The Walking Dead: No Man's Land Tips and Tricks

The popular zombie outbreak series started off as a comic. Then made even more popular by the TV series. And that spawned spinoffs and multiple games on many different platforms. In The Walking Dead: No Man’s Land, the studio responsible for bringing us the TV series (AMC) has published a game on mobile devices that is worthy of its source material.

If you have not heard of the game or the series before, you can read my review by clicking here. In the review I mentioned that “I like it a lot. My only complain is that the environment, music and missions are not varied enough. This complain is however offset by having unique character classes that plays differently and a polished combat system. Great game.”

If you find yourself unable to progress, maybe this guide will help you to be a better survivor. You might think that many of these tips are common sense, but you wouldn’t believe the times we throw common sense out the window when under pressure or because of complacency. And sometimes, we just miss things, you know?


If you’ve played games like XCOM, you know how important it is to put your characters on Overwatch. It is equivalent to having defenders in a soccer game. They allow you to attack even though it is not your turn. In a turn based game, that is like cheating! Except it’s not. So use it as best you can in the current situation.

This is especially important when the game requires you to protect a character that is going to take 5 turns to open something. If that character is interrupted, you have to start over. So form a wall around that character and put them on overwatch! Always have someone on overwatch protecting you during the enemy’s turn.

Adapt to the situation

For the most part, missions play out differently from one another even though the objectives are the same. Some require you to sneak at the side of the area to avoid the big zombies. Some require you to rush to the exit as fast as you can before you get swarmed by so many zombies that you have literally no where to run. Believe me, I was in stuck replaying both types of missions.

You have to learn to adapt to the situation. If you fail, try another way or bring different character classes that deals with the situation better.

Shoot zombies outside

This may seem unnecessary to you, but it is the fastest way to get the free-to-play currency besides actually buying it with real money. Every time you shoot them, you are bound to get at least one or two. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, you also get a radio!

Don’t waste the freemium currency

As a side note, I personally recommend using the free-to-play currency to expand the maximum number of survivors. Don’t waste it on speeding up timers or insufficient resources. As you get more classes, you really need to increase the maximum survivors. That way, you can even have two characters of your favorite class (i.e. Hunter).

Join a guild

The game encourages you to join a guild as you can earn more rewards from there. Individual rewards and guild rewards are on offer each week, and trust me they are good. I got my first legendary item from a guild reward. It also gives you a sense of community as you work towards a common goal. Extra points if you have actual friends in the guild.


Finally, don’t be afraid to flee if you find yourself getting eaten by them zombies. It’s better to have one survivor in the hospital than all three. This is especially important if you are playing Deadly Missions. With perma-death, if you think any character is going to die, get out of there!