 10 Days -- Fufilling a Medium Amount of Midlife Crisis Wishes.
-- Returned Stolen Property -- 15 -- 8 Hours -- Returning Stolen Object.
-- Short Out -- (-50) -- 4 Hours -- Breaking Object.
-- SimFest Winner! -- 25 -- 8 Hours -- Winning SimFest.
-- Stylin' -- 20 -- 24 hours -- Getting a Makeover.
-- Supremely Fulfilled -- 30 -- 10 Days -- Fufilling a Lot of Midlife Crisis Wishes.
-- Temporarily Undead -- No Mood Effect -- 3 Hours -- Drinking Ghost Potion.
-- Tranquil -- 10 -- 8 hours -- Bubble Bath, Freaking Out, Time Traveling, Floor Hygienator.
-- Very Fresh Clothing -- 25 to 32 -- 16 Hours to 2 Days -- Clean Laundry.
-- Very Fulfilled -- 75 to 100 -- 7 Days -- Completing Lifetime Wish.
-- Victory Over Washer -- 20 -- 1 Hour -- Subduing Belligerent Washing Machine.
-- Winner! -- 25 -- 8 Hours -- Winning a Fight or Game, Working, Time Traveling.

** Social Responsibility and Ecology-Related Moodlets **
Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Carpooling -- 15 -- 2 Hours -- Carpooling.
-- Recycled! -- 20 -- 3 Hours -- Recycling.
-- Replenishing the Earth -- 25 -- 3 Hours -- Gardening.
-- Saving Electricity -- 25 -- 3 Hours -- Clothesline.
-- Saving the Environment -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Riding a Bike, Opportunity.
-- Saving Water -- 25 -- 2 Hours -- Showering, Using an Expensive Washing Machine.
-- Wasting Natural Resources -- (-20) -- 30 Minutes -- Driving Alone.
-- Wasting Water -- (-20) -- 1 Hour -- Taking a Bath, Using a Cheap Washing Machine.

You can go for the sculpted physique... 


** Socially-Related Moodlets **
Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Among Friends -- 10 -- Until your Sim is not surrounded by friends -- Being around Friends.
-- Awesome Party -- 20 -- 3 Hours -- Legendary Host, Party Animal.
-- Bad Time Out -- (-5) -- 3 Hours -- Outing.
-- Boring Conversation -- (-5) -- 3 Hours -- City Hall, Mausoleum, Military Base, Socialization.
-- Brightened Day -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Drinking Mood Enhancer Potion, Socialization.
-- Calmed Down -- 15 -- 3 Hours -- Socialization.
-- Charitable -- 10 to 50 -- 24 Hours -- Donating to Charity, Opportunity, Work.
-- Cheated -- (-25) -- 4 Hours -- Darts, Shuffleboard.
-- Cheered Up -- 15 -- 3 Hours -- Socialization, Time Traveling.
-- Comforted -- 15 -- 3 Hours -- Talking to a Good Sim.
-- Creeped Out - (-10) -- 3 Hours -- Socialization.
-- Desolate -- (-50) -- Until Sim Completes a Social Action -- Critically Low Social Need.
-- Disappointed -- (-15) -- 24 Hours -- Forum Posting, Giving Mixology Advice to Mixologist.
-- Embarrassed -- (-15) -- Until Sim Gets Dressed -- Having Clothes Taken / Hidden.
-- Embarrassed -- (-20) -- 3 Hours -- Lost Bladder Control, Invasion of Privacy, Opportunity.
-- Enemy! -- (-10) -- Until enemy Departs -- In the presence of an Enemy Sim your Hot-Headed Sims get (-15), while Mean Spirited Sims will get 10.    
-- Enjoying Solitude -- 15 -- Until your Sim comes within range of another Sim -- Being Alone.
-- Ew, Creepy! -- (-5) -- 1 Hour -- Creeping on a higher Attraction/Fame-Level Sim.
-- Excited -- 15 -- 3 Hours -- Anticipation of Seeing Lover/Friend, Catching a New or Bigger Fish,  Promotion.
-- Feeling Anxious About Object -- (-15) -- 8 Hours -- Using Object.
-- Feeling Calm -- 15 -- 3 Hours -- Checking Object.
-- Feeling Shy -- (-10) -- Until your Sim is not surrounded by non-friends -- Being around Non-Friends.
-- Fiendishly Delighted -- 15 -- 6 Hours -- Forum Posting/Trolling, Donating to Undermine Charity, Watching Sim Suffer.
-- Flattered -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Compliments, Opportunity, Socialization.
-- Good Advice -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Socialization.
-- Great Brawl -- 20 -- 2 Hours -- Brawling.
-- Great Time Out -- 5 -- 3 Hours -- Outing.
-- Heart Broken -- (-50) -- 2 Days -- Breaking Up, Witnessing Death.
-- Hilarious Conversation -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Socialization.
-- Humiliated -- (-15) -- 3 Hours -- Humiliation, Socialization, Time Traveling.
-- I'm Kind Of A Big Deal -- 10 -- 4 Hours -- Going on Tour.
-- Impressed -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Touring a Community Lot, Drill Hole.
-- Intrigued -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Attending a Great Lecture, Socialization, Time Traveling.
-- It's All About Me -- 15 -- 9 Hours -- Being the Center of Attention.
-- It's Like I'm Invisible -- (-15) -- 9 Hours -- Your Sim requires a few enticing conversations each day.
-- Kicked Out -- (-25) -- 4 Hours -- Being Kicked Out.
-- Let Off Steam -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Socialization, Time Traveling.
-- Lonely -- (-15) -- 14 hours -- Low Social Need.
-- Lost A Friend -- (-25) -- 24 Hours -- Socialization.
-- Lost the Brawl -- (-30) -- 2 Hours -- Losing a Brawl.
-- Mourning -- (-50) -- 2 Days -- Witnessing Death.
-- Near Death Experience -- (-20) -- 1 Day -- SimPort.
-- New Friend -- 20 -- 8 Hours -- Socialization.
-- Offended -- (-15) -- 3 Hours -- Socialization.
-- Rude Guest -- (-10) -- 4 Hours -- Guest Behaving Inappropriately.
-- Scared -- (-25) -- 3 Hours -- Various Scary Situations.
-- Snuck In -- 15 -- Until your Sim departs designated VIP area -- Sneaking into VIP Room/Area.
-- Sweet Venue Party -- 15 -- N/A -- Party at Community Lot.
-- The Life of the Party -- 15 -- 3 Hours -- Cheering at Sims.
-- The Talk of the Tour Bus -- 20 -- 1 Day -- SimPort.
-- Threw a Great Party -- 30 -- 24 Hours -- Happy Guests.
-- Threw a Lame Party -- (-15) -- 8 Hours -- Unhappy Guests.
-- Too Many People -- (-15) -- Until your Sim enters a room with fewer people.
-- Tranquil -- 10 -- 8 Hours -- Freaking Out, Bathing, Opportunity.
-- Upset -- (-15) -- 3 Hours -- Socialization.
-- Well, Duh! -- 10 -- 1 Hour -- Socialization.
-- Won the Brawl -- 25 -- 2 Hours -- Winning a Brawl.

Or you can shoot for a more realistic goal... 


** Travel Adventure-Related Moodlets **
Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Adventuring -- 10 -- N/A -- Tomb Room.
-- Blessing of the Sphinx -- 25 -- 2 Days -- Soulpeace Statue.
-- Boosted Courage -- 25 -- 3 Hours -- Liquid Courage.
-- Cavernous Adventure -- 10 -- 4 Hours -- Field Trip.
-- Creeping Dead -- No Mood Effect -- N/A -- Death-focused Tomb Room.
-- Fear -- (-25) -- 45 Minutes -- Encountering / Triggering Various Traps.
-- Foreboding Fortune -- (-10) -- 2 Hours -- Fortune Cookie.
-- Good Memories -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Taking a Photograph.
-- Great Trip -- 5 -- 3 Hours -- Free Vacation.
-- Humid Atmosphere -- No Mood Effect -- N/A -- Water-based Tomb Room.
-- Knocked Out -- (-25) -- 30 Minutes -- Dart Trap, Mummy, Sunlight Exposure (Vampires).
-- Mummy's Curse -- (-25) -- 14 Days -- Defeated by a Mummy.
-- Mystical Feeling -- No Mood Effect -- N/A -- Magic-based Tomb Room.
-- Oppressive Heat -- No Mood Effect -- N/A -- Tomb Room.
-- Promising Fortune -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Fortune Cookie.
-- Soaked -- (-5) -- 2 Hours -- Dive Well.
-- Visited China/Egypt/France -- 15 -- 2 Days -- Visiting Foreign Holiday Location.
-- Wondrous Collection -- 10 to 30 -- N/A -- Complete a Collection.

Sometimes all it takes to gain a good mood is a fast drive through town!



** Travel and Environmentally-Related Moodlets **
Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Cozy Fire -- 5 to 15 -- Until Sim is not around fire/flame fruit -- Warm Fire
-- On Fire -- (-200) -- 1 Hour -- Fire, Inventing, Sculpting, Taking Experimental Treatment
-- Singed -- (-40) -- Until Bathed -- Fire, Drill Hole
-- Singed -- (-40) -- Until Bathed -- Electrocution
-- Torched -- (-200) -- 15 Minutes -- Tomb Trap
-- Warmed -- 25 -- 3 Hours -- Warm Fire

** Vampire and Vampirism-Related Moodlets **
Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Drained -- (-50) -- Until your Sim Sleeps -- Critically Low Energy Need.
-- Heating Up -- (-25) -- 3 Hours -- Sun Exposure.
-- Hunted -- (-10) -- N/A -- Unfriendly Vampire.
-- Knocked Out -- (-25) -- 30 Minutes -- Sunlight Exposure.
-- Lethargic -- (-40) -- 3 Hours -- Very Low Energy Need.
-- Madly Thirsty -- (-80) -- 24 Hours -- Critically Low Thirst Need.
-- Sanguine Snack -- 50 -- 8 Hours -- Consuming Nutrients, Consuming Plasma Fruit.
-- Sated -- 15 -- 8 Hours -- Drinking Plasma.
-- Slept Like The Dead -- 10 to 30 -- 10 Hours -- High Energy Need.
-- Slow -- No Mood Effect -- 3 Hours -- Low Energy Need.
-- Thirsty -- No Mood Effect -- 3 Hours -- Low Thirst Need.
-- Too Much Sun -- (-50) -- 2 Days -- Prolonged Sun Exposure.
-- Unusual Blemish -- No Mood Effect -- N/A -- Vampire Bite.
-- Vampiric Vigor -- 15 -- Until 6 AM -- Nightfall.
-- Very Thirsty -- (-40) -- 24 Hours -- Very Low Thirst Need.
-- Weakened -- 20 -- 22 Hours -- Providing a Vampire With Nutrients.

Hair can be customized to each outfit... 


-- Moodlet Catalog Part II: Moodlets in Alphabetical Order -- 

The catalog listing below is alphabetical and all-inclusive and is intended to facilitate looking up Moodlets that your Sims may have acquired in order to better understand the effect of each.

Note: This listing includes ALL of the possible Moodlets spanning ALL of the series including the Base Game plus the expansions and any Moodlets added by Stuff Packs and Adventure or Scenarios.

Moodlet Name -- Moodlet Effect -- Effect Duration -- Moodlet Source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
** AAA **
-- Abracafabulous -- 20 -- 15 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Aching Back -- (-20) -- 4 Hours -- Pregnancy.
-- Acrobat Extraordinaire -- 30 -- 24 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Admonished -- 15 -- 3 Hours -- Chastise Child Sim
-- Adrenaline Rush -- 15 -- 3 Hours -- Dangerous Actions or Events.
-- Adventuring -- 10 -- N/A -- Tomb Room.
-- Afraid of the Dark -- (-15) -- None -- Darkness, Science Opportunity.
-- Amazing Meal -- 40 -- 8 Hours -- Yummy Food.
-- Among Friends -- 10 -- Until your Sim is not surrounded by friends -- Being around Friends.
-- Annoyed -- (-20) -- 2 Hours -- Blackjack Table or Slot Machine.
-- Anxious To Advance -- (-15) -- Until promotion and/or improved skill -- Lack of Progress.
-- Aroma Energy -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- ExtraordinAIRe-Inator.
-- Astonishing Aroma -- 5 to 30 -- 8 Hours -- Nectar.
-- Attention Frenzy -- 5 -- Varied Time -- Mechanical Bull.
-- Attractive -- 10 -- 5 Hours -- Gussying Up.
-- Awake Refreshed -- 15 -- 3 Hours -- Hypnotizer.
-- Awesome Party -- 20 -- 3 Hours -- Legendary Host, Party Animal.
-- Awful Aroma -- (-5 to -30) -- 8 Hours -- Nectar.

** BBB **
-- Baby Is Coming! -- None -- None -- Pregnancy.
-- Bad Date -- (-5) -- 3 Hours -- Date
-- Bad Landing -- (-20) -- 35 Minutes -- Trampoline.
-- Bad Nectar -- N/A -- 2 Hours -- Nectar.
-- Bad Night's Sleep -- (-15) -- 6 Hours -- Cheap Bed.
-- Bad Reception -- (-10) -- Duration for watching TV -- Watching a Cheap T.V.
-- Bad Time Out -- (-5) -- 3 Hours -- Outing.
-- Banan-ahhhhhhhhh -- 15 -- 2 Hours -- Banana Bubble Bar.
-- Barely Fulfilled -- 10 -- 10 Days -- Fufilling Few Midlife Crisis Wishes.
-- Beautiful Park -- 15 -- None -- Beautiful Lot.
-- Beautiful Vista -- 15 to 30 --None -- Beautiful Lot.
-- Beautifully Decorated -- 40-- None -- Decorated Room.
-- Being Ignored -- (-10) -- None -- Being Snubbed.
-- Betrayed -- (-50) -- 24 Hours -- Romantic / Friendship Betrayal.
-- Better With Bacon-- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Sizzle Baby Pro Deep Fryer and Frost-Bite Pro Ice Cream Machine.
-- Big Spender -- 10 -- 1 Hour -- Ordering Drinks.
-- Bighearted Friend -- 10 -- 6 Hours -- Doll.
-- Bitten! (-10) -- 2 Hours -- Small Pet.
-- Bitter Balance -- (-5 to -30) -- 8 Hours -- Nectar.
-- Blessing of the Sphinx -- 25 -- 2 Days -- Soulpeace Statue.
-- Boosted Courage -- 25 -- 3 Hours -- Liquid Courage.
-- Boring Conversation -- (-5) -- 3 Hours -- City Hall, Mausoleum, Military Base, Socialization.
-- Born To Do This -- 5 -- 30 Minutes -- Performing.
-- Brain Freeze -- (-10) -- 1 Hour -- Ice Cream Truck.
-- Breathtaking Balance -- 5 to 30 -- 8 Hours -- Nectar.
-- Bridal Monster -- (-10) -- 3 Hours -- Disastrous Bachelorette Party.
-- Brightened Day -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Drinking Mood Enhancer Potion, Socialization.
-- Buzz Crashed -- (-10) -- 3 Hours -- Caffeine Withdrawal.
-- Buzzed -- 30 -- 3 Hours -- Consuming Caffeinated Beverage.

Cosmetic Makeup can be applied per outfit as well... 

** CCC **
-- Calmed Down -- 15 -- 3 Hours -- Socialization.
-- Can't Believe My Eyes! -- 10 -- 6 Hours -- Doll.
-- Can't Stand Art -- (-10) -- 3 Hours -- Viewing Art.
-- Carbed Up! -- 35 -- 3 Hours -- Eating Pemmican.
-- Carpooling -- 15 -- 2 Hours -- Carpooling.
-- Caught After Curfew -- (-15) -- 3 Hours -- Being Lectured.
-- Caught Pranking -- (-15) -- 3 Hours -- Prank.
-- Cavernous Adventure -- 10 -- 4 Hours -- Field Trip.
-- Celebrated Birthday -- 40 -- 24 Hours -- Eating Birthday Cake.
-- Celebrity -- 30 -- 2 Hours -- Holding Autograph Session, Time Traveling.
-- Cerebral Boost -- 15 -- 4 Hours -- Juice.
-- Charitable -- 10 to 50 -- 24 Hours -- Donating to Charity, Opportunity, Work.
-- Chatted with Audience -- 5 -- 10 Minutes -- Performer chatting with Audience.
-- Cheated -- (-25) -- 4 Hours -- Darts, Shuffleboard.
-- Cheered Up -- 15 -- 3 Hours -- Socialization, Time Traveling.
-- Chilly -- (-15) -- 2 Hours -- Sitting on Ice.
-- Chocolate Bliss -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Aims Co. Choc-O-Falls Fountain.
-- Chocolate Chuckles -- 15 -- 2 Hours -- Chocolate Bubble Bar.
-- Chocolate Shame -- (-20) -- 4 Hours -- Aims Co. Choc-O-Falls Fountain.
-- Chocolatey Goodness -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Aims Co. Choc-O-Falls Fountain.
-- Clean Sheets -- 10 -- N/A -- Clean Laundry.
-- Cold Shower -- (-10) -- 3 Hours -- Cheap / Low Quality Shower.
-- Cold Slot Machine -- (-20) -- 4 Hours -- Slot Machine.
-- Comfort Food -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Sizzle Baby Pro Deep Fryer and Frost-Bite Pro Ice Cream Machine.
-- Comforted -- 15 -- 3 Hours -- Talking to a Good Sim.
-- Comfy -- 5 to 40 -- Until your Sim stops using the object -- Comfortable Object.
-- Commanding Complexity -- 5 to 30 -- 8 Hours -- Nectar.
-- Completely At Ease -- 20, 40, 75 -- 7 Days -- Day Spa.
-- Conquered the Bull -- 25 -- 4 Hours -- Mechanical Bull.
-- Covered in Nectar -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Socialization.
-- Cozy Fire -- 5 to 15 -- Until Sim is not around fire/flame fruit -- Warm Fire.
-- Creeped Out - (-10) -- 3 Hours -- Socialization.
-- Creeping Dead -- No Mood Effect -- N/A -- Death-focused Tomb Room.
-- Creepy Graveyard -- (-5) -- None -- Graveyard.
-- Crooked Complexity -- (-5 to -30) -- 8 Hours -- Nectar.
-- Crying Baby -- (-15) -- 10 Minutes -- Crying Baby, Repossession.
-- Cuddle Time -- 20 -- 5 Hours -- Stuffed Animal.
-- Cupid's Wrath -- (-50) -- 2 Days -- Malleable Mimic Voodoo Doll.
-- Curiously Compulsive -- 15 -- 3 Hours -- Lord Vladimir's Magic Cauldron.
-- Cursed! -- (-50) -- 12 Hours -- Lady Ravendancer Goth's Book O' Spells.

