DOTA 2 Reborn Launch With New Engine, Interface and Custom Game System

It seems that Valve is revamping one of the most played video games out there. DOTA 2 will receive a major technical overhaul and it will come with a new engine. According to Valve, DOTA 2 Reborn will come with a new interface also and a as for the engine, we’re still not sure what engine they will use.

It seems that Valve understood that their game needed a total revamp after games such as League of Legends or Heroes of The Storms are becoming more and more played nowadays.

Searching for a game from any part of the interface

In order to make things easier for the players, the “Play Dota” button will be visible from now on, in any part of the interface. With other words, you will be able to browse through the store, read in-game news, chat with your friends and still be able to search for a match no matter in what window of the interface you are.

It will inform the players, the game mode, how many free slots are still available etc. The one who will create the public lobby game can also set a password for it, allowing him to keep strangers away from his game.

Friends and Party Invites

In case you’ve created a public lobby game, you will also be able to invite friends by using the “+” button that it will be next to their names. It seems that Valve will allow you to merge parties (as long as the total players will not be over the limit).

A “Party Beacon” will also be available in order to make a solo player to look for someone or a group of people to play with.

Redesigned Hero Browser

Using the redesigned hero browser, the players will be able to customize their heroes. The players will also be able to learn more about the heroes in the new redesigned hero browser.

DOTA 2 Reborn 2

You will also notice that there will be even more filters that will allow you to search for a hero from “most played”, “least played”, “favorites” etc. And to make things even more interesting, Valve introduced a “Demo Hero” feature which will allow you to quickly test out the hero’s abilities in a very small map.

Streaming gets Revamped

DotaTV will also get revamped and the players will not be able to stream at 60FPS while playing at a resolution of 1920×1080 pixels. The players will also be able to pause and rewind the games in real time.

According to Valve, they’ve also built a new system of Guided Bot Matches, which will allow a new DOTA player to understand better the game before he kicks into the real action.

According to Polygon, Valve is going to release more details about their upcoming DOTA 2 Reborn game in the following week.