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What games are there like mash

What games are there like mash
There is a game called LOVE.
It tests the compatability of you and your crush or boyfriend.
Here is what you do. It involves a little bit of maths but it is really fun!
I'm going to do it with Jane Smith and George Jones
1. Write out the names like this.
Jane Smith George Jones
2.You then calculate the number of letters in their names together that are the same as the letters in the word love. Like this:
Jane Smith George Jones
3. Then add up all of the numbers next to each other so you would have it like this.
Jane Smith George Jones
4. You then keep adding it up until you get two digits.
If you get double digits, then treat each digit as a separate number for example if i had a 12, then i would treat it as a one and a two.
Here's what to do when you are finished adding up.
Jane Smith George Jones
Once you are down to the last two numbers you make it a percentage.
Jane smith and George Jones would be 96% compatible with each other.

Another good one is to put both of your names together and cross out the letters that are the same.

I will use the same two people.
Jane Smith George Jones
After crossing out the letters that are the same (you cannot cross out letters that are just from one persons name, they have to be the same in their crush/boyfriends if you get what I mean)
The letters left with George and Jane are A, M, I, T, H, G, O, R, G, O, E.
Then count up the letters in groups of 4.
When you have finished counting you will end up with a number from one to four.
One means Just Friends.
Two means Best Mates
Three means Soul Mates
Four means True Love!
Hope I helped!

you could play destiny, this has to be done with a partner:
have your friend tell you 5 names of the opposite sex that they know and write them down.
then under that you write 5 names of the opposite sex that they know without them seeing.
next to that have your friend say 5 of their friends (of the same sex)
then under that write 5 things you could do with someone (ex. kiss, make out, marry) you can switch it up to make it more fun.

here's and example of what it would look like:

Jim Emily

Matt erica
Dave molly
Tim Anna
mike Christina
tom kiss
joey make out
tyler marry
kyle fall in love
jack date

next your friend will randomly call out numbers 1 - 10 out of order. number the first column with the same numbers they tell you. do the same thing with the second column.

Jim 3 6 Emily

Matt 4 7 erica
Dave 6 9 molly
Tim 9 10 Anna
mike 7 3 Christina
tom 10 5 kiss
joey 1 2 make out
tyler 2 1 marry
kyle 5 8 fall in love
jack 8 4 date

next create 2 columns that say yes or no:

yes | no

match the numbers to create questions. for example the first one would be: "would Jim and Christina be a good couple?" if your friend says yes put a tally under yes, if its no put a tally under no.
the next question would be "would you date Matt?"

after you do all 10 questions take the higher number of tallies from the two column and subtract the lower number.

yes | no
6 4

6 - 4 = 2

your friends destiny is the person next to number 2.
for example, this persons destiny would be tyler.

it sounds confusing, but once you do it you become addicted. my friends and i do it all the time.