** DDD **
-- Decorated -- 10 -- None -- Decorated Room.
-- Deep Fried Goodness -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Sizzle Baby Pro Deep Fryer and Frost-Bite Pro Ice Cream Machine.
-- Defeated by Washer! -- (-15) -- 1 Hour -- Being Subdued by Washing Machine.
-- Denied for Dance -- (-50) -- 4 Hours -- Prom
-- Desolate -- (-50) -- Until Sim Completes a Social Action -- Critically Low Social Need.
-- Detention -- (-20) -- 4 hours -- School
-- Dirty Surroundings-- (-15) -- Until room is cleaned -- Dirty Room.
-- Disappointed -- (-15) -- 24 Hours -- Forum Posting, Giving Mixology Advice to Mixologist.
-- Disgusted -- (-5) -- 10 Minutes -- Encountering Smelly Sim, Disgusting Food     Revolting Sights.
-- Dis-illusioned -- (-5) -- 12 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Dislikes Children -- (-10) -- 3 Hours -- Being around Children.
-- Distracted -- (-10) -- 4 Hours -- Blackjack Table or Slot Machine.
-- Ditched! -- (-50) -- 4 Hours -- Prom
-- Divine Meal -- 75 -- 7 Days -- Ambrosia, Restaurant, Time Traveling.
-- Dizzy -- (-30) -- 1 Hour -- Harvester Malfunctioning.
-- Don't Feel Like Dancing! -- (-5) -- 30 Minutes -- DJ Booth.
-- Down and Out -- (-5) -- 12 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Downtrodden -- (-30) -- 2 Hours -- None -- Rejected.
-- Drained -- (-50) -- Until your Sim Sleeps -- Critically Low Energy Need.
-- Drawn In -- 5 -- 1 Hour -- Watching Natural Born Performer.
-- Dream Came True -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Dreaming.
-- Drowning -- (-40) -- 40 Minutes -- Swimming.
-- Duck Time -- 15 -- 5 Hours -- Rubber Ducky.

** EEE **
-- Educated -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Taking a Class.
-- Ego Boost -- 20 -- 2 Hours -- Blackjack Table or Slot Machine.
-- Embarrassed -- (-15) -- 10 Minutes -- Public Failure.
-- Embarrassed -- (-15) -- Until Sim Gets Dressed -- Having Clothes Taken / Hidden.
-- Embarrassed -- (-20) -- 3 Hours -- Lost Bladder Control, Invasion of Privacy, Opportunity.
-- Energized -- 10 to 60 -- 3 Hours -- Electrocution (for SimBots), Electric Tomb Trap (for SimBots), Free Vacation (for all Sims).
-- Enchanted Love -- 10 -- 2 Days -- Genie Wish.
-- Enemy! -- (-10) -- Until enemy Departs -- In the presence of an Enemy Sim your Hot-Headed Sims get (-15), while Mean Spirited Sims will get 10.
-- Enjoying Music -- 10 to 40 -- None -- Stereo, Guitar, Snake Charming, Karaoke.
-- Enjoying Solitude -- 15 -- Until your Sim comes within range of another Sim -- Being Alone.
-- Ensorcelled -- None -- 4 Hours -- Genie Ability.
-- Entertained -- 25 -- Duration Varies / 6 Hours (Maximum) -- High Fun Need.
-- Eternal Joy -- 25 --  None -- Genie Wish.
-- Eternally Faithful -- 20 -- N/A -- Pure Reputation
-- Euphoric -- 40 -- 6 Hours -- Wishing Well.
-- Ew, Creepy! -- (-5) -- 1 Hour -- Creeping on a higher Attraction/Fame-Level Sim.
-- Excited -- 15 -- 3 Hours -- Anticipation of Seeing Lover/Friend, Catching a New or Bigger Fish,  Promotion.
-- Exhausted -- (-50) -- Until Sleep -- Critically Low Energy Need.
-- Exhilarated -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Skinny Dipping.
-- Exhilarating Shower -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Nice Shower.
-- Eye Candy -- 10 -- 30 Minutes -- Being Near a Sim with the Eye Candy Lifetime Reward.

Every ethnic type can be created in the Character Creator... 

** FFF **
-- Fabulous Finish -- 5 to 30 -- 8 Hours -- Nectar.
-- Failed at VR -- (-15) -- 24 Hours -- VR Adventure Goggles.
-- Failed To Groove -- None -- 45 Minutes -- DJ Booth.
-- Failing -- (-40) -- 18 Hours -- Bad Grades
-- Faithful -- 10 -- N/A -- Pure Reputation
-- Fantastic Tea Party -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Tea Party
-- Fascinated -- 10 -- 2 Hours -- Contemplating Surroundings, Time Traveling, Floor Hygineator.
-- Father/Mother of the Bride/Groom -- 40 -- 1 Day -- Wedding
-- Fatigued -- None -- 8 Hours -- Exercise.
-- Fear -- (-25) -- 45 Minutes -- Encountering / Triggering Various Traps.
-- Feeling Alive! -- 20 -- 1 Hour -- Riding a Motorcycle During Midlife Crisis.
-- Feeling Anxious -- (-15) -- 8 Hours -- Using Object.
-- Feeling Calm -- 15 -- 3 Hours -- Checking Object.
-- Feeling Cheap -- (-20) -- 8 Hours -- Buying Cheap Items.
-- Feeling Fertile -- None -- Until Sim Becomes Pregnant -- Genie Wish.
-- Feeling Good -- 5 -- 1 Hour -- Tipping Juice Server.
-- Feeling Lucky -- 5 -- 23 Hours -- Lucky Sims.
-- Feeling Shy -- (-10) -- Until your Sim is not surrounded by non-friends -- Being around Non-Friends.
-- Feeling Slightly Unlucky -- (-5) -- 3 Hours -- Domino Game / Heckler.
-- Feeling Unlucky -- (-5) -- 23 Hours -- Unlucky Sims.
-- Fiendishly Delighted -- 15 -- 6 Hours -- Forum Posting/Trolling, Donating to Undermine Charity, Watching Sim Suffer.
-- Fight the Power -- 15 -- 2 Hours -- Deviant Behavior
-- Filthy Surroundings -- (-30) -- Until room is cleaned -- Filthy Room.
-- Fired -- (-30) -- 24 Hours -- Losing Job.
-- Fired Up -- 20 -- 15 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- First Kiss -- 40 -- 1 Day -- Socialization
-- First Romance -- 40 -- 2 Days -- Socialization
-- Fit Atmosphere -- None  -- Until your Sim exits the gym -- Gym.
-- Flamed Out -- (-10) -- 15 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Flattered -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Compliments, Opportunity, Socialization.
-- Flying High -- 10 -- 10 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Food Poisoning -- (-25) -- 2 Hours -- Food Truck.
-- Foreboding Fortune -- (-10) -- 2 Hours -- Fortune Cookie.
-- Foul Finish -- (-5 to -30) -- 8 Hours -- Nectar.
-- Foul Food -- (-25) -- 45 Minutes -- Eating Dried Food.
-- Freezer Burn -- (-10) -- 1 Hour -- Ice Cream Truck.
-- Fresh Clothing -- 15 to 19 -- 16 Hours to 2 Days -- Clean Laundry.
-- Fresh Start -- 15 -- 24 Hours -- Moving.
-- Fulfilled -- 15 to 40 -- 6 Hours -- Completing a Promised Wish.
-- Full of Life -- 50 -- 8 Hours -- Nectar.

** GGG **
-- Garlic Breath -- None -- 3 Hours -- Eating Garlic.
-- Gently Floating -- 10 -- Hover Bed.
-- Going Wild! -- 30 -- 5 Hours -- Juice.
-- Golden Voice -- 30 -- 24 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Good Advice -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Socialization.
-- Good Meal -- 10 to 20 -- 8 Hours -- Yummy Food.
-- Good Memories -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Taking a Photograph.
-- Good Nectar -- N/A -- 8 Hours -- Nectar.
-- Got a Good Deal -- 10 -- 8 Hours -- Store, Day Spa.
-- Got in a Fight -- (-20) -- 4 Hours -- Prom.
-- Got in Trouble -- (-5) -- None -- Deviant Behavior.
-- Got Put In Time Out -- (-20) -- 1 Hour -- Deviant Behavior.
-- Got Recognized (bad) -- (-20) -- 8 Hours     Being Recognized as a Celebrity.
-- Got Recognized (good) -- 20 -- 8 Hours     Being Recognized as a Celebrity.
-- Got Ripped Off! -- (-20) -- 8 Hours -- Consignment Store.
-- Greasy! -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Food Truck.
-- Great Adventure -- 20 -- 3 Hours -- Time Travel / VR Adventure Goggles.
-- Great Brawl -- 20 -- 2 Hours -- Brawling.
-- Great Date -- 15 -- 3 Hours -- Date.
-- Great Kiss -- 15 -- 3 Hours -- Socialization.
-- Great Meal -- 25 to 35 -- 8 Hours -- Yummy Food.
-- Great Time Out -- 5 -- 3 Hours -- Outing.
-- Great Trip -- 5 -- 3 Hours -- Free Vacation.
-- Groomzilla -- (-10) -- 3 Hours -- Disastrous Bachelor Party.
-- Grounded! -- (-30) -- 2 Days -- Deviant Behavior.
-- Grungy -- (-5) -- 4 Hours -- Low Hygiene Need.

** HHH **
-- Had a Good Dream -- 15 -- 2 Hours -- Good Dream.
-- Had a Good Stroll -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Stroller
-- Had a Nice Nap -- 10 -- 5 Hours -- Napping.
-- Had Star Tantrum -- 25 -- 5 Hours -- Star Tantrum.
-- Happy in the Moment -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Wishing Well.
-- Has To Pee -- None -- 2 Hours -- Low Bladder Need
-- Having a Blast -- 40 -- Duration Varies / 8 Hours (Maximum) -- Extremely High Fun Need.
-- Having A Midlife Crisis -- No Mood Effect -- 10 Days -- Transition from Young Adult to Adult.
-- Having A Midlife Crisis -- (-20) -- 10 Days -- Not Fulfilling Midlife Crisis Wishes.
-- Having a Mood Swing -- None -- 16 Hours -- Teenager
-- Heard Theater Music -- 10 -- None -- Hearing Theater Music.
-- Heart Broken -- (-50) -- 2 Days -- Breaking Up, Witnessing Death.
-- Heartwrenching Scene -- (-60) -- 2 Days -- Breaking Up
-- Heating Up -- (-25) -- 3 Hours -- Sun Exposure.
-- High Quality Video -- 20 -- Duration for Watching a Video -- Watching an Expensive Video.
-- Hilarious Conversation -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Socialization.
-- Honor Student -- 25 -- 24 Hours -- Good Grades
-- Horrified -- (-35) -- 8 Hours -- Mausoleum, Drill Hole, Liquid Horror Potion.
-- Hot Foot -- (-30) -- 3 Days -- Malleable Mimic Voodoo Doll.
-- Hot Slot Machine -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Slot Machine.
-- Humid Atmosphere -- No Mood Effect -- N/A -- Water-based Tomb Room.
-- Humiliated -- (-15) -- 3 Hours -- Humiliation, Socialization, Time Traveling.
-- Hungry -- None -- 3 Hours -- Low Hunger Need.
-- Hunted -- (-10) -- N/A -- Unfriendly Vampire.
-- Hurt Foot -- (-25) -- 3 Hours -- Pet Rock.
-- Hurt Hand! -- (-25) -- 3 Hours -- Snake Bite, Martial Arts Board, Hidden Door.
-- Hydrophobic -- (-20) -- 3 Hours -- Swimming, Dive Well.
-- Hypnotized -- 10 -- 4 Hours (1 Hour when self-hypnotize) -- Hypnotizer.

Age is a telling element in the Character Creator... 


** III **
-- I Am A Real Sim! -- 10 -- 6 Hours -- Imaginary Friend Turning Real.
-- I Am Beautiful -- 10 -- 4 hours -- Admiring Self, Opportunity.
-- I Am The Greatest -- 25 -- 8 Hours -- Viewing Art, Drill Hole.
-- I Graduated! -- 10 -- 10 Days -- Graduation
-- Imaginary Friend Turned Real! -- 10 -- 6 Hours -- Imaginary Friend Turning Real.
-- I'm Kind Of A Big Deal -- 10 -- 4 Hours -- Going on Tour.
-- Impressed -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Touring a Community Lot, Drill Hole.
-- Impressed by the Chocolate Fountain -- 20 -- 3 Hours - Aims Co. Choc-O-Falls Fountain.
-- Incoming Aces -- 10 -- As long as lucky coin is in your Sim's inventory -- Wishing Well.
-- Incredible Time! -- 25 -- 5 Hours -- WooHoo
-- Indigestion -- (-20) -- 4 Hours -- Sizzle Baby Pro Deep Fryer and Frost-Bite Pro Ice Cream Machine.
-- Inspired -- 15 -- 4 Hours -- Viewing Art, Time Traveling, Science Opportunity.
-- Instant Handiness -- No Mood Effect -- 1 Hour -- Drinking Radical Reparum Potion.
-- In the Limelight -- 10 -- 1 Hour -- Being Noticed by Paparazzi.
-- In the Mood -- 25 -- 2 Hours -- Juice.
-- Intrigued -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Attending a Great Lecture, Socialization, Time Traveling.
-- In Tune -- 10 -- 10 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Intrigued By Great Lecture -- 20 -- 3 hours -- Great Lecture.
-- Itchy -- (-15) -- 4 Hours -- Science Opportunity.
-- It's All About Me -- 15 -- 9 Hours -- Being the Center of Attention.
-- It's a Boy -- 80 -- 24 Hours -- New Baby.
-- It's a Girl -- 80 -- 24 Hours -- New Baby.
-- It's Dark -- (-10) -- None -- Darkness.
-- It's Like I'm Invisible -- (-15) -- 9 Hours -- Your Sim requires a few enticing conversations each day.
-- It's Triplets -- 80 -- 24 Hours -- New Babies.
-- It's Twins! -- 80 -- 24 Hours -- New Babies.

** JJJ **
-- Juice Buddies Forever -- 5 -- 2 Hours -- Ordering Drinks.
-- Juiced -- 5 -- 2 Hours -- Ordering Drinks.
-- Just Married -- 50 -- 2 Days -- Marriage

** KKK **
-- Kicked Out -- (-25) -- 4 Hours -- Being Kicked Out.
-- Kissed a Frog -- 20 -- 24 Hours -- Wishing Well.
-- Knocked Out -- (-25) -- 10 Minutes -- Taking Experimental Treatment, Eating Garlic as Vampire.
-- Knocked Out -- (-25) -- 30 Minutes -- Dart Trap, Mummy, Sunlight Exposure (Vampires).

** LLL **
-- Learning Quickly -- None -- None -- Learning Stove
-- Lethargic -- (-40) -- 3 Hours -- Very Low Energy Need.
-- Let Off Steam -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Socialization, Time Traveling.
-- Likes Work -- 10 -- None -- Working.
-- Listening To Tabcast -- None -- None -- MultiTab 6000 / Charisma Tabcast
-- Listening To Tabcast -- None -- None -- MultiTab 6000 / Cooking Tabcast
-- Listening To Tabcast -- None -- None -- MultiTab 6000 / Fishing Tabcast
-- Listening To Tabcast -- None -- None -- MultiTab 6000 / Gardening Tabcast
-- Listening To Tabcast -- None -- None -- MultiTab 6000 / Guitar Tabcast
-- Listening To Tabcast -- None -- None -- MultiTab 6000 / Handiness Tabcast
-- Listening To Tabcast -- None -- None -- MultiTab 6000 / Logic Tabcast
-- Listening To Tabcast -- None -- None -- MultiTab 6000 / Nectar Making Tabcast
-- Listening To Tabcast -- None -- None -- MultiTab 6000 / Photography Tabcast
-- Listening To Tabcast -- None -- None -- MultiTab 6000 / Writing Tabcast
-- Lonely -- (-15) -- 14 hours -- Low Social Need.
-- Losing -- (-10) -- 4 Hours -- Blackjack Table or Slot Machine.
-- Losing Streak -- (-20) -- 4 Hours -- Blackjack Table or Slot Machine.
-- Lost A Friend -- (-25) -- 24 Hours -- Socialization.
-- Lost the Brawl -- (-30) -- 2 Hours -- Losing a Brawl.
-- Love Is In The Air -- 10 -- None -- Incense.
-- Lovely Pool -- 15 -- None -- Beautiful Lot.

** MMM **
-- Made a Good Sale -- 10 -- 4 Hours -- Consignment Store.
-- Made It Groove! -- 5 -- 45 Minutes -- Public Failure in the DJ Booth.
-- Madly Thirsty -- (-80) -- 24 Hours -- Critically Low Thirst Need.
-- Magically Spotless -- 20 -- 30 Minutes -- Genie Ability.
-- Makin' Friends -- 20 -- 5 Hours -- Doll.
-- Makin' Magic! -- 15 -- 4 Hours -- Lady Ravendancer Goth's Book O' Spells.
-- Mauled By Bear -- (-35) -- 8 hours -- Exploring Catacombs.
-- Meditative Focus -- None -- 4 Hours -- Meditation.
-- Melodic Masterpiece -- 20 -- 24 Hours -- Lounge Lizard Magic Gnome.
-- Meter-High Club -- 15 -- 2 Hours -- WooHooing on Hover Bed
-- Minty Breath -- 5 -- 4 Hours -- Brushing Teeth, Opportunity, Mint Bubble Bar.
-- Miserable -- 25 -- 3 Days -- Genie Wish.
-- Missed the Wedding -- (-30) -- 1 Day -- Wedding
-- Missing Appointment -- (-30) -- 2 Hours -- Missing Appointment.
-- Missing Work -- (-30) -- None -- Missing Work.
-- Mopus-Pocus -- (-10) -- 15 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Mourning -- (-50) -- 2 Days -- Witnessing Death.
-- Mugged! -- (-15) -- 4 Hours -- Subway, Playing for Tips.
-- Mummy's Curse -- (-25) -- 14 Days -- Defeated by a Mummy.
-- Mutant Dino Rampage! -- 20 -- 3 Hours -- Costume Chest
-- My Love! -- 20 -- N/A -- Have a Lover
-- Mystical Feeling -- No Mood Effect -- N/A -- Magic-based Tomb Room.

