Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire Hack & Cheats for Coins & Nitrome -

Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire Hack & Cheats for Coins & Nitrome

There comes a time in every wizard’s life when their years of training must be put to the ultimate test, when the air is thick with the scent of war, and the fate of the castle is resting on their shoulders. In “Magic Touch: Wizard for hire” you are that wizard. Invading knights are literally falling from the sky and the only thing keeping them from splattering on the ground like Humpty Dumpy are balloons strapped to their bodies and acting as parachutes. Luckily, your magic can pop these balloons, simply draw the symbol on your screen which corresponds to the symbol on the balloon and the invaders fall to the ground, dismembered and destroyed. 

Developed by Nitrome, Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire is an expanded version of a 2007 flash game released by Nitrome for desktops called Magic Touch, unlike the flash version, Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire has new backgrounds and spells as well as two distinct game modes.

Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire was released on February 25th 2015 for iOS and Android devices, and on February 26 for Amazon. It is free on all three mobile platforms but there are in-app purchases available. Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire was very popular on release, on iOS it was downloaded 1.1 million times in its first week alone, making it Nitrome’s most downloaded mobile game. By April 2nd 2015 Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire already received over 2 million downloads on iOS and at least 1 million downloads on Android. By June 2015 this number reached over 6 million on all platforms.

On iOS devices Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire requires iOS 6.0 or later, it is compatible with the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch but it is optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus. On devices running the Android OS, Android 2.3 and up is required, Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire is rated as appropriate for all age groups.

Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire Hack for Coins & Nitrome

Want to get unlimited coins and nitrome in Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire without purchasing them? Download our free Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire hack tool now, directly from our website, to easily get unlimited nitrome and coins.

Our Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire hack tool is very easy to use. Take a look at the image below to see what it will look like. All you have to do is download it and click “start.” Enter how many coins and how much nitrome you want.


Download our Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire hack from our site. It should take 30 seconds to download. After it downloads, it will take another 30 seconds to install. Make sure you choose Android or iOS. Don’t forget to enter how many coins and how much nitrome you would like. Repeat as many times as desired.

Click the big “start” button to begin the hack. After the hack has finished, which should only take about 30 seconds, open the app on your device like normal. All of the nitrome and coins should be loaded.

Cheats and Tips for Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire

There are two game modes in Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire, Arcade mode and Time Attack. Each has its own unique strategies, tip, and cheats to make the most of it.


Arcade mode is the infinite game mode. Knights will always fall from the sky, inevitably one will land on the castle thus ending the game. Your objective is to postpone that knight from landing for as long as you can. In arcade mode a destroyed knight will yield an extra point to your score as well as some coins. Popping multiple balloons by drawing one symbol, e.g. there a multiple balloons on the screen with the same symbol, thus causing multiple knights to di, will result in a combo and thus extra coins.

With all of the coin you’ve accumulated you can by spells and different backgrounds. Spells are especially helpful in slowing down knights, destroying more knights, and increasing your coins and score. These spells appear as bubbles while you’re playing, to activate them draw the symbol on the corresponding bubble. There are two other interactive objects besides spells, treasure chests and potions. Treasure chests move horizontally across the screen and give you coins however, these are trickier than spells as they require several symbols to be drawn before they are unlocked. There are also potions which drift down and unlock spells.


The next game mode is Time Attack. In time attack you have to pop as many balloons as possible within a certain time frame, also knights can’t land on the castle and prematurely end your session in Time Attack. You start off with sixty seconds and with each combo you complete an extra second is added to your clock. Get as many balloons popped as possible before the timer runs out.

For every fifty knights you destroy a spider will descend with a symbol on it, if you cannot draw this symbol before the spider counts down from five a ten second penalty is incurred.

For great multi taskers, use both hands to draw two symbols at a time, thus effectively doubling your drawing speed. Keep in mind that if you’re horrible at multi-tasking this can greatly reduce how accurate your drawings are and could ultimately lead to worse scores. Use with caution and limit this technique once you’ve become more accustomed to the gameplay.

There are 4 phases in Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire. With the exception of phase one, one out of six combinations of interactive objects will enter the screen once the phase is over. You will have the option of unlocking wither a bubble, a potion, a treasure chest, two treasure chess, a reassure chest and a potion, or nothing. Knowing the characteristics of each phase will aid you greatly in being able to destroy the knights and proceed to the next phase. There are also several cheats that can be utilized when recognizing the patterns specific to each phase.

In phase one the first four knights that descend will usually follow a pattern where the symbols on the balloons of the first and third knight, and the second and fourth knight, are identical. This allows for two quick combos in succession. Keep in mind this requires precise timing, waiting to long may lead to a knight landing on your castle, going to early can mean missing out on an opportunity to combo. Similar pattern will be encountered towards the end of the successive phases so keep an eye out to take advantage of those opportunities.


Each phase naturally gets progressively more difficult with more knights falling at a faster rate as you go further into Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire. At the end of a phase you will encounter a large beastly knight usually adorned with colorful armor, these exceptional knights are known as barbarians. Barbarians are much harder to dismantle than their less intimidating comrades, requiring more balloons to be popped before they fall to the ground. Still, barbarians do have a slower fall rate so make sure you get rid of any knights approaching your castle before dealing with a barbarian, getting too caught up in a barbarian can ultimately lose you the round, again, it’s all about timing.

There are several great cheats in game that allow for free coins and prizes. If you go into the shop page you can get 1000 free coins at any time by either watching a video advertisement, downloading another game by Nitrome, or sharing Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire with a friend or contact. The “watch a video” option for free coins can be redeemed over and over, however, there is a reload time so you can’t watch a video immediately after watching one, and you usually have to wait several hours between watching videos.

This method is useful for the occasional free coins that can help you purchase that next upgrade, but I would recommend turning this into a source of continuous coin income. Watch a video ad every time you open up Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire or if you’re a little bored and quickly see your fortune rise.


For the “get a game” option, you’re taken to the iTunes App Store, Google Play Store, or Amazon App Store based on your deice. From there you are directed to a page featuring all of the games developed by Nitrome studios and once you download one of their games you will get 1,000 coins. You don’t have to keep the game, delete it as soon as you get your free coins if you’d like. A lot of the Nitrome games are very similar to Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire, so if you like this you’ll more than likely have an affinity for their other offerings. On occasion you can cheat the system by closing out the dialogue box that refers you to your respective app store and you get 1000 coins regardless.

Finally you can log in to your twitter or facebook account and share Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire with your friends and family to earn 1000 coins per social media platform. If you have multiple twitter or facebook accounts, use that to your advantage by promoting Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire on each of those accounts, thus garnering thousands of free coins. Utilizing all of these methods on a consistent basis will be highly beneficial in getting that sizeable chunk of supplemental income necessary for success in Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire.

Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire Review

If anything Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire is an incredibly addicting game, they do a great job with the “retro” graphics and giving this game an arcade feel. The addition of wizards, spells, and backgrounds was a great way to add dimensionality to the gameplay, allowing for multiple strategies and objectives. The drawing feature was incredibly responsive and I was surprised by how well it understood my commands.

Still, there were some drawbacks. Customizability options were extremely limited and as with most infinite games, the gameplay ultimately become repetitive after a certain point.


Picture 8/10

Sound/ special FX 7/10

Originality/ Creativity 8/10

General Gameplay 8.5/10

Addictiveness 9.0/10

Overall 8.1/10