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Fantasy Forest Story – The Ultimate Tips, Cheats and Strategy Guide, Page 2

There are more than one way to earn free gems in this game. Another way to do so is to earn it from your friends – which, consequently, also requires you to have friends and to send it to them. Go to the social tab, visit people and then start adding them as friends. You can send gems to up to three people at a time, and they will be prompted to return the gift. Send as often as possible in order to receive as often as possible.

Battling is a great way to earn all kinds of prizes in this game. Once you unlock the battle arena, you’ll have forty stages that you can play. Remember what monster each stage has so that you can use the most advantageous combinations of elements. Fire is strong against nature, which is strong against earth, which is strong against water, which is strong against fire. For animals with multiple elements, it depends on the attack that you use.

Every five battles, you’ll earn a big prize. This is a great way to earn more food or more experience points very quickly, or just to earn a huge gold bonus. Some stages can even earn you free gems for winning. Beat the final stage and you’ll earn one of the rarest monsters of all, the Ancient Sloth.

The rarer the animal that you use, the better its attack, defense and health will be. A level 10 Pandaffodil, for example, will be strong, but will easily get kicked up and down the arena by a Level 5 Solar Simian or a Level 4 Grassquatch. The rarest animals, such as the almighty Crystal Unicorn, will also be the best ones to fight with.

Speaking of the Crystal Unicorn, it’s possible to breed it despite it not appearing to be a crossbreed. Any combination of fire, water, nature and earth will do, as long as all four of the elements are present in the two animals that you breed. Also, fire and water elements together will breed Skyger, the first dark element animal.

If you need quick experience points, and you ran out of quests that are quick and easy to do, start using the farms over and over. Or, if you have a whole lot of money, buy an expensive building, such as a big farm, then sell it, and repeat the process until you either gain an experience level or completely run yourself out of coins.

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