You can even duplicate the image of real world stars... 


** NNN **
-- Nauseous -- (-25) -- 2 Hours -- Floor Hygienator, Normal Sim Eating Plasma or Mummy Snacks , Pregnancy, Science Opportunity,  Spoiled Food,  Taking Experimental Treatment,   Vegetarian Eating Meat.
-- Near Death Experience -- (-20) -- 1 Day -- SimPort.
-- Negligent -- (-30) -- 2 Days -- Neglecting Children, Repossession.
-- Neighborhood Hero -- 50 -- 4 Days -- Reaching the Top of Profession.
-- Neuronic Synergy -- 10 -- None -- Incense.
-- New Car Smell -- 10 -- 2 Hours -- Riding In New Car, Floor Hygienator, Science Opportunity.
-- New Friend -- 20 -- 8 Hours -- Socialization.
-- New Home -- 25 -- 24 Hours -- Moving.
-- Newly Engaged -- 50 -- 1 Day -- Engagement
-- New Stuff! -- 20 -- 2 Hours -- New Objects.
-- Nice Nails -- 5, 10, 15 -- 2 Days -- Day Spa.
-- Nicely Decorated -- 25-- None -- Decorated Room.
-- Nightmare -- (-15) -- 3 Hours -- Nightmare.

** OOO **
-- Oddly Powerful -- 15 -- 5 Hours -- Science Opportunity.
-- Offended -- (-15) -- 3 Hours -- Socialization.
-- On a Beach -- 15 -- 2 Hours -- Pineapple Bubble Bar.
-- On Cloud Nine -- 20 -- 15 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- One with Nature -- 20 -- Until your Sim  goes indoors -- Being Outside.
-- On Fire -- (-200) -- 1 Hour -- Fire, Inventing, Sculpting, Taking Experimental Treatment
-- Ooo... Buuuubbles! -- 30 -- Until your Sim gets out of Hot Tub -- Hot Tub.
-- Oppressive Heat -- No Mood Effect -- N/A -- Tomb Room.
-- Ouch! My Face! -- (-25) -- 4 Hours -- Snake Bite /Snake Charming.
-- Out After Curfew! -- 15 -- None -- Breaking Curfew
-- Out of Sorts -- (-20) -- 23 Hours -- Grumpy Trait -- Getting up on the wrong side of the bed makes Sims feel grumpy.  A good night's sleep will clear up that bad mood.
-- Out of Tune -- (-5) -- 12 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Overworked -- (-15) -- 12 Hours -- Working Hard.

** PPP **
-- Parent's Blessing -- 20 -- 3 Days -- Socialization
-- Plagued By Nature -- (-20) -- Until your Sim goes indoors -- Being Outside.
-- Pleasantly Fulfilled -- 20 -- 10 Days -- Fufilling a Medium Amount of Midlife Crisis Wishes.
-- Poked and Prodded -- (-30) -- 4 Hours -- Malleable Mimic Voodoo Doll.
-- Poor Quality Video -- (-10) -- Duration for Watching a Video -- Watching a Cheap Video.
-- Potent Potables -- 30 -- 3 Hours -- Lord Vladimir's Magic Cauldron.
-- Power of Imaginary Friend -- 10 -- 6 Hours -- Having an Imaginary Friend.
-- Power Study-- None -- Until you leave Library -- Library
-- Prank Backfire! -- (-10) -- 1 Hour -- Prank, Drinking a Potion
-- Pranked! (bad) -- (-10) -- 1 Hour -- Prank
-- Pranked! (good) -- 10 -- 1 Hour -- Prank
-- Pregnant -- 20 -- Until Sim Gives Birth -- Pregnancy.
-- Pristine Picture -- 15 -- Duration for watching TV -- Watching a Nice T.V.
-- Privilege Revoked -- (-20) -- 1 Day -- Deviant Behavior
-- Prom King -- 30 -- 12 Hours -- Prom
-- Prom Queen -- 30 -- 12 Hours -- Prom
-- Promising Fortune -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Fortune Cookie.
-- Proud Grandparent -- 10 -- 10 Days -- Graduation
-- Proud Parent -- 10 -- 10 Days -- Graduation
-- Proud Sibling -- 5 -- 10 Days -- Graduation
-- Publicly Disgraced -- (-20) -- 3 Days -- Inappropriate Acts as a Celebrity.
-- Public WooHoo -- 20 -- 8 Hours -- Public WooHoo
-- Pumped -- 15 -- 4 Hours -- Exercise.
-- Pwned by the Bull! -- (-20) -- 4 Hours -- Mechanical Bull.

** QQQ **
-- Queen/King for a Day -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Costume Chest

** RRR **
-- Read a Masterpiece -- 20 -- 24 Hours -- Reading a Masterpiece.
-- Really Has To Pee -- (-30) -- 60 Minutes -- Critically Low Bladder Need.
-- Rebel Ride -- 10 -- 2 Hours -- Riding a Motorcycle
-- Received Flowers -- 20 -- 2 Hours -- Receiving Flowers
-- Recycled! -- 20 -- 3 Hours -- Recycling.
-- Rejected by Ex -- (-20) -- 6 Hours -- Socialization
-- Rejected First Kiss -- (-10) -- 6 Hours -- Socialization
-- Rejected Proposal -- (-30) -- 6 Hours -- Engagement Rejection
-- Rejuvenated -- 30, 60, 100 -- 24 Hours -- Day Spa.
-- Relaxed -- 25, 50, 75 -- 12 Hours -- Day Spa.
-- Remembering -- None -- 12 Hours -- Watching a Video.
-- Replenishing the Earth -- 25 -- 3 Hours -- Gardening.
-- Returned Stolen Property -- 15 -- 8 Hours -- Returning Stolen Object.
-- Rolled In The Hay -- 15 -- 2 Hours -- WooHooing in a Haystack
-- Romance Under the Stars -- 15 -- 8 Hours -- Socialization
-- Rude Awakening -- (-10) -- 1 Hour -- Loud Noise while Sleeping.
-- Rude Guest -- (-10) -- 4 Hours -- Guest Behaving Inappropriately.

A wide variety of age-specific fashion is available... 


** SSS **
-- Sanguine Snack -- 50 -- 8 Hours -- Consuming Nutrients, Consuming Plasma Fruit.
-- Sated -- 15 -- 8 Hours -- Drinking Plasma.
-- Saving Electricity -- 25 -- 3 Hours -- Clothesline.
-- Saving the Environment -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Riding a Bike, Opportunity.
-- Saving Water -- 25 -- 2 Hours -- Showering, Using an Expensive Washing Machine.
-- Saw Amazing Show -- 15 -- 4 Hours -- Show at SimFest.
-- Saw Amazingly Insightful Film -- 20 -- 16 Hours -- Film Screening.
-- Saw Awful Film -- (-10) -- 8 Hours -- Film Screening.
-- Saw Awful Show -- (-20) -- 4 Hours -- Show at SimFest.
-- Saw Exciting Film -- 15 -- 16 Hours -- Film Screening.
-- Saw Great Concert -- 25 -- 16 Hours -- Concert at Stadium.
-- Saw Great Fireworks Show -- 10 -- 16 Hours -- Fireworks Extravaganza.
-- Saw Great Game -- 20 -- 16 Hours -- Game at Stadium, Opportunity.
-- Saw Great Movie -- 10 -- 16 Hours -- Show at Theater.
-- Saw Great Opera -- 10 -- 4 Hours -- View Opera.
-- Saw Great Play -- 25 -- 16 Hours -- Play at Theater.
-- Saw Great Show -- 10 -- 4 Hours -- Show at Theater.
-- Saw Great Show -- 40 -- 8 Hours -- Show at SimFest.
-- Saw Great Symphony -- 30 -- 16 Hours -- Symphony at Theater.
-- Saw Insufferably Pretentious Film -- (-10) -- 8 Hours -- Film Screening.
-- Saw Legendary Show -- 5 -- 10 Minutes -- Performance on Stage.
-- Saw Touching Film -- 15 -- 16 Hours -- Film Screening.
-- Saw Wonderful Ballet -- 10 -- 4 Hours --  School field trip to Theater / Ballet.
-- Scared -- (-25) -- 3 Hours -- Various Scary Situations.
-- Scrumptious Food -- 10 -- 6 Hours -- Eating.
-- Sell-Out -- (-15) -- 2 Hours -- Sucking Up
-- Short Out -- (-50) -- 4 Hours -- Breaking Object.
-- SimFest Winner! -- 25 -- 8 Hours -- Winning SimFest.
-- Singed -- (-40) -- Until Bathed -- Fire, Drill Hole
-- Singed -- (-40) -- Until Bathed -- Electrocution
-- Sleepy -- None -- 3 Hours -- Low Energy Need.
-- Slept Like a King / Prince -- 40 -- 10 Hours -- Sultan's Tabernacle.
-- Slept Like a Queen / Princess -- 40 -- 10 Hours -- Sultan's Tabernacle.
-- Slept Like a Star -- 20 -- 6 Hours -- Actor Trailer.
-- Slept Like The Dead -- 10 to 30 -- 10 Hours -- High Energy Need.
-- Slipped! -- (-10) -- 10 Minutes -- Water Slide.
-- Slow -- No Mood Effect -- 3 Hours -- Low Energy Need.
-- Smelly -- (-10) -- Until your Sim takes a Shower or a Bath -- Extremely Low Hygiene Need.
-- Smitten -- 20 -- 24 Hours -- Malleable Mimic Voodoo Doll.
-- Smooth Skin -- 10, 20, 30 -- 2 Days -- Day Spa.
-- Snake Bite! -- (-25) -- 45 Minutes -- Snake Bite / Small Pet.
-- Snuck In -- 15 -- Until your Sim departs designated VIP area -- Sneaking into VIP Room/Area.
-- Snuck Out! -- None -- Until going home -- Sneaking Out
-- Snug As a Bug -- 15 -- 2 Hours -- Sleeping Bag.
-- Soaked -- (-5) -- 2 Hours -- Dive Well.
-- Social Strawberry -- 15 -- 2 Hours -- Strawberry Bubble Bar.
-- Sore -- (-10) -- 6 Hours -- Exercise.
-- Sour Notes -- (-10) -- 15 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Spellbinder -- 10 -- 10 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Splinter! -- (-5) -- 1 Hour -- WooHooing in Tree House
-- Spoiled -- (-10) -- 16 Hours -- Getting Gifts
-- Squeaky Clean -- 10 -- 7 Hours -- High Hygiene Need.
-- Stage Fright -- (-20) -- 8 Hours -- Performing.
-- Star-Struck! -- 10 -- 2 Hours -- Celebrity.
-- Starving -- (-80) -- 24 Hours -- Critically Low Hunger Need.
-- Stir Crazy -- (-15) -- 1 Hour -- Not Leaving Home.
-- Strained -- (-15) -- Duration Varies / 2 Days (Maximum) -- Low Fun Need.
-- Stressed Out -- (-40) -- Until Sim has Fun -- Critically Low Fun Need.
-- Stride of Pride -- 60 -- 2 Hours -- Public WooHoo
-- Stuff Taken -- (-15) -- 24 Hours -- Repossession, Burglary.
-- Stuffed -- None -- 3 Hours -- Overeating.
-- Stylin' -- 20 -- 24 hours -- Getting a Makeover.
-- Submarine Adventure -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Playing Imaginary Submarine in a Bathtub.
-- Successful Prank! -- 15 -- 12 Hours -- Prank
-- Sugar Rush -- 15 -- 4 Hours -- Juice, Nectar, Cotton Candy Bubble Bar.
-- Superior Equipment -- 30 -- 3 Hours -- Fancy Fridge.
-- Supremely Fulfilled -- 30 -- 10 Days -- Fufilling a Lot of Midlife Crisis Wishes.
-- Sweet Venue Party -- 15 -- N/A -- Party at Community Lot.

** TTT **
-- Tasteless -- (-5) -- 6 Hours -- Aims Co. Choc-O-Falls Fountain.
-- Tastes Like Fridge -- (-10) -- 2 Hours -- Leftovers from a Cheap Fridge.
-- Technophobia -- (-10) -- 25 Minutes -- Using Electronics.
-- Temporarily Undead -- No Mood Effect -- 3 Hours -- Drinking Ghost Potion.
-- The Life of the Party -- 15 -- 3 Hours -- Cheering at Sims.
-- Thespian -- 10 -- 3 Hours -- Act Passing Out.
-- The Talk of the Tour Bus -- 20 -- 1 Day -- SimPort.
-- Thirsty -- No Mood Effect -- 3 Hours -- Low Thirst Need.
-- Threw a Great Party -- 30 -- 24 Hours -- Happy Guests.
-- Threw a Lame Party -- (-15) -- 8 Hours -- Unhappy Guests.
-- Tile Master -- 30 -- 4 Hours -- Domino Game.
-- Tired -- (-40) -- 3 Hours -- Very Low Energy Need.
-- Tired From Moving -- (-10) -- 6 Hours -- Moving.
-- Too Many People -- (-15) -- Until your Sim enters a room with fewer people.
-- Too Much Sun -- (-50) -- 2 Days -- Prolonged Sun Exposure.
-- Torched -- (-200) -- 15 Minutes -- Tomb Trap
-- Totally Mellow -- 10 -- None -- Incense.
-- Tranquil -- 10 -- 8 hours -- Bathing, Bubble Bath, Floor Hygienator, Freaking Out, Opportunity, Time Traveling.
-- Traveled in Time (bad) -- (-25) -- 4 Hours -- Time Travel.
-- Traveled in Time (good) -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Time Travel.
-- Turbo Sleep -- None -- 8 Hours -- Drinking Sleeping Elixir Potion.

** UUU **
-- Uneven Cooking -- (-10) -- 3 Hours -- Eating Food Cooked on a "Cheap" or low quality Stove.
-- Unfinished Room -- (-10) -- Until room is finished -- Uncovered Walls or Floors.
-- Unimaginable Comfort -- 10 -- 6 Hours -- Sleeping.
-- Unusual Blemish -- No Mood Effect -- N/A -- Vampire Bite.
-- Upset -- (-15) -- 3 Hours -- Socialization.

** VVV **
-- Valedictorian -- 20 -- 10 Days -- Graduation
-- Vampiric Vigor -- 15 -- Until 6 AM -- Nightfall.
-- Very Fresh Clothing -- 25 to 32 -- 16 Hours to 2 Days -- Clean Laundry.
-- Very Fulfilled -- 75 to 100 -- 7 Days -- Completing Lifetime Wish.
-- Very Hungry-- (-40) -- 24 Hours -- Very Low Hunger Need.
-- Very Thirsty -- (-40) -- 24 Hours -- Very Low Thirst Need.
-- Victory Over Washer -- 20 -- 1 Hour -- Subduing Belligerent Washing Machine.
-- Vile Surroundings -- (-40) -- Until room is cleaned -- Vile Room.
-- Virtually Empowered -- 15 -- 5 Hours -- VR Adventure Goggles.
-- Virtually Nauseous -- (-25) -- 2 hours -- VR Adventure Goggles.
-- Virtually Terrified! -- (-25) -- 3 Hours -- VR Adventure Goggles.
-- Virtually Victorious! -- 25 -- 8 Hours -- VR Adventure Goggles.
-- Visceroidal Nausea -- (-25) -- 2 Hours -- Tiberium in Inventory.
-- Visited China/Egypt/France -- 15 -- 2 Days -- Visiting Foreign Holiday Location.
-- Voodoo Blessing -- 30 -- 2 Days -- Malleable Mimic Voodoo Doll.
-- Voodoo Curse -- (-30) -- 2 Days -- Malleable Mimic Voodoo Doll.

Creating accessories like kids is how you create a family... 


** WWW **
-- Walking On Air -- 30 -- 24 Hours -- Performance on Stage.
-- Walk of Shame -- (-25) -- 2 hours -- Being Rejected for a Public Woohoo
-- Warm Fuzzies -- 15 -- 5 Hours -- Angel Food Cake, Nectar.
-- Warmed -- 25 -- 3 Hours -- Warm Fire, Juice.
-- Warm Fuzzies -- 15 -- 5 Hours -- Angel Food Cake, Nectar.
-- Wash Away the Worry -- 10 -- 2 Hours -- Juice.
-- Wasted Food -- (-5) -- 2 Hours -- Throwing Away Good Food.
-- Wasting Natural Resources -- (-20) -- 30 Minutes -- Driving Alone.
-- Wasting Water -- (-20) -- 1 Hour -- Taking a Bath, Using a Cheap Washing Machine.
-- Weakened -- 20 -- 22 Hours -- Providing a Vampire With Nutrients.
-- Wedding Day -- 40 -- 1 Day -- Wedding
-- Well, Duh! -- 10 -- 1 Hour -- Socialization.
-- Well Rested -- 10 to 30 -- 10 Hours -- High Energy Need.
-- Went for Joy Ride -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Imagined Driving.
-- Where Are My Gifts? -- (-15) -- 4 Hours -- Desire Gifts
-- Wide Awake -- 10 -- 5 Hours -- Juice.
-- Winner! -- 25 -- 8 Hours -- Winning a Fight or Game, Working, Time Traveling.
-- Winning -- 10 -- 4 Hours -- Blackjack Table or Slot Machine.
-- Winning Streak -- 20 -- 4 Hours -- Blackjack Table or Slot Machine.
-- Wish Come True -- 50 -- 2 Days -- Leon's Fountain of Youth.
-- Witnessed Betrayal -- (-20) -- 6 Hours -- Romantic Betrayal
-- Wondrous Collection -- 10 to 30 -- N/A -- Complete a Collection.
-- Won the Brawl -- 25 -- 2 Hours -- Winning a Brawl.

** YYY ***
-- Yummy Goodness! -- 15 -- 2 Hours -- Ice Cream Truck.

** ZZZ **
-- Zen -- 20 -- None -- Scholar's Garden.


Advanced Sim Creation

We will begin this by simply loading the Sim Creation Tool as we create the family unit, and proceeding in an orderly fashion from there...  So from the starting screen you select New Game and then whichever town you prefer, and you are presented with the "Let's Play" screen that shows an  overhead view of the town and presents you with the options of Create Sims, Choose Household, and Move in Household.  The first option is the one we want since we need to create a new family -- but of course if you have a pre-created family in holding you can choose Choose Household or Move In Household -- but we want Create Sims!

Sim Toddlers are often too cute for words!


Selecting Create Sims brings up the Sim Making App -- and as we have decided that our family will consist of a pair of cousins -- one make the other female -- named Kyle SuperCheats and Marie SuperCheats -- that is who I have made...

Starting with Young Adult, I then selected Male for the sex of my first new Sim and then as they are  Scottish Sims from the Highlands I went with the lightest skin tone and picked what I considered to be the typical dark-hair-dark-eyes Scotsman body type and appearances.  Once I was happy with their looks I gave each a set of five traits that it seemed to me would fit nicely with the personality that I had imagined for each, and then gave them a Lifetime Goal that I felt was a natural fit to their potential career choices, and it was time to commit them as a family unit!

You should seriously take the time to read the descriptions and the listings for all of those that is included in the sections following this one BEFORE you make any decisions, since these choices are literally the foundation for the character and personality as well as capability and capacity for your Sims!

The next choice is one of the more difficult for most players -- where will they live?  On the one hand the easy choice is to pick the least expensive furnished home and go with that since it is less work for you at the start (and that is what I chose to do) but you could also build your own home with the amount of starting money you are given...  Your choice!

I ended up having them live on the bayou -- mostly because that environment gives you a lot of interesting options later when it comes time to add to and customize their home...  Plus it puts them out in the middle of nowhere with less town-hassles.  Or at least that was what I told myself.

Since I did not make my Sims a couple they had to spend their first day becoming friends and then good friends, as they needed to have that "I've got your back" sort of feel to their relationship -- besides that cousins should be best friends don't you think?  Once that was managed it was time for my Sims to get that ball rolling and turn their non-traditional professions into earning professions!  Of course while they were doing that they were also reading the basic books to get homemaker skills going -- cooking, logic, repair, that sort of thing.

Too cute for words and I do my best work in the dark she said... 

Picking a home on the bayou means your Sim is always close to a fishing pond -- which is great if you like fishing (grin) and what do you know?!  My man Kyle AND Marie like to fish a lot!  Then there is the fact that there is a wide variety of Collection items to be found here and the separation from neighbors means he can play his guitar whenever he wants and hey, the bayou makes perfect sense!When you go to pick your Traits try not to make them all work-related -- your Sim needs to have hobbies and interests outside of work because the more well-rounded they are the happier they will be, and the happier they are the better their life and happiness point gains will be.  But in any event you should not pick Traits you do not fully understand, and serious care should be taken in planning out the Traits you do pick so that they are both complementary and serve the larger role of supporting whatever career path your Sim will be pursuing later...

Take the time to create a Sim that looks good to you -- after all you are going to be looking at them a LOT for a long time.  Take the time to research the Lifetime Wishes (see that section) so that you select one that makes sense for your primary career path, and bear in mind that your choice in wish may very well alter the choices you make in Traits.  Something to consider.

The final tip on family creation is to try not to have your Career Sim begin their career too fast -- take the time to pick up a few levels of some of the skills that they will likely need in that career now, when they do not have to worry about maintaining their work schedule so that they can work on those basic skill levels without having to watch the clock, because you always want to have them clean, well fed, well rested, and happy when you send them off to work!

-- Adjusting the Time Sliders --

One of the first things you should do once you have created your Sim and Family and you have deployed them into the world is to open the main menu (the "..." selection) and then choose "Options," and then "Game Options" (the two meshed cogs) which will bring you to the time sliders.

The base settings are configured for what is generally considered to be the old-style play -- which is a game mode in which your goal in addition to building a career is to create generations of Sims.  With the base settings there really is barely enough time to fully explore a single career path -- and you will almost certainly be into old age or approaching it before you are ready to retire.  You can, of course, use those settings if you like, but if you want to play a game of careers -- which is really what Ambitions is all about -- you will want to adjust these to make that process much more attainable.

The following settings are what I use in my game with the focus upon careers -- you may want to duplicate these in your game (or you may want to devise your own settings):

-- Lifespan Settings --
Sim Autonomy: High Free Will (slider set all the way to the right)
Disable Autonomy for Selecting Sim: Not Ticked
Enable Aging: Ticked
Enable Story Progression: Ticked
Suppress Opportunities: Not Ticked
Sim Lifespan: Epic (slider set all the way to the right)

Baby: 2 Days
Toddler: 2 Days
Child: 30 Days
Teen: 77 Days
Young Adult: 168 Days
Adult: 225 Days
Elder: 182 Days

As you can see the settings are arbitrary and mostly set for convenience.  They not only provide you with a maximized career path but also allow for extensive application of the education process that I anticipate will be added into the game with an upcoming expansion similar to the University expansion from the previous series.  Ideally when my Sims reach the point where they are close to the end of the Adult phase, they will have kids, and raise them, and their kids will go through both the traditional Primary/Secondary School process but will also -- with the addition I anticipate within the next year or so -- enjoy a long and entertaining College/University experience.

The Character Creator is a WYSIWYG Application... 

Once past that they will enter the Career path like their parents did, and provide as much or more entertainment along the way.  These settings are calculated to guarantee that in addition to founding a dynasty that will, over time, enjoy great wealth, they also ensure that this dynasty will be able to experience ALL of the careers without my having to burn through dozens of generations to get there!I cannot stress enough that you should spend the time required to read and become familiar with the following sections, and grow to understand the Lifetime Rewards, the Wishes, and the Traits that are all very significant aspects to the character creation process and strategy.  While there is no firm word on just how many expansions there will be for The Sims 3, if we look to the past we can make a pretty shrewd (and accurate) guess.

-- The Original Sims --
(0) The Sims (2/2000)
(1) Livin' Large (8/2000)
(2) House Party (3/2001)
(3) Hot Date (11/2001)
(4) Vacation (3/2002)
(5) Unleashed (9/2002)
(6) Superstar (5/2003)
(7) Makin' Magic (10/2003)

-- The Sims 2 --
(0) The Sims 2 (9/2004)
(1) University (3/2005)
(2) Nightlife (9/2005)
(3) Open For Business (3/2006)
(4) Pets (10/2006)
(5) Seasons (3/2007)
(6) Bon Voyage (9/2007)
(7) FreeTime (2/2008)
(8) Apartment Life (8/2008)

-- The Sims 3 --
(0) The Sims 3 (6/2009)
(1) World Adventures (11/2009)
(2) Ambitions (6/2010)
(3) Late Night (10/2010)
(4) Generations (5/2011)
(5) Pets (10/2011)
(6) Showtime (3/2012)
(7) Supernatural (9/2012)

Assuming that the established pattern is maintained, The Sims 3 should be viable as the dominate series through to Spring 2014, and it should include a minimum of 9 expansion packs, 7 of which have already been released or confirmed.  It is reasonable to anticipate that at least one of the remaining 2 expansions will be focused upon college/university life for the third series, and as for the other expansion, who can say?

We do not include the Stuff Packs of course, or the expansion contents offered on the Sims 3 Online Store -- though the expanded Sims Marketplace with its game-connected web-based interface is an amazing and very welcome addition to the game to be sure.

So bearing all of the above factoids in mind, setting the time sliders in the manner that I chose to and that I suggest to you appears to make perfect sense, assuming that the game will follow the established traditions with respect to expansions and, more to the point, that you will want to extract the maximum measure of entertainment that you can in the process of creating and raising the following generations of Sims after you have created your first...

To sum this up in simple steps then:

(1) Create the legend and bio for your family
(2) Determine how many members there should be
(3) Determine your housing strategy
(4) Study the Wishes, Goals, and Traits
(5) Create each of the individual Sims
(6) Adjust the time sliders to fit your anticipated play

With all that managed, you are ready to play the game -- but of course before you can manage all of that you will need to read and study what follows, as well as our in-depth discussion of the various traditional and non-traditional careers and professions that makes up the bulk of the remainder of this guide.  You will also find some anecdotal, trivia, and special information also included towards the back-end of the guide, and a wealth of information all thanks to SuperCheats!  Now how cool is that?


Alternate Sim Life Forms

In addition to Sims -- the typical simulated human form -- there are a number of other life forms that are available in the game either to interact with or forms in which the player can actively play, and it seems that future expansions to the game will not only add complexity and opportunities to these forms, but potentially add new forms -- an event that remains to be experienced.  The alternate forms in the game include the following:

-- Genies: Introduced in The Sims 3: Showtime, the Genie grants wishes to Sims and can be released from their indenture and servitude by the use of specific opportunities combined with a high relationship level with the Genie.   Every Genie has special abilities of their own; they can mate with human Sims, and they can produce offspring that become human-Genie hybrids.  It may be possible for additional hybrid forms to be created, including Vampire-Genie, and Ghost-Genie (this requires testing).

-- Ghosts: The traditional role that the ghost played in the game was largely related to the placement of a gravestone on the player's lot after one of their household Sims has passed on -- the presence of the gravestone allowing the ghost of that Sim to manifest itself on the lot where the stone is placed.  Using different special options or actions it was possible to restore that ghost to a corporeal existence.

In some cases the player can play as the ghost, with the ghost Sim being added to the Sim household in a position much like that of a family member.  In fact it is possible for one of your Sims to decide to have a baby with a ghost Sim; when that happens there is a chance of the baby being born as a ghost baby!

-- Imaginary Friends: Introduced in The Sims 3: Generations, the Imaginary Friend begins as a toy doll in a toddler's inventory, but if a toddler plays with the toy doll for long enough the doll will turn into an imaginary friend.   Imaginary friends can be transformed into real Sims by a child/teen/Sim by using a chemistry set.

The Mummy is a lot more evil looking than the Vampire... 

-- Mummy Sims:  Introduced in The Sims 3: World Adventures, the Sim Mummy is found within pyramids and tombs, and can be either an NPC or a playable characters that can be added to the player household.  In addition to forming a Mummy Sim, the player may transform an existing Sim into a Mummy by having them sleep for two full nights (two full sleep cycles) in the special sarcophagus found in Egypt in the Tomb called The Cursed Sarcophagus of the Kings.   If cursed by a Mummy, a Sim will die within 14 days if the player does not successfully remove the curse by either performing the Snake Kiss, or by praying to the Soul Peace statue within the Sphinx in Egypt before the timer expires.

As a playable Mummy Sim, they have a much slower motive decay and a significantly lengthened lifespan, but they also move much more slowly than normal Sims, and will die instantly if they catch on fire.   While Sim Mummies can enjoy a normal life including pursuing careers, significant effort must be taken to get them started on activities like going to work early, due to their slow and shuffling gate.

-- SimBots:  Introduced in The Sims 3: Ambitions, the SimBot can be obtained either by use of the Inventor Skill, or by spending Lifetime Happiness Points for the special Lifetime Wish that grants a SimBot as a member of the family / household. 

To create a SimBot via the Inventor Skill the player must have special ingredients including 1 ingot of  Palladium, 1 Heart-Shaped Cut Pink Diamond, 10 Life Fruits and 100 units of scrap.  To obtain the SimBot as a Lifetime Wish the Sim must have and spend the required 40,000 Lifetime Happiness Points for the Lifetime Wish "My Best Friend" (A SimBot joins the family with Best Friend relationship status to the Sim who chooses this lifetime wish).

Food for Vamp's means bottles of Plasma 

-- Vampires:  Introduced in The Sims 3: Late Night, Sim Vampires are similar to Vampires from The Sims 2: Nightlife, however in The Sims 3 they only feed upon Plasma which is obtained via plasma packs, Sim blood, or the rare Plasma Fruit.

Vampires and regular Sims can have children together, with the offspring having the chance to be born as a Vampire-hybrid due to the fact that Vampirism exists as a hereditary element in the third revision of the game.  When viewed in the Relationship tab a Vampire Baby and Vampire-Human Hybrid Baby will have a red glow around the edges of their picture.


Lifetime Rewards

Long time fans and Sims gamers will be familiar with the concept of Lifetime Rewards because there was a similar system in The Sims 2 -- but in that system the only way to obtain points to bank was to successfully complete the various ambitions and goals of your Sims.  Doing so banked points in the family bank and allowed the player to purchase objects that were very useful, like the Money Tree or a dispenser that held the Elixir of Life that could literally take years off of your Sim and extend their life in whatever stage that they were in when they drank it.

The system that is in The Sims 3 is a little different but basically the same, though in place of mythic objects your Sims instead can obtain special abilities and devices, kit that makes their lives better and abilities that do the same!  The trick to obtaining them is to bank points, and the trick to doing that is to complete goals, and keep your Sims in a perpetually great mood!

-- Increasing Your Point Bank --

If you played the previous games you may have an imperfect understanding of the Happiness Points system and Lifetime Rewards as they exist here -- previously you needed to complete goals and challenges in order to increase your bank to buy rewards -- and you can still do that and you should, but in addition you also gain bank whenever your Sim's mood meter is in the upper bubble and your Sim is elated, as when that condition is met the bank is metered and constantly increasing, even when your Sims are sleeping!

The trick to maintaining heightened mood is in maintaining your Sim moodlets -- basically that means paying attention to things like Hunger, Bladder, Energy, Social, Hygiene, and Fun, and keeping them in the green as much as possible!  Obviously you have limited control over Energy, but the others you have near complete control over, and so you should exercise it. 

Maintaining the majority of the moodlets in the green and not allowing any to ever go red (and trying to avoid any going yellow) is the best path towards keeping your Sim's overall mood in the upper bubble and thus continuously gaining points in your bank.

-- Interest-based Goals --

As your Sim develops its own interests you will notice that the goals that begin to pop-up that you can accept relate to those interests.  For example playing Chess will prompt logic-based goals as well as cause logic-based opportunities to appear every now and then.  The opportunities are only good for money, but the goals pay off in points to bank, and are an activity that you should seriously be pursuing as you play.  Ideally you have already figured out that the Lifetime Rewards you really want to be working towards before you start your play -- for example in Ambitions the following are very desirable:

-- Attractive
-- No Bills Ever
-- No Jealousy
-- Fast Learner
-- Long Distance Friend
-- Office Hero
-- Entrepreneurial Mindset
-- Profession Simoleon Booster

In addition to those, depending upon your other Sim's slacker-based career choice you may also want one or more of the following:

-- Opportunistic
-- Extra Creative
-- Acclaimed Author

Vampires have slightly different and unique sleeping arrangements... 

-- Ambitions Specific Rewards --

Reward points are banked for each individual Sim and NOT the household, so you will be selecting the rewards that you want on an individual Sim basis, meaning that selecting one reward for one Sim does not automatically give it to all Sims in the household...  But they will benefit from some of the rewards anyway since they apply to a Sim in the household, so for example if one of your Sims has No Bills Ever than all of the Sims in the household enjoy the benefits of it. 

Care should be taken in planning out which rewards you choose, especially if you have created a main Sim that will be your primary and additional Sims that are really more expendable than permanent, since you will want the really valuable and work or travel-related ones to be on your main Sim just in case one of the others ends up being killed...  There is no sense in doing all of that work for nothing.

The following rewards are specific to Ambitions:

The following 8 rewards are specific to The Sims 3: Late Night Expansion, and are not available to you unless you have that expansion installed:

-- Always On The List (17,500)
Sim who are Always on the List will never be refused entry into bars, clubs, and lounges.

-- Better Mixologist (15,000)
Better Mixologists make higher quality drinks than the average Sim.

-- Excellent Groupie (10,000)
Excellent Groupies make every group outing a good time.

-- The Hustler (5,000)
The Hustler is unusually good at bar games such as Darts, Foosball, and Shuffleboard

-- Map to the Stars (20,000)
Sims with a Map to the Stars can see all Celebrity homes in map view, making it easy to be frequent uninvited guest!

-- Master of Seduction (15,000)
Masters of Seduction never feel the pain of romantic rejection. Their romantic advances always succeed.

-- The Next Big Thing (10,000)
Sims who are The Next Big Thing are bound to make any band successful. They earn extra Simoleons when playing gigs with a band.

-- Watering Hole Regular (7,500)
Watering Hole Regulars are frequent customers at local bars, so they get a discount on all food and drinks.

Each instrument, guitar, bass, drums, and piano is mastered separately 

-- The Existing and Other Sims 3 Lifetime Rewards --

In addition to the above rewards there are also the default rewards from the Base Game as well as the rewards that were added for the other expansions, and we are listing them below by game in case you also have those expansions installed as there are some rewards that you may find useful!

-- Base Game Rewards --

The following 31 rewards are specific to the Base Game, The Sims 3 (regardless of which version of the Base Game you have):

-- Acclaimed Author (30,000)
Earn bigger royalty checks for every book written...  Assuming you're a writer.

-- Attractive (15,000)
Whether it's the pleasing scent or charm, people will suddenly like you more.

-- Body Sculptor (15,000)
The Body Sculptor Device will give you the exact body shape you desire within a few percentage points.

-- Bookshop Bargainer (10,000)
Books at the Bookstore will carry a hefty discount, resulting in great savings for you.

-- Change Lifetime Wish (10,000)
Picking a Lifetime Wish is a monumental decision that leaves some Sims overwhelmed.  In case the wrong Wish was chosen, here's a mulligan to set things straight.

-- Collection Helper (40,000)
The Collection Helper is an invaluable tool that helps collector's identify collectibles as well as find them in Map View.

-- Complimentary Entertainment (5,000)
You'll be added to the exclusive list at the community theater and can get into all upcoming events free of charge.

-- Dirt Defiant (15,000)
Personal hygiene concerns and frequent bathing rarely trouble the Dirt Defiant!

-- Discount Diner (5,000)
Restaurant meals will be on the house.  Tips and taxes included.

-- Extra Creative (30,000)
The finest paintings are created by those who are not only creative, but extra creative.

-- Fast Learner (15,000)
Learn and improve skills faster than a galloping llama!

-- Fast Metabolism (5,000)
Watch your body shift and change before your very eyes with a fraction of the effort!  A more immediate new you!

-- Fertility Treatment (10,000)
Increase your chances of conception!  Twins and triplets are also much more likely.

-- Food Replicator (50,000)
The Food Replicator speeds up meal prep by duplicating dishes...  More or less.

-- Haggler (15,000)
Store clerks will fear the sight of you and throw discounts at your feet to expedite your passing.

-- Hardly Hungry (25,000)
Your body achieves such a perfect state of balance that you hardly ever feel hunger or thirst.

-- Legendary Host (5,000)
Everyone will show up to the party and have a great time -- it'll be legendary!

-- Long Distance Friend (20,000)
Friends will never become Distant Friends, even if you ignore them for a while.  They know you're good for it down the line.

-- Mid-Life Crisis (20,000)
Not happy with who you are?  Pick new traits to become the Sim genetics failed to create.

-- Moodlet Manager (60,000)
The Moodlet Manager eases the mind and removes troubling thoughts...  Most of the time.

-- Multi-Tasker (10,000)
Become better at your job and homework without any additional effort on your part!

-- Never Dull (10,000)
Sims love listening to you talk and will never get bored when you repeat social interactions!

-- Observant (5,000)
Discover the traits of others twice as quickly!

-- Office Hero (5,000)
Your inter-office conversations will be more effective than ever!   Co-workers will love hanging out with you.

-- Opportunistic (10,000)
Earn greater rewards and bonuses for finishing Opportunities!

-- Professional Slacker (5,000)
How cool would it be to be able to watch TV and slack off at work without the boss caring?

-- Speedy Cleaner (5,000)
Eliminate household grime and villainous soap scum doubly quick!

-- Steel Bladder (10,000)
Peeing is for Sims with lesser wills (and bladders).

-- Super Green Thumb (20,000)
If you want to grow the best, most vibrantly delicious and organically superior plants, you simply must go Super.

-- Teleportation Pad (75,000)
The Teleportation Pad reduces your transportation costs by 100%...  Within a reasonable margin of error.

-- Vacationer (15,000)
Feel free to take the occasional day off.  Nobody at work will notice!

You can pursue traditional careers and still live the high life in Late Night 

-- The Sims 3 World Adventures --

The following 11 rewards are specific to The Sims 3: World Adventures Expansion, and are not available to you unless you have that expansion installed:

-- Carefree (30,000)
Sims gain Fun 25% faster than normal.

-- Change of Taste (5,000)
Allows you to reselect a Sim's Favorites.

-- Eye Candy (5,000)
Sim has an aura that gives all Sims near them the "Eye Candy" moodlet.   Who could resist such a good looking Sim?

-- Inappropriate But in a Good Way (5,000)
Other Sims won't mind your Sim acting inappropriately.

-- Jetsetter (5,000)
Trip and traveling prices are reduced for Sims with this reward.

-- Learned Relic Hunter (15,000)
Learned Relic Hunters have a knack for finding higher value Relics and other collectibles.

-- Meditative Trance Sleep (30,000)
You can get a lot more done when you don't need to sleep for very long at night.

-- No Bills Ever (15,000)
How great would it be to not have to pay bills, ever?

-- No Jealousy (10,000)
You'll never have to deal with the negative effects of other Sims being jealous of you.

-- Prepared Traveler (10,000)
Travel Parties with a Prepared Traveler in the group can stay in the location longer.

-- Stone Hearted (10,000)
Tragedy and heartbreak just don't seem to effect these kinds of Sims.

-- The Sims 3: Ambitions --

The following 7 rewards are specific to The Sims 3: Ambitions Expansion, and are not available to you unless you have that expansion installed:

-- Artisan Crafter (20,000)
Artisan Crafters create higher quality inventions and sculptures that are more valuable when sold.

-- Efficient Inventor (10,000)
Efficient Inventors are able to tinker and create more inventions with less scrap.

-- Entrepreneurial Mindset (10,000)
Sims with an Entrepreneurial Mindset earn experience more quickly and tend to reach the top of their careers more quickly.

-- Fireproof Homestead (30,000)
The Fireproof Homestead guarantees your Sim's home will never again catch on fire.

-- My Best Friend (40,000)
A SimBot joins the family with Best Friend relationship status to the Sim who chooses this lifetime reward.

-- Profession Simoleon Booster (20,000)
Earn larger weekly stipend and more Simoleons for every profession job completed.

-- Suave Seller (15,000)
Suave Sellers are able to sell their goods for a higher price at local stores and the consignment store.

Public transportation like the subway is how you get around Bridgeport 

-- The Sims 3: Generations --

The following 9 rewards are specific to The Sims 3: Generations Expansion, and are not available to you unless you have that expansion installed:

-- Above Reproach (35,000)
Public displays of affection will go more unnoticed by Sims around town.

-- Age Freeze (65,000)
The purchaser of this reward receives an ‘Age Freeze’ potion. Drinking this potion immediately stops the Sim’s biological clock, preventing further aging!

-- Clean Slate (25,000)
Allows you start over in the world of romance. No more reputation…No more hurt feelings!

-- Clone Voucher (45,000)
The purchaser of this reward receives a Clone Voucher. Redeem it at the Science Facility to have a Child-aged clone of your Sim join your household! You cannot purchase this reward if your household is full.

-- Hover Bed (20,000)
Ground-bound beds are a thing of the past. Purchase this reward to receive the state of the art in hovering slumber satisfaction!

-- Inheritance (30,000)
Purchase this reward to receive a handsome inheritance from a long, lost relative! The purchase of this reward and the relative’s demise are completely coincidental.

-- Motive Mobile (45,000)
Instead of taking a taxi to get around, your Sim will be picked up and transported by the Motive Mobile. The Motive Mobile is a state of the art vehicle designed to get your Sim from Point A to point B without sacrificing comfort, hygiene, or other needs your Sim has.

-- Super Nanny (25,000)
Daycare caretakers will have the voice of reason to toddlers and children. Kids will be less likely to disobey and be easier to keep happy.

-- Young Again (70,000)
The purchaser of this reward receives a ‘Young Again’ potion! Drinking this potion allows a Young Adult, Adult or Elder to return to the beginning of Young Adulthood.

-- The Sims 3: Pets --

The following 25 rewards are specific to The Sims 3: Pets Expansion, and are not available to you unless you have that expansion installed:

-- Alpha Pet (7,500)
Your pet is gifted with heightened senses when searching for prey or collectibles. Results from hunting are greatly improved.

-- Animal Expert (25,000)
Can't seem to ever get tired of your pets? This reward makes it so dogs, cats, and horses, live much longer lives. Pets kept in terrarium and birds are also less likely to die.

-- Atomic Grazer (4,000)
Gain the ability to Graze on any type of surface.

-- Attitude Adjustment (7,500)
Have you ever wondered how your favorite pet would be if they were loud instead of quiet? Neat instead of Piggy? Go ahead and choose new traits for your Pet.

-- Best Behavior (2,500)
Save your furniture! Save your House! This reward will make it so your pet will never bite or scratch furniture, roll around in puddles and get into the trash can and litter box…unless of course you really want them to!

-- Beloved Animal (5,000)
Your pet gains more social fulfillment from interacting with humans.

-- Bottomless Pet Bowl (15,000)
Give your pet a pet bowl that provides high quality sustenance and never needs refilling.

-- Celestial Salt Lick (10,000)
A little taste of paradise, disguised in the form of a sparkling salt lick. It refills both hunger and thirst.

Stone washed denim, designer top, all Vamp-Vamp-Vampire! 

-- Clone Voucher for Pets (15,000)
The Pet that purchases this reward gets a clone voucher. Redeem it at the Science Facility to have a young clone of your pet join the household. You cannot purchase this reward if your household is full.

-- Desert Pony (5,000)
An ability often taught in the arid lands of Al Simhara, but can now be bestowed upon your Horse. Quenching your Horse’s thirst will occur less often.

-- Equine Zen (6,000)
Your Horse will be able to channel it’s inner strength more efficiently. With this reward, exercise motives refill much faster.

-- Fearless Foals (2,500)
Foals can venture away from their Mother’s grasp without feeling sad or lonely.

-- Fertility Treatment for Pets (5,000)
Puppies & Kittens galore! This guarantees larger litters for your pet.

-- Friend of the Herd (4,000)
Be the most popular Horse in town. Wild Horses are often attracted to your home lot.

-- Gardener’s Delight (5,000)
Make your box stalls as eco-friendly as possible. Fertilizer from box stalls used by this Horse, is always of the highest quality.

-- Lucky Mount (4,000)
Riders of this Horse are often showered with Good Luck.

-- Never Nauseous (2,500)
Pets become immune from getting nauseous and vomiting.

-- Pet Hygienator (10,000)
Landgraab Industries’ latest solution in high tech pet hygiene. Use it to keep your pets squeaky clean and free of fleas.

-- Raised by Wolves (15,000)
Gain more social fulfillment from interacting with pets.

-- Self Cleaning Box Stall (12,500)
Every pet deserves a clean place to live. Give your Horse a Box Stall that never needs to be cleaned.

-- Steel Bladder for Pets (4,000)
Never again worry about those fretful accidents. Pets with steel bladders lose the urge to pee.

-- Super Smart Pet (7,500)
Your Pet becomes super smart and can learn skills much faster, while making praising and scolding much more effective.

-- Super Swank Pet Bed (10,000)
A really swank pet bed, so your pet can sleep in style.

-- Vomit Machine (1,500)
Here’s a way to get your owners attention. Gain the ability to vomit at will.

-- Young Again Potion for Pets (20,000)
This potion will magically turn back the time on your pet’s Life. Here’s to starting over!

It takes hard work to maintain a buffed body... 

-- The Sims 3: Showtime --

The following 7 rewards are specific to The Sims 3: Showtime Expansion, and are not available to you unless you have that expansion installed:

-- Born to Cook (20,000)
Become a better chef without spending years slaving over a hot stove! Increase the quality and taste of your food!

-- Dusty Old Lamp (30,000)
This lamp can make all your wishes comes true with only a little polishing.

-- Engaging (10,000)
The audience will hang on the slightest movement or quietest whisper that you produce. Your successes on stage will be more prevalent, and your fails less significant.

-- ExtraordinAIRe-Inator (20,000)
The ExtraordinAIRe-Inator turns your house into a place of meditation. Relax into it’s fresh and soothing aromas.

-- Fearless Voyager (20,000)
Sometimes you take a voyage. Sometimes the voyage takes you. Either way, it pays big to be fearless when going on tour via Simport.

-- Perfect Host (20,000)
You welcome your guest with open arms and accommodate their needs as if your life depends on it... and this doesn’t go unnoticed. Your Sim's household will receive more money, as well as Lifetime Happiness points, when hosting a Sim through Simport.

-- That was Deliberate (15,000)
Turn a stumble into a well planned stride and a cracked voice into an operatic bellow. The audience is less likely to notice any mistakes that you may make while performing on stage.


 An Overview of the Sim Traits

Traits are a critical element in defining both the personality of your Sims and the successes and failures that they will enjoy in their lives.  Understanding what each of the Traits does is really important, so you will want to spend some time becoming familiar with the list.

When you create your Sims you will endow them with up to five individual Traits that will contribute to their personality, their successes (and failures) at life activities, and the manner in which they go about improving their lot in life.  It will help you to have a firm understanding of what each Trait is, means, and does, and this primer on Traits will fulfill that purpose.

The following Traits are available (though some may be expansion-dependent and if you do not have that particular expansion may not be present in your game) If the Trait is only available in a specific expansion that is noted next to its name:

-- Absent-Minded (Base Game)
"Absent-Minded Sims get lost in their thoughts and occasionally forget what they are doing, or where they are going."

Attributes include finding themselves standing in a room wondering how they got there, being a bit forgetful from time to time, suddenly stopping what they are doing mid-action.
-- Adventurous (World Adventures)
"Adventurous Sims enjoy traveling and exploration more than other Sims, are able to go on new trips sooner, and improve their Visa levels more quickly."

Attributes include will feel great when they travel to destinations for the first time, will want to go on Adventures more often, will gain Visa levels faster than other Sims, will be able to go on another trip sooner than other Sims, and receives a 10 mood when they are in tombs.

-- Ambitious (Base Game)
"Ambitious Sims dream big and are more rewarded when their wishes are satisfied in life. They are driven to move up the corporate ladder more quickly, but fall prey to low mood if they don't quickly receive the promotion they desire."

Attributes include will get promotions and salary raises faster than other Sims, may get "Anxious to Advance" (-15) negative moodlet if it has been too long since they have received a raise/promotion or improved a skill.  Ambitious Sims receive 15% more Lifetime Happiness points from fulfilling a wish.

-- Angler (Base Game)
"Anglers catch fish better than other Sims. They also like fishing more than anyone."

Inventing requires a lot of scrap, which you get in Junkyards! 

Attributes include catching fish faster than other Sims, gaining fishing skill faster, having fun while fishing, the ability to catch fish even while stressed.  The Sim will want to go on fishing trips and NPC's with this trait are attracted to Park and Fishing spot lots.

-- Animal Lover (Pets)
"Sims with the Animal Lover trait love all members of the animal kingdom and have special benefits when interacting with Pets."

Attributes include building relationships with pets faster than other Sims.

-- Artistic (Base Game)
"Artistic Sims are naturally gifted artists with a paint brush. They also make pretty good writers and musicians!"

Attributes include obtaining Painting skill 25% faster than other Sims, gaining fun from spending time at the Art Gallery, and gaining Writing and Guitar skills 10% faster than other Sims.

-- Asian Culture (Hidden Trait)
The Asian Culture hidden trait can be found in children of Sims from Shang Simla.

Benefits include Chinese-themed idle animations, using chopsticks when eating, and singing Chinese songs autonomously.

-- Athletic  (Base Game)
"Athletic Sims are the best athletes in town. They can push themselves harder and longer than others, and will do so to feel the burn."

Attributes include  gaining fun from conversations about exercise, negative relationship points from listening to Sims complain about exercise, learning the Athletic skill 20% faster than other Sims, and getting fatigued at 20% slower rate than other Sims.  NPC's with this trait are attracted to Stadium, Pool, Gym, Beach, Spa, and Academy lots.

-- Bookworm (Base Game)
"Bookworms have a passion for reading that surpasses their other desires. They also tend to become good writers."

Attributes include being able to read faster than other Sims, having more fun reading than other Sims, and can write higher quality novels than other Sims.  Teenage and child Sims can finish their homework 27.8% faster.  Provides a bonus to Sims writing in the Vaudeville genre.  NPC's with this trait are attracted to Library and Bookstore lots.  Bookworms can join a Book Club and receive a new book every Wednesday for a one-time fee.

-- Born Salesman/Saleswoman (Ambitions)
"Not only do Born Salespeople often sell their wares for more money than other Sims, they know the importance of a good reputation and can quickly build one at the consignment store."

Attributes include your Sim's items selling for more at the consignment store, your Sim building a reputation faster than other Sims when selling items at the Consignment Store, and your Sim being more likely to obtain positive feedback at the Consignment Store than other Sims.

-- Brave (Base Game)
"Brave Sims are fearless individuals that will fight fires, wrangle burglars and work to protect those around them."

Attributes include your Sims never being afraid when there is a fire -- they will put it out -- and they deal directly with burglars.  They do not scare easily and will not react with fear to ghosts or vampires.

-- Burglar (Base Game -- Hidden Trait)
The Burglar Hidden Trait can be found in children of Sims in the Criminal Career who inherit it from their parents.  

"Burglars must perfect their sneaking skills to properly liberate imprisoned items from the homes of neighbors. Burglars like to keep the skill in the family, so their children are able to sneak out like a pro at birth."

Benefits include the ability to "Sneak" instead of walking or running.

-- Can Apprehend Burglar (Ambitions -- Hidden Trait)
The 'Can Apprehend Burglar' Hidden Trait can be found in NPC Police Officers' children and Sims working in the Law Enforcement career and inherited by their children. 

"Police officers spend years learning how to best the most clever burglars. Luckily for their children, genetics helps them stop burglars without years of tedious training."

Benefits include the ability to fight NPC burglars on a Sims home lot.

With each skill your Sim masters they receive a new certificate 

-- Can Salute (Ambitions -- Hidden Trait)
The 'Can Salute' Hidden Trait can be found in children of Sims in the Military career and inherited by their children.  Sims who attended Fort Starch Military School also receive this ability. 

"Children of high-ranking military officials know enough about the military's rules and regulations to snap off a smart salute when they want."

Benefits include the ability to "Salute" other Sims.

-- Can't Stand Art (Base Game)

"Sims that Can't Stand Art will never appreciate the latest masterpiece of expensive home decor. They are the anti-connoisseur."

Attributes include Sims who will detest any kind of art from paintings to sculptures,  and may get a "Can't Stand Art" moodlet when looking at art.  Your Sims will not enjoy talking about art, and prefer living in a home with very little decoration.  They are excluded from the "Decorated" moodlet and NPC's or inactive Sims with this trait will not visit Art Gallery lots. 

-- Cat Person (Pets)

"Sims with the Cat Person trait are happiest when they are surrounded by multitudes of felines."

Attributes include building relationships with cats much faster than other Sims, training cats much faster, and preferring to socialize with cats rather than other Sims.

-- Charismatic (Base Game)

"Your Sim gains charisma skill more quickly. Your Sim gets more out of relationships than other Sims."

Attributes include building Charisma skill 25% more quickly than other Sims, Conversations with Charismatic Sims tend to be more successful, A Charismatic Sim's conversation will never bore other Sims, and Charismatic Sims gain 25% bonus lifetime relationship by socializing.  Charismatic Sims lose lifetime relationship 25% slower, Charismatic Sims in the Political career have more success asking for contributions, and Socializing at work has a greater effect on job performance.  The Trait provides a bonus to Sims writing in the autobiography genre, and a Charismatic Sim will learn other Sims' traits a lot faster.

-- Childish (Base Game)

"Childish Sims find it difficult to 'act their age'. They love playing with children's toys, see things through the eyes of a child and need to be constantly entertained."

Attributes include Sims who can play with children's toys and has a great time while doing it, wants to have fun more often than other Sims, and will become bored by conversations and repeated social interactions more easily.  Childish Sims are very afraid of ghosts, but the Trait provides a bonus to Sims writing in the Children's genre.  NPC's with this trait are attracted to Hangout lots.

Only adults can do certain chores -- like laundry -- around the home. 

-- Clumsy (Base Game)

"Clumsy Sims muck up both precious and every day moments in life with shoddy footwork and poor planning. What else is there to say? Your Sim is Clumsy, and not so hot on their feet."

Attributes include nearly tripping on short stairs, tripping over nothing when attempting to move, dropping food, losing fish and dropping engagement rings during proposals.  Clumsy Sims break objects more frequently, and at times will feel ashamed and want to repair it.  Clumsy Sims are more likely to start a fire when they are Cooking.  Clumsy Sims are not good at the Acrobat and Magician careers in Showtime since they have much higher chances to fail their tricks.

-- Commitment Issues (Base Game)

"Sims with Commitment Issues don't really want to settle down into a long-term relationship or a lifelong career. Marriage is out of the question!"

Attributes include requiring an extraordinarily high relationship with another Sim before they will feel comfortable committing to a relationship.  The Sim may want to change career paths if they feel cooped-up in their current vocation, and they can "Fret over Commitment" if involved in a committed relationship.

-- Computer Whiz (Base Game)

"Computer Whizzes love spending time on the computer. They are great at tinkering with computers and can even make money as a hacker if they choose."

Attributes include the ability to hack on the computer at night to earn money, hack into Venue listings to be able to get into VIP areas without being a celebrity, and the more that your Sim hacks, the better their hacking skill and the more money they will earn.  Computer Whizzes have 50% more fun playing computer games than other Sims, make friends more easily over the computer, and will improve their logic skill faster than normal when playing chess on the computer by 10%.  Computer Whizzes can overclock computers, take 60% less time fixing computer and 25% less time upgrading computers, and the Trait provides a bonus to Sims writing in the Science Fiction genre.  NPC's with this trait are attracted to Library lots.

-- Couch Potato (Base Game)

"Your Sim is very happy while relaxing on a couch. Your Sim gets a lot fun from watching TV. Your Sim likes to sleep longer. Your Sim will resist exercise at all costs!"

Attributes include the 'Comfortable' moodlet being doubled, while Sims with this Trait get more fun from watching TV than other Sims.  Coach Potatoes will need to sleep longer, can talk about favorite television shows and movies with other Sims, and do not autonomously choose to work out.  NPC's with this trait will not visit Library, Gym, Spa, Academy, Market, Chinese Garden, and Nectary lots.

-- Coward (Base Game)

"Cowards are terrified of everything that can and will go bump in the night. They are scared of the dark and will frequently faint in 'dire' situations"

Attributes include being afraid of the dark, a strong dislike for being pushed around by others, mostly mean Sims.  Coward Sims may run away from scary situations and will very likely faint from encounters with Monsters, the Grim Reaper, a criminal during a Burglary, Ghosts, and when confronted by a Fire.

-- Daredevil (Base Game)

"Your Sim lives on the edge, and can take many things to the extreme!"

Attributes include your Sims receiving an 'Adrenaline rush' moodlet after performing 'Watch This' social interaction, loving fire but being able to extinguish it quickly in an emergency, and having the capability to not die if set on fire.  This Trait provides a bonus to Sims writing in the autobiography genre, and allows your Sims to go skinny dipping in pools any time of day.  NPC's with this trait are attracted to Gym lots.

-- Disciplined (World Adventures)

"Disciplined Sims do not fool around. They have the dedication and perseverance to become the best martial artists in town."

Attributes include the ability to learn Martial Arts skill faster than other Sims and be the happiest when practicing Martial Arts.  Your Sim has a better chance of beating competitors when sparring, and they can break boards at a lower Martial Arts skill level.  Disciplined Sims don't like playing video or computer games.

-- Dislikes Children (Base Game)

"Sims that dislike children do not want to have anything to do with children. No talking, no playing and certainly no reproduction."

Attributes include not enjoying being on lots with children, a strong dislike for children that causes them to react negatively to talking about children, and often rejecting social interactions from children.  Sims with this Trait will get a negative moodlet from socializing with children, holding, or taking care of babies, and will autonomously use mean interactions on children.  Sims with the Trait will reject the goofy face interaction unless the Sim happens to be best friends with the target Sim, and male Sims who dislike children will get angry and argue with their wives if they announce that they are pregnant.

-- Diva (Showtime)

"Diva Sims are amazing and don’t you forget it! When they are good, they’re great, and when they are bad, they’re better!"

Attributes include being more likely to slap other Sims or break up with the spouse after an argument, and it being very hard for the Sim to get impressed.  The Sims love to compliment themselves and talk about their accomplishments.

-- Dog Person (Pets)

"Sims with the Dog Person trait have an extra special relationship with their dogs."

Attributes include the ability to build relationships with dogs very quickly, teaching dogs skills and commands much faster than other Sims, and the death of a dog having a much more profound impact and affect upon the Sim than might otherwise be expected.

-- Dramatic (Ambitions)

"Everyday situations in life deeply stir the imagination, emotions, and reactions of Dramatic Sims."

Attributes include being very emotional and finding many activities very sensational and tragic, being  likely to react violently when insulted by others, and being more likely to burst into tears of joy or sorrow than most other Sims would be.

-- Easily Impressed (Base Game)

"Easily impressed Sims are easily astounded by everyday stories and are always pleased with the smallest of accomplishments."

Attributes include being impressed by just about everything, particularly other Sims.  Easily impressed Sims are more receptive to 'Boast about...' interactions than may normally be the case, and will be more excited and impressed when encountering a Rock Star.  Sims with this Trait are typically more humble than the average Sim, but they love hearing about other Sims and their adventures.  Easily Impressed Sims tend to get along with Snobs, since snobs love hearing about themselves, and Easily Impressed Sims love talking about them and hearing them brag.

-- Eccentric (Ambitions)

"Eccentric Sims have a natural ability when it comes to inventing crazy gizmos and whachamacalits."

Attributes include a higher chance of discovering new inventions while dabbling or inventing, being faster at making discovered inventions, and having a higher chance of making Improved Widgets.      Eccentric Sims learn the Inventing skill faster.  This trait is first available at birth though it does not really manifest until a Sim is a child.  NPC's with this trait are attracted to Junkyard lots.

If you don't mind wasting energy you can get matching appliances. 

-- Eco-Friendly (Ambitions)

"Eco-Friendly Sims prefer a lifestyle of energy conservation, recycling and sustainable eating."

Attributes include a preference to ride a bike rather than to drive a car, eat organic food, and take quick showers to conserve water.  Eco-Friendly Sims tend to get a lot of extra moodlets from various household actions, and are happy when sharing a car with other Sims.  They prefer more expensive appliances because they use less energy, and like to save the environment.  They will put their wet clothes on the clothesline and not in the Dryer if both options are present.

-- Egyptian Culture (World Adventures -- Hidden Trait)
The Egyptian Culture hidden trait can be found in children of Sims from Al Simhara.

Benefits include  Egyptian-themed idle animations and singing Middle Eastern songs autonomously.

-- Equestrian (Pets)

"Equestrian Sims love horses, and horses love them back! The mutual equine affection makes these Sims naturals at handling at training horses."

Attributes include the ability to build relationships with horses faster than other Sims.  Equestrian Sims are naturally talented at learning how to ride a horse, and they will learn skills faster when training with Equestrians.

-- Evil (Base Game)

"Evil Sims love the dark, take great delight in the misfortune of others and prefer to lead a life of as far away from goodness as possible."

Attributes include getting a "Fiendishly Delighted" moodlet when misfortune strikes nearby Sims. Your Sim doesn't mind a lack of light, as they do good work int he dark; they excel in the criminal career track.  They tend to come out on top in most fights, and they can ask a genie for World Misery in place of World Peace.   An Evil Sim will often laugh when another Sim dies, but will still mourn them if they actually begin to miss them (as with friends and relatives).   

Evil baby Sims can (will) steal candy from another baby, and adult Sims can steal candy from newborns and Toddlers.  Most of the Sims who are aware of the Trait in your Sim will be rather cautious around them, and Good Sims or Sims in the Law Enforcement career track in particular will treat your Sim with suspicion.   Your Sim can donate to undermine charities once a day by clicking on the mailbox, and can do many things with an evil twist, like wash their hands with Evil Soap, do an Evil Dance, that sort of thing --  however it doesn't have any actual impact in gameplay, it is just really creepy.
Your Evil Sim can acquire a Red Glow on reaching the top of the Criminal track and that glow terrifies Cowards, disgusts Good Sims, and delights other Evil Sims. It might also cause other Sims to gasp and run from the glowing Sim in fright.  Evil Sims have a keen interest in death, will often wish to visit the Graveyard, see ghosts, and see the ghost of a living Sim.  They tend to get along, unless the Mean Spirited has the Good Trait, and often when walking into a room an Evil Sim will rub his or her hands together and laugh maniacally.  They are not scared by ghosts, vampires, monsters or bugs, and they are affected differently from other Sims by crying babies -- crying babies actually give them a positive moodlet!

-- Excitable  (Base Game)

"Your Sim will cheer for and be excited about doing the basic things in life. Yay! Wooo!"

Attributes include receiving the 'Excited' moodlet whenever they find something exciting for them, and they will often cheer for and be excited about doing the basic things in life!  NPC's with this trait are attracted to the Hangout lot.

-- Family-Oriented (Base Game)

"Family-Oriented Sims make great parents. They have big families and enjoy being surrounded by their children."

Attributes include interactions with family members that have better results than normal, with your Sims enjoying tending to the needs of babies and toddlers more than other Sims might.  A Sim with this Trait is better at teaching toddler skills like learning how to walk, talk, and use the potty chair, than other Sims without the Trait. They can often complete these activities 50% faster than the average Sim, and have a better starting relationships with family members.  Sims with this Trait write better children's books than others, and they receive a bonus to writing in the children's genre.

-- Flirty (Base Game)

"Your Sim can flirt with Sims early in a relationship. Your Sim's flirts will be accepted much more often! Your Sims is particularly gifted of giving massages!"

Attributes include romantic interactions that will be accepted more often, and romantic social interactions that will appear at an earlier relationship rating and time than usual.  Flirty Sims are particularly well-gifted at giving massages and they will be more inclined to flirt autonomously and earlier in a relationship.

-- French Culture (World Adventures -- Hidden Trait)
The French Culture hidden trait can be found in children of Sims from Champs Les Sims.

Benefits include greeting other Sims with a dual-cheek kiss, singing French songs autonomously, and discounts on purchases when visiting France.

-- Friendly (Base Game)

"Friendly Sims smile frequently at others and are quick to make friends."

Attributes include a more frequent acceptance of friendly social interactions, and the ability to make friends faster than other Sims will.  A Sim with this Trait is a good listener, even when others repeat themselves, and will have the desire to become best friends -- even with their enemies.

Multi-Tasking is the smart way to go; level guitar in between chores! 

-- Frugal (Base Game)

"Frugal Sims love to clip coupons to save money, relish a good deal and hate being wasteful."

Attributes include the ability to receive the "Got A Good Deal" moodlet when using coupons at the store -- and this Trait unlocks the ability to clip coupons from the newspaper for deals at the store.  Your Sims really enjoy buying things that are on sale, and can search the internet for coupons in order to make that more likely.  NPC's with this Trait will not visit the Bistro lot.

-- Genius (Base Game)

"Geniuses are logical thinkers, masters of chess and excellent hackers. They savor pursuits of the mind."

Attributes include the ability to learn the Logic skill 30% faster than other Sims, learn Mooch, Chess, and Hacking hidden skills 30% faster, and enjoy playing chess and will improve at it much more quickly.  When a Sim in the household dies a Genius Sims can Play Chess for their life.  They can solve crazy mathematical problems on the computer for cash, do better at Law Enforcement, Science and Medical careers, and will autonomously "Contemplate" their surroundings.

Geniuses can earn money every 20 minutes while Hacking, instead of every 30 minutes, create pixelized paintings using Paint Stylized Still-Life, initiate "Deep Conversations" at any point in a relationship -- and they enjoy them more -- as well as obtain a bonus for writing in the Science Fiction genre.  This Trait provides a bonus to Sims writing in the Mystery genre, and Toddlers with this trait will learn their toddler skills faster than other Sims.  NPC's with this trait are attracted to the Library lot.

-- Good (Base Game)

"Good Sims go out of their way to help friends and family in need, are charitable with their money and frequently conduct those around them."

Attributes include the ability to donate to charities once a day by clicking on the mailbox.  Good Sims do not usually perform mean interactions on other Sims and will not have negative reactions to social interactions as often as other Sims.  Good Sims can use 'Brighten Day' interaction, which will give target Sims a 'Brighten Day' moodlet.

A Good Sim gives other Sims the 'Comforted' moodlet when comforting another Sim, and a golden halo will sometimes appear above their head  (the halo may also appear whenever they donate to a charity).  They will not commit a mean interaction towards other Sims (not even to their enemies) and if a mean interaction in committed against them, the 'Fight' option will not appear.  They can get along well with Friendly Sims unless Friendly Sim also has the Evil trait.

-- Good Sense of Humor (Base Game)

"Sims with a good sense of humor tell the best jokes that never fall flat or fail to entertain."

Attributes include the ability to makes other Sims laugh more often, as well as be more receptive to other Sims jokes.  A Sim's jokes strengthen relationships more than normal and have a greater starting relationship with other Sims.  The Sim has more humor actions available under "Good Sense of Humor," will react positively to pranks pulled on them, and will be able to write better humor books.

-- Great Kisser (Base Game)

"Great kissers kiss better than any other Sims. They give kisses that are not easily forgotten."

Attributes include the ability to deliver amazing kisses, and kiss while standing. Every kiss gives both Sims a Great Kiss moodlet giving 15 mood for 3 hours. Sims with this trait often want to kiss somebody.

-- Green Thumb (Base Game)

"Green-thumbs are the best gardeners. They find solace and comfort amongst their garden and can revive plants in the worst of conditions."

Attributes include the ability to learn the Gardening skill 25% faster than other Sims, and their Garden products tend to be higher quality.  Sims with a Green Thumb begin their lives with a Gardening skill book in their inventories.  Your Sim can talk to plants in their garden to gain positive social moods, and with enough Gardening skill they can revive dead plants.  NPC's with this trait are attracted to Park and Garden lots.

Though you cannot see it, playing with blocks increases Logic in kids. 

-- Grumpy  (Base Game)

"Grumpy Sims are rarely in a good mood. It's quite difficult to make them happy because they simply don't want to be happy."

Attributes include a preponderance to become sad, and it is more difficult for this Sim to get into a good mood.  On the computer Grumpy Sims have the option to "Troll on Forums" -- this will eventually result in a positive moodlet being granted.  Sims with this Trait do not like to boast or enthuse.
This Trait provides a bonus to Sims writing in the Satire genre.  They may become sad or angry when they don't have any moodlets.  They may scream out in fury if something bad happens to a nearby Sim and will always have the ability to complain about something.  Sims with the Grumpy trait can develop the "Out of Sorts" moodlet upon awakening which gives -20 points to their mood.

-- Handy (Base Game)

"Handy Sims are the best tinkerers. They will never fail when repairing or upgrading a household item which makes electrical objects far less dangerous!"

Attributes include the ability to always succeed when repairing or upgrading objects, while the Sim learns the Handiness skill 25% more quickly than other Sims.  When the Sim repairs an object, it has a lower risk of breaking again, and they begin their lives with a Handiness skill book in their inventories.
When they are electrocuted Sims with this Trait are more likely to get a second chance to live.

-- Hates the Outdoors (Base Game)

"Sims that hate the outdoors despise being outside and will always remain indoors whenever possible."

Attributes include a preference to do indoor activities, and get a desire to 'Go Indoors' whenever they're outside for more than a few minutes.

-- Heavy Sleeper (Base Game)

"Heavy Sleepers will sleep through any situation, no matter how loud or alarming. They also tend to snore."

Attributes include the ability to sleep through loud noises and crying youngsters -- but the Trait has a downside in that because your Sims sleep through noises they can easily sleep through a fire or burglary.  They often snore while sleeping.

-- Hopeless Romantic (Base Game)

"Hopeless romantics passionately seek their soul mate. They want romance, true love and surround themselves with cheesy romantic television and novels."

Attributes include a tendency to be more receptive to another Sim's romantic advances, and will be in a better mood if they have a lover in the same room as them.  Sims with this Trait will sigh in happiness from time to time if in a good relationship, and prefer to read romance novels and watch the romantic TV channel.  Sims with this Trait write better quality romance novels, and can write one when their writing level is 5 instead of 10.  "Stood Up" and "Heartbroken" moodlets have a greater negative effect on Hopeless Romantic Sims than on other Sims.

-- Hot-Headed (Base Game)

"Hot headed Sims are quick to anger. Broken household items, conversations gone awry or even the slightest negative moodlet will all send them into a boiling rage."

Attributes include the tendency to bypass getting sad or uncomfortable and just get really mad.  Objects breaking, other Sims not being nice and other negative moodlets can enrage this Sim, and they will often react badly to negative social interactions.  This Trait provides a bonus to Sims writing in the satire genre.  Hot-Headed Sims will sometimes take their anger out on other Sims.

-- Hydrophobic (Base Game)

"Hydrophobic Sims are terrified of swimming. They loathe every second they have to spend in the pool."

Attributes include a decided dislike for swimming and they will receive a negative moodlet whenever they are forced to swim.  They do not appreciate baths as much as other Sims, and may cry after taking one depending upon their other Traits.  They really do not like exploring Dive Wells, and while they can drown they are less likely to do so because they actively avoid water.  SimBots always start out with this Trait.

-- Immune to Fire (Ambitions -- Hidden Trait)
The 'Immune to Fire' Hidden Trait can be found in children of NPC Firefighters, Sims in the Firefighter profession, and Genies and can be inherited by their children.

"Fire Fighters are able to survive countless fires; not least because of their natural immunity to fire. It's a trait that they pass on to their children."

-- Inappropriate (Base Game)

"Inappropriate Sims talk about the wrong thing at the wrong time, never think to dress properly, and never think to apologize when they've wronged someone. They enjoy mocking others with harsh words."

Attributes include the ability to more easily insult other Sims, and the ability to kiss, tickle or even propose marriage when other Sims would not try.  Sims with this Trait sometimes do not dress properly for all occasions.  A special "Make Fun Of" interaction is available to them to be used on other Sims, and the Trait provides a bonus to Sims writing in the Humor genre.  Inappropriate Sims will have the option to talk about other Sims that are standing nearby.

Inappropriate Sims can rummage through other Sims' garbage, and knock over neighbors' garbage cans as a gesture.   They have the "Sponge Bath" option with sinks which will enable them to bathe anywhere where there is a sink.  They also have the ability to make inappropriate forum posts on the computer.

-- Insane  (Base Game)

"Insane Sims respond to events in life unpredictably. They say what they want, do what they want and even wear what they want. Even if it doesn't make sense to anyone else."

Attributes include a set of unpredictable behaviors, including choosing clothes badly, making impulsive  decisions, and forming wishes that may not make sense.  This Trait provides a bonus to Sims writing in the autobiography genre.  They can Fish in swimming pools, and they are given interactions under the "Friendly" category that include "Catch anything?" / "Speak Madness" / "Tell Ghost Story" / and "Talk about conspiracies."   These Sims also have a "Talk to Self" action that will fill their Social and Fun bars!

-- Kleptomaniac (Base Game)

"Kleptomaniacs 'accidentally' end up with things owned by others. They often 'permanently borrow' items from work, school or even their neighbor's homes!"

Attributes include a tendency to steal the belongings of other Sims, and can return stolen objects to their rightful owners via the mailbox, resulting in a positive 'Returned Stolen Object' moodlet.  This Trait provides a bonus to Sims writing in the autobiography genre.

-- Light Sleeper (Base Game)

"Light sleepers toss and turn throughout the night and are woken up by the slightest bump in the night."

Attributes include the condition for being restless and easily disturbed, and when a burglar even steps on their lot when they are asleep the Sim will be instantly awake.

-- Loner (Base Game)

"Loners enjoy time spent alone more than time spent with others. Quite shy, they will never approach anyone that isn't a close friend. They prize their solitude and get nervous around large groups. "

Attributes include a tendency to be in the best mood when they are alone, and to receive the 'Enjoying Solitude' moodlet ( 15) as a result.  Loner Sims get the 'Too Many People' negative moodlet (-15) when on lots with crowds, including work and school lots, and they do not feel the need to seek out social interaction as often as other Sims.  These Sims prefer to spend time in the bedroom rather than in the more social areas of their home.

-- Loser (Base Game)

"Losers encounter woe and misfortune throughout their lives beginning with school and continuing into their careers. They will fail and fail often. They won't get mad even when life falls apart. They'll just cry."

Attributes include a lower chances of having success, a higher chance of receiving a negative event at work/school, and when receiving opportunities, they have a higher chance of failing them.  Losers will break down in tears if something negative happens to them, complain more in a conversation, and are less likely to win video games.
Losers will get more potent "Winner" moodlets when they manage to win games, and also get "Winner" moodlets when they get promoted.  Instead of getting a "Win a Game" wish, their wish says "Be a winner, for once."  When a Loser dies of unnatural causes, such as drowning, the Grim Reaper may tell the Sim that he has enjoyed watching the Loser Sim suffer, and decides to allow them to live longer.

Pub games like darts adds a group activity to the game...

-- Loves the Outdoors (Base Game)

"These Sims love spending time outdoors and find a special joy amidst nature that others do not."

Attributes include a tendency towards a better mood when outside, and a predilection to pine for the outdoors if they spend too long inside.  They get 'One with Nature' positive moodlet ( 20) when they stay outside for 15 minutes, and they can perform outdoor skills such as Fishing and Gardening better than most other Sims.  Outdoor Sims perform better in Athletic, Science and Military careers, and      have the "Talk about Outdoors" social interaction available to them.  Sims with this Trait can be sent to the public pool, beach or park by clicking on them and choosing that action.

-- Lucky  (Base Game)

"Lucky Sims are closely followed through life with a comforting sense of luck. They win often and they win big."

Attributes include a chance at obtaining the 'Feeling Lucky' moodlet when they sleep for 4 hours.  Sims with this Trait are less likely to burn food, break objects or get robbed, and more likely to get raises at work and to get good results from career events.  Lucky Sims are more likely to win when playing games, and using the Fortune Factory Fortune Cookie Maker they will always receive a good fortune.  A Sim with the Lucky Trait who is an Acrobat and performs on The Ring of Fire is more likely to succeed at the stunt.  And how cool is that?

-- Makes No Messes (Base Game -- Hidden Trait)
The 'Makes No Messes' Hidden Trait can be found in maids' children and inherited by them.

"The descendants of maids have cleanliness imprinted on their genetic code so they never leave anything dirty."

Benefit is that the Sim never causes messes; similar to an attribute of the Neat Trait.

-- Mean Spirited (Base Game)

"Mean Spirited Sims love to fight, mostly because they never lose in a brawl. They take satisfaction with every new enemy made and dream of new ways to be nasty to others."

Attributes include the ability to receive a positive moodlet when making an enemy.  Mean Spirited Sims will have more probability of winning fights, and will autonomously use negative social interactions more often than other Sims.  They are able to troll on forums like evil, grumpy or inappropriate Sims, and they may wait for a response from the forum users for their amusement. Not being responded on a forum will earn the Sim a negative moodlet.

-- Mooch  (Base Game)

"Moochers can mooch food and money from their neighbors who for the most part just go along with it."

Attributes include the ability to mooch cash and food directly off other Sims.  When visiting other Sims' lots, the Sim can mooch food from the host's fridge -- though other Sims may not respond well to the Sim's mooching.

-- Natural Born Performer (Showtime)

"Natural Born Performer Sims are most comfortable on a stage, and never happier than when they are in front of an audience."

Attributes include being better able to learn to sing, do magic and perform, rarely bombing on stage, and the ability to attract audiences and do a variety of things "with Flair".  The Sim has more talent in the Magician and Acrobat Careers; they may also be good at the Singing Career.  Sims with the Diva Trait get a bonus when it is combined with this Trait.

-- Natural Cook (Base Game)

"Natural Cooks are able to kick any dish up a notch, making their food the most delicious to eat. They learn to cook more quickly than others, and never burn down the kitchen in the process!"

Attributes include being able to learn the cooking skill faster than other Sims, starting their lives with a Cooking skill book in their inventories, and easily making higher quality food.  Sims with this Trait  never burn food or cause a fire when cooking, and will frequently watch the Cooking Cable channel when left idle.  

A Natural Cook can talk about cooking, and eating food on other lots can cause this Sim to learn the recipe for that food (if they have the skill required to learn it).  The 'Kick it up a Notch' interaction is available to improve the quality of a prepared dish.

Mind your Sim doesn't kill themselves on this dangerous device!

-- Neat (Base Game)

"Neat Sims always find time to clean, regardless of their mood. They are easily devastated by filthy surroundings, but will never leave a mess behind."

Attributes include the habit of always cleaning up messes they have made.  These Sims actually have fun while cleaning, and the objects will be more clean than normal, and they will clean even while being in a bad mood.  NPC's with this trait are attracted to the Laundromat lot. 

-- Neurotic (Base Game)

"Neurotic Sims will freak out at the most minor of provocations. They can become stressed easily and can be difficult to mellow. Luckily they take solace in sharing their worries with others."

Attributes include the inability to get a grip on life, freaking out over every little thing.  Click on these Sims will provoke a "Freak Out" interaction, and while other Sims are disturbed your Sim will become Tranquil.  It takes awhile for your Sim to de-stress, but your Sims can "Share Worries" with other Sims to help relax.  These Sims do not get sad or angry, just stressed out.

-- Never Nude (Base Game)

"Never Nudes despise nudity and will never, ever, completely remove all of their clothing."

Attributes include the fact that this Sim doesn't like being naked. 

-- No Sense of Humor (Base Game)

"Sims with no sense of humor tell horrible jokes so they tend not to tell them. They also don't enjoy the jokes of others. Humor is simply wasted on them."

Attributes include having no sense of humor and not enjoying humorous interactions.  The Sim doesn't autonomously perform humorous interactions on other Sims either. Sims with this Trait have interactions like "Ramble Endlessly" and "Share Trivia" which bore ordinary Sims but delight others with no sense of humor.  These Sims have "Bore To Death" interaction that make other Sims pass out for a moment, which can cause celebrities to be publicly disgraced when they do.   NPC's with this trait are attracted to Library lots.

-- Nurturing  (Base Game)

"Nurturing Sims are great with teens and children. They understand the joys and difficulties of growing up and are instinctively well prepared to take care of them."

Attributes include Children and Teens having less chance of throwing a tantrum when your Sim is scolding them, being more effective in socializing with children and teens, and obtaining relationships faster with Sims that are Teens or younger.

-- Over-Emotional  (Base Game)

"Your Sim finds the most beautiful joy in many things, and often cries to express delight!"

Attributes include all moodlets contributing more to the Sim's Mood, with the good things being better, and the bad things being worse (being 25% more effective).  This Trait provides a bonus to Sims writing in the Satire genre, and when left idle, they will start crying.  After receiving a negative moodlet resulting from social interactions, the "Cry On Shoulder" interaction will be available.

Clear out your old papers or the paper boy will stop delivering!

-- Party Animal (Base Game)

"Party animals love to party, and others love to party with them. When a party animal hosts a party, everyone comes and has a great time. Woo!"

Attributes include the effect that anyone the Sim invites to a party will attend, and guests attending the Sims parties are more likely to bring gifts.   NPC's with this trait are attracted to the Hangout lot.

-- Perceptive (Ambitions)

"Perceptive Sims make keen Investigators. Their ability to investigate and stakeout potential criminals is bar none."

Attributes include your Sim earning more money from completed Investigator assignments.  Your Sim will build the Logic Skill more quickly, and will have a higher chance of encountering crime on stakeouts.  Your Sim will learn traits of other Sims more quickly through socializing.

-- Perfectionist (Base Game)

"Perfectionists spend more time cooking, writing or even painting, but what they eventually finish is noticeably better than something created by other Sims. Perfectionists accept nothing shy of perfection."

Attributes include the ability to do most things better than other Sims, though sometimes it can take a bit longer.  The Sim can paint higher quality paintings, prepare higher quality food and write better novels, and this trait can help Sims becoming better Architects.

-- Photographer's Eye (World Adventures)

"Sims with the Photographer's Eye naturally learn photography more quickly than other Sims and tend to earn more Simoleons for the photos they take!"

Attributes include their photographs tending to be worth more than the photos of other Sims, the ability to improve their Photography skill much faster than other Sims, and the urge to discuss Photography with other Sims.

-- Private Eye (Ambitions -- Hidden Trait)
The Private Eye Hidden Trait was added with the Ambitions expansion and is obtained by reaching Level 7 in the Investigator Profession.

Benefits include the ability to sneak, the ability to bribe or beat up, to convince another Sim while completing an opportunity, and is retained even if the Sim no longer works in the Investigator Profession.  This Hidden Trait is inherited by their children.

-- Rebellious (Generations)

"Rebellious Sims take special pride in putting it to the man. Causing trouble (and getting out of it) is their specialty! Whether they're out after curfew or telling their boss they've had it, they'll no doubt take extra pleasure for it."

Attributes include a Sim's chances of getting caught while setting traps or causing pranks being greatly reduced, and chances of getting caught violating curfew will be greatly reduced.  Your Sim will receive special moodlets and take great pride in interactions or abilities that are overly rebellious.

-- Rocker (Showtime -- Hidden Trait)
The 'Rocker' Hidden Trait can be found in children of Sims in the music career. Sims with this trait will get a natural feeling of rock stardom.

-- Savvy Sculptor (Ambitions)

"Savvy Sculptors know the ins and outs of sculpting masterpieces. These Sims never fail at making the best sculptors."

Attributes include progress through the sculpting skill faster than other Sims, and the ability to create unique Sculptures that no other Sims can make.  Your Sim will never accidentally decapitate their sculpture when working on it, and they will never accidentally shatter a statue when sculpting.

The telescope adds Logic as well as allows discovery of new stars!

-- Schmoozer (Base Game)

"Schmoozers are really good at befriending co-workers and sucking up to their bosses. They are great at navigating the corporate landscape."

Attributes include gaining more relationship points with the boss and co-workers when socializing.  Schmoozer Sims have better results when asking for things from other Sims and their compliments are always successful.

-- Slob (Base Game)

"Slobs constantly leave messes in their wake. To make matters worse, they won't offer to pick up or clean! Luckily common filth won't offend their senses."

Attributes include a casual attitude about messes, that has no effect on their feelings about their environment.  Sims with this Trait can lick a plate clean to satisfy hunger, and they will have no problem eating spoiled or burnt food! It's all good!   NPC's and inactive Sims with this Trait will not visit Laundromat lots.  Sims with this Trait have a tendency to fart and belch.

-- Snob (Base Game)

"Snobs are very hard to impress though they love hearing about themselves and will never turn down a compliment. They dream of owning only the finest things and being associated with the highest echelon of neighborhood Sims."

Attributes include a strong love to gloat.  Sim with this Trait will always react positively to compliments, will get positive moodlets when purchasing expensive things, and will get the "I am Beautiful" moodlet when looking in the mirror.  Snobs are more likely to wish for money-related goals, and they like to befriend rich Sims.  Unlike most other Sims, who get along well if they share a common trait, if two Snobs encounter one another, they are likely to dislike one another instantly, as both think that they are the best and hate anyone else believing that they are the best.
Sims with this Trait will be more descriptive when describing the taste of the nectar (Wine) they drink, and will actually get along with Easily Impressed Sims, as the Easily Impressed will be wowed by all the things the snob has to say, and there's nothing a snob loves more than admiration.  The same goes for Schmoozers, as Snobs will never turn down a compliment.  Snobs that own the same type of furniture but one is more expensive than the other will tend to use the more expensive one.

-- Social Butterfly (Showtime)

"Social Butterfly Sims aren’t happy unless they’re socializing, and will do just about anything to be the center of attention."

Attributes include the impulse to do anything to get noticed, and will never hesitate to join group conversations.  Sims with this Trait may get depressed and get the "It's like I'm Invisible" moodlet if not socializing enough, and they revel in attention and get the "It's all about Me" moodlet.

-- Star Quality (Late Night)

"Sims who have Star Quality are destined to be in the spotlight. They have an easier time befriending Celebrities and climbing the ladder to stardom."

Attributes include having an easier time impressing Celebrities, and Sims with this Trait will gain more fame when befriending Celebrities.  Sims will have a higher chance to receive free items, can dispel rumors faster than other Sims, and will gain celebrity points, levels, and stars quicker and easier.  These Sims will impress acquaintances much easier.

-- Technophobe (Base Game)

"Technophobe Sims hate television. They will never watch television except in dire circumstances and will always look for an alternative source of entertainment."

Attributes include not having any fun while watching TV, being afraid of using a computer, and have the ability to sabotage and smash electronics to pieces, even when visiting another household.  Technophobe Sims are bad at repairing electrical appliances, and have to work harder to improve the writing skill than other Sims.  If a Technophobe Sim tries to repair a broken television they have a 90% chance of being electrocuted!

-- Unflirty (Base Game)

"Unflirty Sims do not appreciate the romantic advances of others and will be difficult to woo. It's not that they don't want to love, just that it's difficult for them."

Attributes include an increased likelihood that they will reject romantic approaches from others, and have fewer romantic social interactions available to them.

-- Unlucky  (Base Game)

"Things rarely go right for unlucky Sims. They often lose at everything they touch. Though some do take pity on their misfortune..."

Attributes include the likelihood to have bad things happen, from fires, burglaries, losing at things, breaking objects, that sort of event, and in the end this Sim feels like they have nothing to lose.

-- Vegetarian (Base Game)

"Vegetarian Sims never choose to eat meat, and doing so causes them to quickly become ill."

Attributes include rapidly learning vegetarian alternatives to common meat dishes when practicing the Cooking skill.  Vegetarian Sims live longer than other Sims.  Vegetarian Sims who eat meat will gain the negative "Nauseous" moodlet, and have the action "Complain about Meat" available.

-- Virtuoso  (Base Game)

"Virtuosos have a natural gift with musical instruments and are often considered the best musicians. As such, they earn more as musicians when playing for tips and learn more quickly."

Attributes include the ability to learn musical instrument skills at a faster pace than most Sims, and receiving more tips and cash from playing at venues because others love the Sim's music.  Virtuoso Sims often sing in the shower, and they learn master tracks upon mastering the guitar skill, without completing required challenges.  NPC's with this trait are attracted to the Stadium and Theatre lots.

-- Workaholic  (Base Game)

"Workaholics love to work and rarely become stressed from working. Their mood suffers when they miss work, but they are able to make it up by working from home. Workaholics make the best employees."

Attributes include being more successful at asking for promotions and raises, getting less stressed from working and get "Likes Work" moodlet while working.  Workaholics get stressed when they are not at their work lot during their working hours, and have fun doing homework, and do it faster than normal Sims.  These Sims do not enjoy making fun of work, do not get the wish to retire when they age into elders, and when they are unemployed they do not like to be asked about their career, and get angry if they are asked about it.  When a workaholic Sim goes to work, they will choose the "work hard" option by default, and it is up to player to change it if they want to.


Wishes and Desires

The Wish system is exclusive to The Sims 3 so if you are new to the games or are just discovering the third series after playing one or both of the others, here is a new system for rewards and interests to help you along! 

The wish system and the desires that your Sims feel are an important -- one might even say integral -- part of the game, but probably not for the reason you are thinking...  Just like in real life they serve a valuable function -- they keep your Sim focused upon some goal that both gives them something to work towards, and adds interest to their life.  In that respect you can also view them as a bonus because as you work towards them and complete them you earn various amounts of Lifetime Rewards Points, and believe it you will need plenty of those if you are going to purchase all of the really useful rewards that are available!

The Wish and Goal system should not be confused with the Lifetime Wish that is specified when a Sim is created/born.  That one is picked by the player, and more or less represents the raison d'etre for the Sim -- and usually it corresponds to the career that you want your Sim to pursue.  No, the Wish and Goal system is a product of the whole view of your Sim.  What I mean by that is that these opportunities crop up largely based on the past activities and interests of your Sim.

For example if your Sim starts working out, jogging, lifting weights, and doing sports, you will start to see wishes and goals that relate to those act ivies appear in the game -- for instance if you spend a lot of time on the weights, you may get a Wish/Goal to lift weights for six straight hours!  That particular wish pays off with 1,000 Lifetime Happiness Points, so it is one you may very well want to complete!

Expect to be asked to pose for photos at odd times from odd Sims...

If your Sim is an Artist they will see Wishes and Goals that relate to whatever art they are pursuing -- so a Painter is likely to get a variety of painting-related wishes early on, and as long as they continue to level their painting skills and participate in the profession they will continue to get more.  When they register as self-employed in that profession they will end up getting different ones as well.

You have seen me use the words "Wishes" and "Goals" but they are not interchangeable -- they have different meanings and results.  Wishes are the pop-up actions -- like to Paint a Masterpiece painting that pays off in 1,000 Lifetime Reward Points -- while Goals are defined as a sort of mini-job or task that is associated with the same sort of progress.  Examples of the latter include hanging X number of paintings in your home, or participating in a test for the Science Lab in which you acquire additional Logic Skill points and then report in to the lab to be evaluated.

The previously given Goal examples pay off in Lifetime Reward Points or a combination of Lifetime Reward Points and Money, but the Goal system is not restricted to just plain skill leveling -- every so often when one of your Sims has advanced the level for a utility skill -- like Repairing for example -- they will be asked by other NPC Sims in the town to do jobs for them.  Repair a stereo, paint a specific size or quality painting, that sort of thing.

When your Sim does these mini-jobs they may be paid in money or money and Lifetime Reward Points, but there is also a hidden leveling system in the game that is reputation-based.  When your Sim completes the Goals they have been offered in a timely fashion, they increase the hidden level for their reputation in that area, and this leads to more frequent offers.

Another important aspect of the Wishes and Goals is that accepting them gives your Sim something to work towards, and completing them, in addition to paying off in Lifetime Rewards Points, also pays off in providing positive moodlets and an increased good mood!

Unlike in the previous games where declining (dismissing) a Wish/Goal could have a negative side-effect and impact on your Sim, doing that in The Sims 3 has no effect at all -- you are free to accept or dismiss any of the offered wishes or goals without fear of consequences!

The Virtuoso Trait allows rapid mastery of the four instruments...

-- The Skill Factor --

One of the side-effects of the Wish/Goal system is that it promotes the leveling of skills -- which in turn is important because some of these are absolutely required for obtaining promotions in your careers.  Basically the stick is the leveling, and the carrot is the Lifetime Reward Points and the Levels you pick up in the process, for what is clearly a win-win situation!

Almost all of the Skills (save for Collecting) have ten levels, and as you progress to the higher levels unlock additional perks or actions/abilities.  Some of them -- like the fitness-related skills and activities -- have hidden effects, like increasing your Sims endurance and making them stronger and thus, in a fight, more likely to win.  Raising the Logic Skill has tremendous side-benefits, and in particular in the Science, Inventing, Investigation, Military, Medical, and Law Enforcement careers.  In fact the Logic Skill helps almost every career, so playing chess (whether on a chess board or the computer) is never a waste of time.

One of the benefits you can find in the Wish/Goal system is that they break up the process of working on skills by promoting a variety of activities -- and that really helps you avoid repetition boredom in working the same skill over and over just to get it capped-off.  It really is all in how you view it I suppose, but working for incremental progress tends to improve your view of the game, those skill-raising actions, and the entertainment potential that they contain.

-- The Big Picture for Wishes and Goals --

Viewing these as opportunities to improve your Sims and succeed in acquiring the special rewards is the best way to look at this part of the game, and considering that they offer a combination of new skills, abilities, positive mood, and valuable rewards -- and play a significant role in the career system -- focusing upon completing as many of these individually as you can during the active part of your Sim's life is probably a really good idea!


Choosing the Best Lifetime Wish

It may not seem like it at the time but when you are creating each of your Sims the choice that you make for their Lifetime Wish is going to have a profound effect later on their life, since that is the ultimate goal that they are working towards!  It is, in its simplest term, the highest aspiration of your Sim, the purpose of their life, and the ultimate measure of happiness that they can obtain!  It is the best of what life can offer for them -- as far as they are concerned -- and as such it is not something that should be taken lightly or on a whim!

While it seems obvious you should take care in what you choose for each Sim as their Lifetime Wish because if you are playing the Sim the way that they are intended to be played, most of what they do in life will in one way or another relate to reaching that goal.  Really if you think about it the large chunk of Lifetime Happiness Points that it pays out is not really the point to it, or at least not the most important point.  The Tao of being, the Zen of the path towards that goal is the point!

Important Note: Some of the Lifetime Wishes are ONLY available when certain Traits are chosen, so for instance if you pick the customize Lifetime Wish button to get a list of all of them, some will not appear on the list since you have no Traits chosen, and some will only appear if specific Traits are chosen -- for instance you would need the bad Traits in order to get the Emperor of Evil Lifetime Wish.  That is why this part of the guide is so important, since it allows you to survey the Traits and Wishes in advance so that you have a good idea of what you need to be picking anyway.  Just saying...

You will want to carefully examine the wishes that are in the list below to pick the best wish for each Sim, bearing in mind that at least for their first career it will dominate their decisions in life.  So here is the list of Lifetime Wishes that are available to your Sims with the Base Game, World Adventures,  Ambitions, and Late Night expansions installed:

Become a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder
29,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Level 9 in the Science Career.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Angler, Green Thumb, Handy, Insane.

Become a Master Thief
32,500 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Attain Level 10 in the Criminal Career track (Thieves path).
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Athletic, Kleptomaniac.

Become a Superstar Athlete
29,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Get to the 9th Level of the Sports Career track.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Athletic, Party Animal.

Mastering the Bass is cause to celebrate!

Become an Astronaut
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Get promoted to 10th Level in the Military Career track.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Athletic, Brave, Daredevil, Handy.

Bottomless Nectar Cellar
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Have at least 50 bottles in your Nectar Cellar totaling $50,000 Simoleons in value.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Green Thumb, Natural Cook, Snob.

CEO of a Mega-Corporation
27,500 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Make it to 8th Level in the Business Career track.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Ambitious, Charismatic, Schmoozer, Snob.

Celebrated Five-Star Chef
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Make it to Level 10 in the Culinary Career track.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Green Thumb, Natural Cook, Vegetarian.

Chess Legend
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Cap Logic Skill and reach the 5th Level -- Grand Master -- in Chess.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Computer Whiz, Genius.

Culinary Librarian
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Learn all recipes
Useful Traits: Natural Cook, Vegetarian

Descendant of da Vinci
40,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Cap PaintingSkill, Sculpting Skill, and Inventing Skill.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Artistic, Genius, Savvy Sculptor.

Distinguished Director
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Reach Level 10 in the film career branch
Useful Traits: Star Quality

Cooking a few meals in advance loads the leftover train for your Sims...

Emperor of Evil
32,500 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Get to the 10th Level in the Criminal Career track (Evil path).
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Ambitious, Evil, Mean Spirited.

Fashion Phenomenon
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Reach Level 10 in the Stylist Profession.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Artistic, Charismatic, Snob.

Firefighter Super Hero
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Save 30 Lives on the Job as a Firefighter.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Brave.

Forensics Specialist -- Dynamic DNA Profiler
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Reach Level 10 in the Law Enforcement Career track (Forensics path).
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Computer Whiz, Good.

Gold Digger
20,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: See the ghost of a rich dead spouse.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Commitment Issues, Evil, Insane, Mean Spirited.

Golden Tongue/Golden Fingers
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Max both Charisma and Guitar Skills.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Ambitious, Charismatic, Friendly, Virtuoso.

Great Explorer
35,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Fully Explore 6 tombs in each travel destination.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Adventurous, Athletic, Brave, Daredevil.

35,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Sim must have 10 boyfriends or girlfriends.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Commitment Issues, Flirty, Great Kisser, Party Animal.

Hit Movie Composer
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points
Goal: Get to level 10 in the music career track (symphonic path)
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Artistic, Genius, Hopeless Romantic,  Virtuoso

Home Design Hotshot
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Achieve 100 top reviews as an Architectural Designer.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Artistic.

Illustrious Author
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Master both Painting and Writing skills.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Ambitious, Artistic, Bookworm, Loner.

International Super Spy
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Get promoted to Level 10 in the Law Enforcement Career track (Special Agent path).
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Athletic, Brave, Computer Whiz, Workaholic.

Jack of All Trades
35,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Get to Level 5 in four different career tracks.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Ambitious, Commitment Issues, Workaholic.

Leader of the Free World
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Get elected Level 10 in the Political career track.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Ambition, Charismatic, Friendly, Schmoozer.

Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous
40,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Possess $100,000 Simoleons and obtain Celebrity Rank 5.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Ambitious, Charismatic, Star Quality.

Try not to let only one parent bond with your Sim kids...

Living in the Lap of Luxury
32,500 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Have a Family net worth of $100,000 Simoleons.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Ambitious, Artistic, Workaholic.

Martial Arts Master
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Reach Level 10 in Martial Arts and become a Grand Master.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Athletic, Brave, Daredevil, Disciplined.

Master Acrobat
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Reach Level 10 in the Acrobat Profession.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Athletic, Natural Born Performer.

Master of the Arts
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Max both the Painting and Guitar skills.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish:  Ambitious, Artistic, Virtuoso.

Master Magician
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Reach Level 10 in the Magician Profession.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Ambitious, Natural Born Performer.

Master Mixologist
40,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Reach level 10 in the mixology skill and own a bar
Useful Traits: ???

Master Romancer
40,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Objective Woohoo with five different Sims in five different places
Useful Traits: Great Kisser

Monster Maker
25,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Create 3 Monsters.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Genius.

One Sim Band
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Reach Level 10 of Guitar, Bass, Drums, and Piano skills.
Useful Traits: Artistic, Virtuoso.

Paranormal Profiteer
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Reach Level 10 in the Ghost Hunter Profession.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Eccentric.

The happier your toddler the better the results when they age up.

Perfect Mind, Perfect Body
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Unlock Level 10 for the Logic and Athletic Skills.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Athletic, Genius, Loves the Outdoors, Perfectionist.

Pervasive Private Eye
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Solve 35 Cases as a Private Investigator.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Perceptive.

Physical Perfection
27,500 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Reach Level 10 for both Athletics and Martial Arts skills.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Athletic, Brave, Disciplined.

Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium
32,500 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Have 13 Perfect Fish in fish bowls around your home.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Angler, Loves the Outdoors, Perfectionist.

Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Possess 50,000 Simoleons worth of stolen goods.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Kleptomaniac.

Private Museum
32,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Have a current relic collection worth at least $20,000 Simoleons.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Adventurous, Snob.

Professional Author
32,500 Lifetime Happiness Points
Goal: Make $4,000 Simoleons a week in royalties from the Writing skill.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Artistic, Bookworm, Couch Potato, Loner

Renaissance Sim
35,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Get 3 skills to Level 10.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Workaholic.

Rock Star
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Reach Level 10 in the Music career track (Rock path).
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Artistic, Virtuoso, Party Animal.

The ride to school gives your adult Sims a day to work without kids!

Seasoned Traveler
60,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Obtain VISA level 3 for France, Egypt, and China.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Adventurous, Perfectionist.

Star News Anchor
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Reach the 10th Level of the Journalism career track.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Artistic, Bookworm, Charismatic, Friendly.

Super Popular
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Obtain a total of 20 friends.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Charismatic, Friendly, Mooch, Party Animal, Schmoozer.

Superstar Actor
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Reach Level 10 in the film career track (acting track).
Useful Traits: Charismatic, Star Quality

Surrounded by Family
35,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Raise 5 babies from Infant to teen.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Friendly, Family Oriented.

Swimming in Cash
35,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Have $50,000 Simoleons in the family bank.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish:  Ambitious, Frugal.

The Culinary Librarian
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Learn all available cooking recipes.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Natural Cook, Vegetarian.

The Perfect Garden
32,500 Lifetime Happiness Points
Goal: Grow eight different kinds of perfect plants on you lot at the same time.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Green Thumb, Loves the Outdoors, Natural Cook, Perfectionist

The Tinkerer
30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Max both the Logic and Handiness skills.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Computer Whiz, Genius, Handy.

Remember to socialize the kids - low social levels impact everything.

30,000 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Reach Level 10 in both the Painting and Photography skills.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Artistic, Loves the Outdoors, Photographer's Eye.

World Class Gallery
32, 500 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal: Take at least 10 Photos each from China, Egypt, and France to create a personal collection that has a value of at least 25,000 in your home.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Artistic, Photographer's Eye.

World-Renowned Surgeon
32,500 Lifetime Happiness Points.
Goal:Get promoted to level 10 in the medical career track.
Useful Traits for this Lifetime Wish: Bookworm, Friendly, Good, Workaholic.

-- Lifetime Wish Notes --

It is possible that we missed one of these -- if you see one in the game that we did not please let us know, but note that each expansion has additional Wishes and the listing above only applies to The Sims 3 Base Game, the World Adventures expansion, and the Ambitions expansion.


Collecting Rocks and Gems

While the Collections system was actually introduced in The Sims 3 and expanded in World Travels, this "hobby" also happens to be one of the options that the Bohemian-Slacker has for an alternative profession and a way to earn money...  The collection options include Bugs and Insects, Rocks and Gems, and in foreign lands, Relics.  This can be a very lucrative profession if the player plans their Sim out to maximize it.  Good physical conditioning keeps them from getting tired faster, and high logic skills make identifying and valuing Relics easier and more accurate.

If there is one key Lifetime Reward that you will want to rapidly acquire the points to purchase, it is the Collection Helper (40,000 Points) which you can use to mark item locations on the map and makes collecting a LOT easier!

The first group of Collectibles is the Rock and Gems category -- and bear in mind that some of these will be more valuable uncut than cut, which is something to think about...

-- Rocks and Gems --
Gems are found in their raw (Rock) form on the ground, and once collected can be sent off by mail to be cut, which can increase their value significantly.  The following are the collectibles that are available in the Base Game and World Adventures combined.

(1) Added by the Base Game and encountered in your home town:

Blue Topaz (Common) Value: $9 to $21
Diamond (Rare) Value: $100 to $200
Emerald (Common) Value: $20 to $30
Luminous Gem (Rare) Value: $150 to $350
Pink Diamond (Extraordinarily Unusual) Value: $1200 to $1600
Rainbow Gem (Extraordinarily Unusual) Value: $450 to $700
Ruby (Common) Value: $25 to $35
Smoky Quartz (Common) Value: $15 to $25
Tanzanite (Uncommon) Value: $60 to $95
Yellow Sapphire (Uncommon) Value: $35 to $60

Using the Collection Helper finding rocks and ore in the wild is a snap!

(2) Added in World Adventures and encountered where specified:

Alabaster (Common) Value: $9 to $55 (Egypt)
Amethyst (Common) Value: $18 to $24 (France)
Citrine (Uncommon) Value: $35 to $53 (France)
Geode (Uncommon) Value: $15 to $120 (Home Town)
Jade (Rare) Value: $120 to $240 (China)
Lapis Lazuli (Common) Value: $12 to $30 (Chine)
Opal (Rare) Value: $350 to $520 (France)
Quartz (Common) Value: $10 to $18 (Home Town)
Septarian Nodule (Rare) Value: $50 to $350 (Home Town)
Soulpeace (Extraordinarily Unusual) Value: $1450 to $2100 (Home Town)
Tiberium (Uber Rare) Value: $100 to Up (Several different acquisition points) *
Turquoise (Uncommon) Value: $60 to $70 (Egypt)

* Note: Tiberium while valuable is a cursed mineral/rock/gem and having it in one of your Sim's possession or even on their lot (like in their collection) has a significant negative impact on their mood and may cause bad luck to befall them...  If you do decide to traffic in it you are best served getting it shipped off to be cut as fast as you can, and then immediately selling it when the cut gem is sent back.

Note that if you are willing to risk the negative impact, then holding on to it for a day or so may be in your best interest, since no matter what cut you have it made in or even if you leave it raw, when placed on the lot outside of the Sim's inventory it will grow into a Large Spire Cut within a day, giving it a value of around $40,000.   And yes, this is the same Tiberium from the Command & Conquer games!

-- Gem Cuts and Increasing the Value of your Collection --

Gems may be sent by mail to the gem-cutter who will cut them (for a fee) into the following cuts:

(1) Base Game Cuts

-- Brilliant ($250) Unlocked after 60 Cuts
-- Crystal Ball ($100) Unlocked after 45 Cuts
-- Emerald ($19)
-- Heart-Shaped ($1000) Unlocked after adding 10 Gems to your Collection
-- Marquis ($75) Unlocked after 30 Cuts
-- Oval ($20) Unlocked after 4 Cuts
-- Pear ($35) Unlocked after 8 Cuts
-- Plumbob ($50) Unlocked after 16 Cuts

(2) Added in World Adventures

-- Polished Split ($45) Geode & Septarian Nodules only
-- Skull (N/A) Transfigure Only
-- Star ($400) Unlocked after 75 Cuts
-- Spire ($6500) Tiberium only

Geode & Septarian Nodules only have polished split and heart-shaped cut, while Tiberium only has Spire and Heart-Shaped cut, but with most of the others it is your choice.  You will quickly get a feel for what enhances value and what does not...

Every so often the gem cutter will return a gem uncut, with a note saying that it is actually a Mysterious Mr. Gnome in disguise!

-- Space Rocks --

While they are called "Space Rocks" what these are are meteorites that have fallen from outer space and landed on the surface of Planet Sim -- in fact your Sim can actually witness this happening and if they are very very unlucky, be killed by one!  

Space Rocks come in three varieties: Tiny, Large and Gigantic -- and it is actually possible (but not all that likely) to find gigantic space rock in trash cans.  An odd thing about Space Rocks is that a lot  of them lose their value once you have classified them, so it is something of a crap-shoot as to whether you should do that, but then if it is a really valuable one and you do not, you could be losing out...

Space Rocks are found several ways -- checking trash cans, using the Collection Helper (if you have it), and seeing one fall while using the telescope (that results in its location being marked on the map).   Obviously the most reliable method for finding them is to use the Collection Helper and select Rocks and Gems as the type being sought -- though bear in mind that you will also find other types of rocks as well.

When your Sim levels their Martial Arts skill up they can actually  break Space Rocks on a board, which can reveal random gems inside them -- and the rare chance to obtain Tiberium, which as has been mentioned is both very valuable and potentially detrimental to your Sims...